Chapter 1117 Triumph
Inside the imperial study.

After Du He left.

The ministers looked at Li Er in puzzlement.

Li Daozong said anxiously: "Your Majesty, if Lu Mingzhou and other rebels want to escape not far away, they should immediately mobilize troops and search everywhere."

Li Er laughed and said, "You guys, don't you know Du He? He's playing childish temper. Lu Mingzhou and others must still be imprisoned in Hu County. After a few days, when Du He figured it out, naturally It will be sent to Chang'an."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Li Er waved his hand: "My dear family, this matter has been settled, you should step back for now, in a few days, Qin Aiqing will return to the imperial court, and at that time, let's reward the beggar army together."

"Sir, please retire!"

People leave.

But Hou Junji stayed behind.

Seeing that Hou Junji hadn't left, Li Er drank back and said, "Haozhi, you must have something to say to me alone?"

Hou Junji stood up and said, "Your Majesty, there is one thing I don't understand. This time, Du He made such great contributions and was named the Duke of Hu, which is reasonable. But why doesn't Your Majesty take a firm stand?"


Li Er laughed loudly: "Haozhi, you want to say that I'm not tough enough today."

Hou Junji nodded.

His Majesty Li Er has always been very tough.

Today is a different style from the past.

Li Er explained: "You don't know, the reason why I don't have a tough attitude is not to take care of the feelings of the ministers, but because Du He is too young, and he has a long way to go in the future, so it is good to give him some setbacks. To be honest, when I found out that Du He led the beggar army to kill Youzhou, on the one hand, I was worried about him, but on the other hand, I hoped that he would suffer a little bit and grow up... how could I know... Sigh!"

Li Er was also helpless.

Just 100 people.

Obviously to die.

Unexpectedly, a dead end was stirred up by Du He.

This is the first time since ancient times.

Li Er said: "It's always good to let him suffer a bit."

Hou Junji nodded: "Your Majesty is wise...Your Majesty, there is one more thing. The things you explained before have already begun to emerge. The secret guards have found out that the Lu family still has a hidden force in Chang'an. However, this force , is hidden very deeply, and if we continue to investigate, I am afraid that we will find nothing, and we will startle the enemy, make the other party completely hidden, and become a disaster."

Li Er's face became serious: "This matter must be kept a secret, and other ministers in the court must not be known. Let the hidden guards try their best to find out."


How can other people sleep on the side of the couch!


Three days later.

Qin Qiong led the army back to the court.

It has only been more than a month since Qin Qiong led the army to set off.

This is the shortest expedition time since the founding of the Tang Dynasty.

Returning in triumph, these soldiers should be beaming.

But the [-] troops were downcast, and their expressions were as if they had eaten shit.

After some inquiring, I found out that the [-] troops entered Youzhou to wipe Du He's ass. As for the credit, Du He and the beggar army had already taken it away.

Kill Lu Huaguang!
Lu Mingzhou and Lu Minghua were captured.

Recovered 36 counties in one state.

Take a look, which one has something to do with the [-] army?

His Majesty Li Er did not go out of the city to greet him.

On the street, there were not even people watching.

The common people have known for a long time that Du He is the one who showed the unpredictable ability in Youzhou this time, and it is the beggar army who killed the Quartet. As for the [-] army, no one pays attention at all.

Qin Qiong and Qin Huaiyu rode side by side on horseback.

Qin Huaiyu said sadly: "Father, if I had known earlier, I would leave the task of leading troops to pacify Youzhou to someone else."

Qin Qiong said: "Huaiyu, you must not have such an idea. Everything is the most important thing for the community. You must not have any prejudice against Du He. This time, Du He's performance in Youzhou is impressive for my father. Every strategy can be called a stroke of genius. Ah, there are very few such wonderful wars in the past and present. Of course, this great achievement belongs to him. On the contrary, my father thought that it was a bit stingy for the court to only confer him the Duke of Huyi."

Qin Huaiyu said with a smile: "Father, don't worry, Du He and I are kowtowing brothers, how can we be jealous?"

"Let's go to see His Majesty."

Not far away, there was another group of people, headed by Zhuozhou Inspector Liu Wentong.

Liu Wentong also contributed a lot in the pacification of Youzhou.

Therefore, when the imperial army returned to the court, he was also asked to enter Chang'an with the army as soon as the edict came.


That evening.

The court's notice finally came out.

This time, besides Du He, other people's rewards came out for the pacification of Youzhou.

The first is the reward of the beggar army.

The head of the Beggar Legion, Yuchi Baolin, was granted the title of Yunyang County Son, and was also named You Xiaowei Zhonglang General, from the fifth rank.

You Xiaowei is in charge of the safety of Chang'an, the capital of the capital. It can be regarded as an extremely important military organization among the sixteen guards, and those who can enter and serve in it are the best in the army.

According to the original regulations, Yuchi Baolin was not allowed to enter the imperial court to take up an official position for the time being, but this time the credit was too great. Besides, the Dou family in Tongzhou had been completely defeated by Du He, so no one dared to say anything.

Then came the two deputy heads, Xu Zhengdao and Guishen.

Originally, the court planned to recruit two people into the army.

But Xu Zhengdao and Guishen are not interested in being an official.

Therefore, both of them were named Captain Renyong, the eighth rank.

Lieutenant Renyong is a military officer of the Tang Dynasty.

There is an official position, an official title, and a salary, but there is no need to serve in the army.

Then there's the Mighty Legion.

The entire mighty legion, all the officials were promoted to one level, and the rewards were even more astonishing. The mighty legion was still set up in Hu County's consort's mansion.

As for Zhou Da and Wang Xiaogou who newly joined the Mighty Legion, they could have been military officials, but considering that they both participated in the Lu family's rebellion before, their merits and demerits offset each other.Wang Xiaogou became a deputy battalion commander of the Mighty Legion, and Zhou Da was directly transferred to Xianyang County Magistrate because his daughter Zhou Zhiluo was married to the King of Shu, which was regarded as a promotion.

Then there is Liu Wentong, the governor of Zhuozhou. This guy did make great contributions to the pacification of Youzhou and was transferred to the governor of Jingzhao.

Liu Da, the original governor of Jingzhao Mansion, was originally a member of the Lu family. Although he did not participate in Lu's rebellion, he was also implicated and demoted to Youzhou Biejia.

As for Qin Qiong and his son, there are [-] counter-insurgency troops, all of whom have their own merits, and rewards are indispensable, but compared to the rewards of the mighty army, they are really nothing to mention.


at the same time.

A special team has arrived at the Consort's Mansion in Huxian County.

It was the Chen family of Youzhou.

The Patriarch of the Chen Clan, Chen Tianwang, led the clansmen and rushed to Hu County. One was to discuss cooperation with Du He, and the other was to marry Chen Xiyuan and Lu Bu.

Although Chen Xiyuan married one of Du He's guards, there were many opinions in the family, but no one objected.

The reason is very simple. Chen Xiyuan was originally the princess of Lu Mingzhou, and she was considered a traitor. After the rebellion was put down, the Chen family would not be able to get better, but just because Chen Xiyuan married Lu Bu, the Chen family took herself out of this matter , and was not harmed in the slightest.


(End of this chapter)

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