God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1126 Diligent Ma Zhou

Chapter 1126 Diligent Ma Zhou

Ma Zhou returned to the courtyard where he lived, feeling very heavy and unhappy.

He locked himself in the study and began to doubt life.

Am I really too stupid!
Could it be that after I leave the court, do I become worthless?

He took out the "Datang Industry Support Plan" and forced himself to read it word by word.

It took me a whole day to read it twice.

After reading it, I was even more depressed.

Still don't understand anything.

Food was brought.

"Master, it's time to eat!"


Ma Zhou knocked the food on the ground and said furiously, "Eat, eat, eat, what to eat, people who can't read, what right do they have to eat!"

Servant: "..."


Ma Zhou locked himself in the study again, and no one was seen.

The next morning.

Ma Zhou was finally about to collapse.

His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was disheveled, and his clothes were loose. He came out of the study and walked out in a spirited manner.

Holding a volume of "Datang Industry Support Plan".

He went out of the yard.

Get out of the consort's mansion.

Walk to the Dream Corp headquarters.

When passing a building, he saw a burly little fat man sitting on the railing, sullen.

Perhaps because he was in the same mood as the other party, Ma Zhou went up and asked, "Er Niu, why are you unhappy today? Did something happen?"

Er Niu raised his head and said lazily: "Boss Ma, I can't continue my business, can you let me go to work, I can go to a pig farm to raise pigs."

When Ma Zhou heard this, he was very surprised.

This boy named Erniu is only 13 years old.

Originally an orphan.

Later, I joined Dream Group, and I originally came to work for a living.He is dexterous, and his carving skills are exquisite and lifelike. After coming to Dream Group, he found that there are many children here, but there are few things for everyone to play. The animals and people he carved are widely welcomed, and many children have to queue up After buying his sculptures, he came and went again and again, and he simply started this business and started to earn money from the children.

Because the business is booming, many people in Dream Group know about the existence of Erniu, even Ma Zhou is no exception. He also encouraged Erniu. It is really not easy for a child to rely on himself.

Therefore, when Er Niu said that his business could not continue, Ma Zhou was of course very surprised.

"Tell me, Er Niu, what's the matter? Don't tell me, the children don't like your sculptures anymore? Or is someone robbing you of your business?" Ma Zhou asked eagerly.

Er Niu shook his head.

"No, it's...they have no money to buy my things."

Ma Zhou was taken aback.

Then, he figured it out.

Erniu's carving skills are excellent, and the prices of the carved things are not cheap.

The parents of the children around are all working in the dream group, and they don't have a rich family.

Perhaps a child would have to save months of change to buy a carved dog from Erniu.

Once they come and go, the money of these children will be spent, and naturally they can no longer buy things, and Er Niu's business will not continue.

Er Niu looked at Ma Zhou expectantly, wanting Ma Zhou to find him a new job.

Ma Zhou opened his mouth and said suddenly, "I see...I see, hahaha..."

After saying that, Ma Zhou ran back.

Er Niu shouted: "Boss Ma, did you agree to what I said just now? Boss Ma, hey..."

In the blink of an eye, Ma Zhou had already disappeared.

Er Niu looked confused, "Could it be that Mr. Ma doesn't care about me? Woooooo..."



Ma Zhou rushed into the study in one breath.

Close the study door.

Sit down at the table and reopen the "Datang Industry Support Plan".

His expression was a little more solemn.

His eyes were somewhat clear.

He said to himself: "I seem to understand something. When I read the "Datang Industry Support Plan" before, I always wanted to quote the classics, find similar truths from the ancients, and quote from the ancient books, but I forgot what the young master said before. Advise."

Du He's exhortation is that this "Datang Industry Support Plan" comes from life and is higher than life.

After Ma Zhou figured this out, he changed his way of thinking about reading.

He took a deep breath and opened the first page.

Article [-]: For the longevity of Dream Group, it is necessary to ensure the longevity of Datang.

In the past, Ma Zhou was stunned after reading this.

But now, he suddenly realized.

"This first one is actually very similar to Er Niu's experience."

"Dream Group is Er Niu, and other merchants are those children."

"Now, Dream Group is making money, just like Er Niu is selling carved things to other children. It is Dream Group that uses all kinds of rare things to earn money from other merchants."

"Nowadays, Dream Group can continue to make money because other merchants still have money in their pockets."

"One day, once all the money is taken away by the Dream Group, the merchants will have empty pockets... The Dream Group will be like a bully, with no money to make!"

"That's why, the young master said clearly that in order to achieve the long-term prosperity of the Dream Group, it is necessary to ensure the long-term prosperity of the Tang Dynasty... This is really the simplest sentence in the world, but it is also full of truth."

Ma Zhou suddenly had an epiphany.

Then start reading tirelessly.


Consort Mansion, the backyard.

Du He is enjoying tea.

The weather has gradually turned cooler.

Take a sip of hot tea and feel comfortable all over your body.


Suddenly, a strange face appeared in front of him.

Du He was taken aback.

But a smile suddenly appeared on that face: "Master, I understand."

Du He widened his eyes.

Only then did he realize that the guy who came over suddenly was Ma Zhou.

It's just that Ma Zhou's hair is disheveled, like a bird's nest.

His face was bloodless and pale, like a toad's belly.

"Old horse, what are you doing? You scared me!"

Ma Zhou didn't care, and said happily, "Master, I understand it, and I understand [-]% of the "Datang Industry Support Plan."

Thirty percent?

Du He almost fainted.

Boss, in future generations, elementary school students can fully understand this.

However, seeing Ma Zhou's high spirits, he decided not to attack Ma Zhou.

Du He said: "Oh, old horse, you are really amazing. You can understand [-]% of the reading in such a short time. I can guarantee that in Datang, there are outstanding people like you who can count on one hand. .”

Ma Zhou was very excited.

Also a little shy.

"Young master, don't worry, I will go back and study more. I must understand [-]%, [-]%, and understand everything." Du He praised Ma Zhou, and suddenly he was very confident.

Du He pouted.

Experts say that children's education should be based on encouragement. It seems that there is some truth to it.

Du He also believed that given Ma Zhou some more time, he would definitely figure out the "Datang Industry Support Plan".

But Duho couldn't wait.

Right now, the entire city of Chang'an is still clamoring to capture this young master alive.

Can't wait any longer!

(End of this chapter)

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