Chapter 1113 Credits

I saw Changsun Wuji flicking his sleeves and said: "Your Majesty, Du He has no respect for his elders. He dared to sleep in the imperial study. He was defiant. For such behavior, it is already a great gift from heaven to make him a man of Huyi County."

Li Er made a silent gesture: "Auxiliary machine, please be quiet and let him sleep."

So, in the whole imperial study room, His Majesty Li Er, civil and military ministers, all stared wide-eyed, waiting for Du He to sleep.

This waited for more than half an hour.

His Majesty Li Er was sitting in a comfortable chair, of course he didn't feel it, but it was hard for you big brothers to stand there staring at each other, numb all over, and bewildered.


Du He stretched his waist, rubbed his eyes, and suddenly looked confused: "You...why are you all looking at me? Father, my lords, have you finished the discussion? Then I'm going home to sleep, both of you The princess is still waiting for me."

Everyone: "..."

"Cough cough..."

Li Er couldn't help coughing for a while: "Du He, have you slept well?"

The upright Du He replied: "I have not told my father yet, I am too tired, you don't know, handing in homework is terrible."

hand in homework?
Everyone looked confused.

Li Er said with some embarrassment: "Du He, I also know that you are tired, but now there is something that I should tell you in advance."

"Which hooker is killing me? Stand up!" Du He stood up abruptly, with a ferocious expression on his face, like a tiger that has woken up, looking for someone desperately.

Everyone took two steps back in fright.

Changsun Wuji was not afraid, and said, "It's the old man, Du He..."

Changsun Wuji repeated the proposal just now to Du He.

After speaking, he took three steps back.

I'm afraid that Du He will violently beat people.

After hearing this, Du He squeezed his fists and asked, "My lord, what do you mean, I have made such a great contribution, and I can only break one of the edicts issued by the Supreme Emperor, which is that I cannot be conferred a knighthood?" , it is already a great gift from the imperial court to make me a man of Huyi County?"

"Yes... Du He, don't get excited, put your fist down first, this is the Tai Chi Hall, not a place for you to play wild." Changsun Wuji's heart beat wildly.

Du He chuckled: "My lord, grandson, don't be nervous, my hands are just numb, just rubbing my hands... I agree."

"Don't scare me, I think back then, when the old man fought on the battlefield... what, you agreed?" Changsun Wuji was stunned for a moment.

Many bigwigs were also dumbfounded.

I thought that a verbal war, even a bloody conflict, was inevitable.

Who knew that Du He agreed so readily.

Not to mention others, even Li Ke found it incredible.

He ran up slowly, whispered to Du He's ear, and said, "Teacher, are you worried that they are too many and they won't be able to beat them? Don't worry, just in this royal study, including father and emperor, they are not opponents. Later, you can scold them all the time, and whoever dares to be impatient, I will beat him to death."

Li Ke has tried his best to speak in a low voice.

But this imperial study room is so big, his words were heard clearly in everyone's ears.

Everyone's faces turned green.

Du He patted Li Ke on the shoulder: "Your Highness, we are civilized people, how can we do things that harm others and ourselves."

He turned his head and said to everyone: "My lords, don't be afraid, you won't be beaten."


Li Er couldn't stand it anymore, and asked: "Du He, you have thought about it, if you agree, you can only get the title of Huyi County male, three hundred households in Shiyi, from the fifth rank."

Du He nodded: "Father, I have no objection, but there is one condition and one question."

"you say!"

Everyone listened attentively.

Du He said: "One condition, that is, this reward, all the meritorious service of the son-in-law must be recorded clearly and accurately. One question, that is, whether from now on, the son-in-law will be able to make meritorious service and obtain the title Are you no longer subject to the restriction of not being able to obtain titles in the edict of the Supreme Emperor?"

Before Li Er could open his mouth, Changsun Wuji said happily: "That's natural, Du He, we will clearly record your credit today, and then, if you make credit, you will naturally be rewarded according to the practice of the Tang Dynasty." knighted."

Li Er also nodded: "The auxiliary machine is right."

Du He smiled and said: "Then let's start."

"On the credit book!" Li Er said.

Ximen Qing immediately held a plate with a booklet, a pen, and a cyan inkstone filled with ink.

The eldest grandson Wuji volunteered: "Du He, this old man is here to record your achievements."

"My lord, grandson."

Next, it was dictated by everyone and recorded by Changsun Wuji.

After a long while, Changsun Wuji held the credit book in his hand and read aloud: "Du He led a mighty army to Youzhou, raided Lu's lair by surprise, and killed Lu Huaguang in the chaos! Capture Shu King Lu Huayuan alive! Form a rebellious army! Capture Fanyang City skillfully Capture Lu Mingzhou three times and attack him three times! Gather 12 troops of the Lu family! Flood the Lu family's army! Recover 36 counties in one prefecture, a total of nine major contributions, Du He, do you have any objections?"

Nine major contributions!
I don't know how many people are jealous.

Among them, any one of the credits can be knighted.

But Du He collected nine major contributions, but he could only be named a county male.

Du He... If you want to blame it, blame you for being too arrogant and offending too many people.

Du He giggled: "Master Changsun, you have recorded this very clearly, so I have no objection."

Changsun Wuji then wrote and drew pictures on the back of the credit book, and then said: "Your Majesty, Du He has made nine major contributions. I have suggested that Your Majesty canonize Du He as the male of Huyi County, and I have informed the world."

Hearing this, Li Er asked again: "Du He, have you really thought about it?"

Du He said indifferently: "Father, my son thinks very clearly, there is no problem."

Li Er then said: "Let's make a decree. Du He has made nine major contributions and canonized him as a man of Huyi County, with [-] households in Shiyi, from the fifth rank."

Wang Gui took the initiative to say: "Your Majesty, let the old minister write the pen if you are in a hurry."

Wang Gui's literary talent is still very good.

I saw him splashing ink, and within a short time, a decree was completed. It was so literary and brilliant that it made people envious.

In this case, the process of the edict is simplified.

Changsun Wuji couldn't wait to take the edict and said to Du He: "Du He, accept the edict."

Du He looked respectful: "Minister, accept the order!"

Changsun Wuji: "Balababa... Du He, I hope you will not disappoint the emperor, and you will serve the court in the future."

Du He received the order.

When it was over, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Nine major contributions, named county man.

Duhe had no objection.

Ministers are also very satisfied.

Everyone is leaving.

"Wait a minute!"

Du He suddenly shouted.

Everyone was stunned.

Changsun Wuji asked dissatisfiedly: "Du He, what do you want to do? Do you want to go back on your word? Your nine major achievements have been clearly recorded. With your current achievements and your status, you can only be granted the title Man from Huyi County, the edict has been fulfilled, are you dissatisfied?"


(End of this chapter)

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