Chapter 1108
Marching in the heavy rain, the speed was at least three times full.

The cavalry and infantry were fine, but after the food and grass accompanying the army were soaked, the carriage sank into the mud and could not move.

Therefore, after leaving Zhuozhou and parting ways with Liu Wentong, Qin Qiong immediately decided that he and his son Qin Huaiyu would lead [-] troops to Fanyang, and the deputy general would take the remaining troops and supplies to end the rear.

Galloping all the way, the army has almost reached the boundary of Fan Yang.

The army couldn't move anymore, so Qin Qiong ordered to rest on the spot for a stick of incense.

Qin Huaiyu jumped off his horse and said, "Father, that guy Liu Wentong dared to disobey the order and insist on staying in Zhuozhou. When the siege of Fanyang is relieved, we must report the matter truthfully to His Majesty. That guy is greedy for life and afraid of death. He beheaded for public display."

Qin Qiong stood still under a big tree with two maces on his back, "Liu Wentong has been heard by my father for a long time. He has the nickname Liu Wugui, and he has served as the governor of Zhuozhou for more than ten years. He has no fault. If he is really greedy for life and afraid of death, he should lead the army to go to Fan Yang with us, doesn't he know the consequences of disobeying my order? But why did he do this?"

"Yes?" Qin Huaiyu was also puzzled.

Qin Qiong said: "As a father, I have a feeling. Fan Yang, something big will happen. Liu Wentong must have known something in advance."

As soon as the words were finished, a fast horse came galloping from a distance.

The knight on the horse jumped off his horse and reported: "General, two miles ahead, there is a team of people who say they belong to the Mighty Legion. They have something to report to the General."

Qin Qiong hurriedly asked: "Does that person have the same name?"

The knight said: "That person claims to be the deputy head of the Mighty Legion, Xu Zhengdao."

Qin Huaiyu was shocked and said, "It's Xu Zhengdao, the arrow in white, and Du He's subordinate."

Qin Qiong was taken aback, and hurriedly ordered: "Quick...bring him quickly... Maybe something happened to Fan Yang."

After a while, Xu Zhengdao came to Qin Qiong.

Qin Qiong asked bluntly: "General Xu, how is Fan Yang's situation?"

Xu Zhengdao said: "Major General, please rest assured that the Lu family's 12 troops have already entered the local chickens and dogs, and have been dealt with by my young master."

Qin Huaiyu: "What?"

Qin Qiong: "What? General Xu, are you kidding me? Even if Du He had a rebellious army, there were only 5000 people, while Lu Mingzhou had 12 people. How could the matter be resolved in less than one night."

Xu Zhengdao said with a smile: "The general is right, but it is for ordinary people. In fact, half a month ago, the young master has already started to arrange..."

Then, Xu Zhengdao briefly explained how Du He would proceed with the arrangements, how he would provoke Lu Mingzhou, how to arrange them, etc.

Qin Qiong and Qin Huaiyu immediately understood.

Qin Qiong was taken aback and said: "That is to say, at this moment, the Lu family's 12 troops have already been drowned, rushed away, and scared away. It's already out of control?"

Xu Zhengdao nodded: "That's right, General, my young master specially asked me to report to the General. It is not easy for Lu's 12 troops to gather together. Now is a good opportunity to eradicate the weeds. The next thing , and leave it to the general.”

Qin Qiong immediately said seriously: "Go back and tell Du He that my double mace has not seen blood for many years. This time, I will definitely not let him down."


Xu Zhengdao sent the news, turned and left.


Zhuozhou city.

Zhuozhou governor's government office.

Governor Shi of Zhuozhou rushed over: "My lord, good news, good news...Du Concubine was in Fanyang County, flooding Lu's 12 army, a flood dispersed Lu's army, hahaha, it's a stroke of genius! "


Liu Wentong, who was originally gloomy, slammed the table: "This time, I finally made the right bet...Liu Wugui, from today on, let's see who dares to say that I am Liu Wugui...Assemble the army immediately, go north, and defend At the junction of Zhuozhou and Youzhou, intercept and kill Lu's defeated army."


A moment later, the Zhuozhou army set off.


As soon as Qin Qiong led the army into the territory of Fanyang, he encountered a wave of broken troops.

These armies are vulnerable.

Qin Qiong divided 2 soldiers into ten groups, and intercepted and killed the defeated army in Fanyang.

It was not until the evening of the next day that Qin Qiong brought his troops to Fanyang County.

But I saw that the whole city was empty.

There is no chaos.

There is no Mighty Legion either.

Not to mention Du He and King Shu.

Only the wounded soldiers of the two mighty legions are responsible for guarding the city.

Qin Qiong asked depressedly where Du He and the King of Shu were.

A wounded soldier said: "General, the young master and His Highness the King of Shu have already led the mighty army to conquer the lost land."

"What about the rebellious army?"

The wounded soldier said: "The rebel army is led by General Yuchi, and they are going to arrest Lu Mingzhou."

Qin Qiong was stunned for a moment.

Du He, this boy... what kind of operation is this?
With such a small amount of troops, how could they be divided into two groups?

He immediately ordered: "Huaiyu, you immediately lead 1 people to chase Du He, protect the safety of Du He and the King of Shu, and lead the remaining 1 people for your father, and continue to hunt and kill Lu's rebels."


Qin Huaiyu took the order and hurried out of the city with 1 people.


Gu'an County.

The mighty army led by Du He has rushed to the city.

The gates of Gu'an County were closed.

On the top of the wall, there is only a banner of King Ming, but there is no one.

Li Ke couldn't help but said: "Teacher, the idea is difficult. If we attack by force, we don't have enough manpower. What should we do?"

Du He asked: "Where did this Gu'an county magistrate come from?"

The ghost said: "Young master, the magistrate of Gu'an County has no ability. After Lu's rebellion, he also rebelled."

Doo waved his hand.

His subordinates brought the loudspeaker over, and Du He rode on the horse, facing the loudspeaker, and shouted loudly: "Magistrate of Gu'an County, listen, I am Du He, son-in-law of the Tang Dynasty, and I am ordered to lead a mighty army to crusade against the Lu family. The king of Ming, Lu Mingzhou, has been killed by me, and the 12 troops of the Lu clan have already turned into clouds of smoke. You are limited to one stick of incense, open the city gate and surrender, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."

After Du He finished speaking, he said to the ghosts and gods: "Let them repeat what my young master just said ten times."

Then, the ghosts and gods led a group of soldiers of the mighty army, and repeated Du He's words loudly ten times.


In Gu'an County.

The county magistrate of Gu'an hid under the city gate, shivering.

"This... how can this be done!"

"It turned out to be Du He, the god!"

"Oh, it's terrible!"

The county magistrate said: "My lord, what should we do? News came this morning that Du He flooded Lu's army, 12 people, and they were drowned by him in a flood. King Ming didn't know whether he was dead or alive." , You said, if he comes to flood our Gu'an County again, we will all be finished!"


The county magistrate of Gu'an stood up at once, climbed to the top of the city wall, and waved his hands: "Surrender, we surrender!"


The city gate of Gu'an County opened slowly.

The only dozen or so defenders threw out their weapons, and under the leadership of the county magistrate of Gu'an, they knelt down on both sides of the city gate.


(End of this chapter)

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