God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1133 No food to sell

Chapter 1133 No food to sell
Everything is as Mr. Liu predicted.

In the early morning of the second day, many grain merchants came to the door, offering to buy a large amount of grain, and some even offered to buy [-] catties.

Although a single grain merchant is not as good as the eldest grandson's family, the sum of all the people is not a small number.

Wang Laowu and the others were extremely busy.

And the business of Hu County Grain Distribution Center has reached a peak.

It turned out that not only people from Chang'an City came to buy grain today, but also many people around Chang'an. After getting the news, they also flocked here.

In the evening, Wang Laowu asked people to do some calculations, and in that day alone, they sold as much as 50 catties.

The next day, although the number of people was much smaller, a lot of food was sold.

a few days later.

The Hu County Grain Distribution Center is running out of food.

Although Wang Laowu was calm on the surface, he was extremely anxious in his heart.

He realized that if this thing went wrong, it would probably be over for him.

Even if the godfather doesn't care.

But how can I still have the face to stay in Dream Group.

On the evening of this day, with a broken heart, he hurried to the son-in-law's mansion and met Du He.

"Godfather, I originally expected that the grain would be open for sale for a month, but I never thought that it would be sold out in less than half a month. We buy a lot, but we have to sell it, otherwise, we can sell the grain we have stored to the common people, and we can wait until the next time the grain from Jiangnan comes." Wang Laowu wiped the pimple on his forehead while talking. cold sweat.

He worried that Doo Ho would throw a fit.

Unexpectedly, Du He just smiled, "It was a few days later than I expected. It seems that the big grain merchants are not monolithic, they are just acting in an unorganized manner. If this matter is entrusted to you, you need to How many days will the Hu County Grain Distribution Center be completely shorted?"

Wang Laowu thought for a while: "Godfather, it only takes three days."

It's not Wang Laowu bragging.

He has been with Fang Yiai for a long time and learned a lot.

He is definitely a professional when it comes to motivating grain merchants to buy grain and hoard it.

Du He nodded: "That's right, three days is enough, but the grain merchants in Chang'an are too timid. It took almost half a month to complete this matter. Fifth, in the face of such a pig-like enemy, What are you worried about..."

"Godfather, it's not that I'm in a hurry. There's really nothing I can do. After two days at most, our granary will be empty. At that time, there will be no grain to sell, and the next batch of grain will arrive in a month at the earliest. , The word of mouth we have accumulated so hard, will it collapse soon?" Wang Laowu could only worry.

Du He waved his hand: "This matter is not at the end of the day, so what are you doing with such despondent words? You just go back and continue selling grain. At that time, someone will help us."


"You'll know then."

Wang Lao Wu didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only leave the consort's mansion in a daze.

When he came to the foot of the mountain, he suddenly slapped his head: "Oh, what did I want to ask, it seems that I didn't ask anything..."

He himself was stunned.




Fang Yiai held a letter in his hand.

Excitedly said: "Finally the letter came, the teacher finally remembered me, hahaha..."

He was smiling like an idiot.

It turned out that Fang Yiai was sent to Yangzhou by Du He more than two months ago.

At that time, Duhe said that he had an important task.

But Fang Yiai came to Yangzhou for two months, but she didn't see any tasks, not even a letter.

He wrote letters, and even flew pigeons to send letters to Chang'an many times.

But it's all muddy cows into the sea, and there is no news.

Fang Yi'ai lives in a state of anxiety every day.

Did the teacher forget me?
Finally, I received a letter from Chang'an.

He carefully read the letter twelve times.

There was only one task in the letter, and that was to ask him to buy grain again in Jiangnan, and then transport it to Chang'an in batches.Du He's explanation was very urgent, telling Fang Yi'ai that as long as the purchase was over [-] catties, it would be loaded and transported to Chang'an immediately.

"Teacher must have encountered some kind of problem... However, the weather in the capital area has been good this year and there has been no disaster. Why do we need so much food?" Fang Yiai asked curiously to himself.

But he quickly shook off the thought.

Now is not the time to think about that.

At the moment, the first task is to complete the teacher's account.

He hurriedly found the sales experts under him.

Today, Fang Yiai has more than 20 masters under his command.

These people all want to worship under his sect.

But he rejected them all.

the reason is simple.

Fang Yiai's teacher is Du He, if these people worship him as their teacher, they will also become Du He's disciples.

But Fang Yiai felt that these people were not smart enough to join Du He's sect.

Everyone was convinced by his reason.

in a house.

Everyone is aware of this task.

Fang Yiai said: "In the teacher's letter, the tone is very anxious and strict. Now that the autumn grain has just entered the warehouse, and the south of the Yangtze River is rich in grain, this matter is not difficult to imagine! Everyone, this matter can only be successful, not failed."

Everyone said no problem.

Someone asked: "Young Master Fang, I don't know Duke Hu, how much will you give us this time?"

The autumn grain has just entered the warehouse, which means that there is a lot of grain in various places.

As long as you have money, how much food you want is not a problem.

Fang Yiai slapped his head suddenly: "That's right, teacher, it seems that I didn't mention this matter."

"Ah? Without money, how can I buy food?"

"Yeah, is it possible, let us go grab it?"

"Mr. Fang, did Duke Hu forget about the money? Do you want to send another letter to Feige?"

Everyone was chattering, and there was nothing more than one word around: money.


Fang Yiai suddenly patted the table.

"Okay," he said in a stern tone, "Everyone, the teacher must be in trouble now and urgently needs food to solve it. Now, it is meaningless for us to send letters and ask for money. Perhaps, Dream Group has no money. ...But, can you buy food without money? Who said you have to be rich to buy food?"

Everyone looked at Fang Yiai like a madman.

"I don't know, what good plan does Mr. Fang have?" someone asked.

Fang Yiai said resolutely: "There is one way, that is, in the name of Dream Group, credit grain, first give us the grain, and then give us the money after the grain is transported to Chang'an."

"But, will anyone believe us?"

"Yeah, what if no one wants to give us food?"

Many people have such questions.

Fang Yiai said seriously: "It's very simple, everything depends on us to lobby, I believe you have the ability, and give a high price."


Hu County.

Food distribution center.

A servant hurried into Wang Laowu's room and shouted, "Boss Wang, our granary is already empty."


Wang Laowu stood up at once.

No food to sell?
This day is still here.


(End of this chapter)

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