God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1140 1 It's Over

Chapter 1140 Everything is over
Chang Sun Chong asked: "Did this dog eat something that shouldn't be eaten, why is it crazy? Also, what about the grain merchants who drank with me last night? Why can't anyone see it!"

The shopkeeper glanced at Chang Sun Chong, and asked in a low voice, "Master, don't you know?"

"What does this son know?"

"Many of those grain merchants are crazy!"


Chang Sun Chong was a little dumbfounded.

He grabbed the shopkeeper's collar and asked viciously, "What's going on?"

It's only been one night, what happened?

The shopkeeper whispered, "Master, you'd better... go outside and have a look!"

He dared not tell the truth.

"Hmph, trash!"

The eldest grandson cursed, then hurried out of the yard and went outside.

Zuixianju is just beside Renmin Avenue.

Therefore, as soon as you go out, you will be on People's Avenue.

I saw people coming and going on the avenue, so lively.

Just a few days ago, countless people were full of sadness because they couldn't buy food and couldn't eat enough. From time to time, there were news that someone died of starvation.

But now, many people are smiling, as if they have found a treasure.

Looking around again, a carriage passed by at a fast speed.

Chang Sun Chong asked curiously: "What are those?"

An old man glanced at him and said, "Young man, you don't even know this, this is our lifeblood!"

Chang Sun Chong was puzzled, "You need a horse-drawn carriage to pull your lifeblood, so are you going to enter the palace to be a eunuch?"

The old man was so angry that he almost hit someone: "You bastard, I'm talking about food, and food is our lifeblood!"

Chang Sun Chong was stunned for a moment.


Could it be that the grain merchants have already started selling grain before I wake up?


He took a look and found that these grain carts all came in from outside the city.

The eldest grandson's family, as well as the big grain merchants, store grain in the city, so how could it be brought in from outside the city.

He grabbed the old man's sleeve and asked, "Where did all this food come from?"

The old man looked at Zhang Sun Chong with eyes like an idiot, "Of course the food comes from Hu County, don't you know? Early this morning, the Hu County Grain Distribution Center put up an advertisement saying that the food from Jiangnan had arrived. From now on, the food is open for sale, I won’t tell you, I’ll call my son, and I’m going to buy food too.”


"how can that be!"

"Hu County Grain Distribution Center, as well as Dream Group, all the grain has been bought by us, where does the grain come from now? Now is the season when there is no harvest!"

Changsun Chong Nuonuo said to himself, looking a little flustered.

At this moment, several figures came to Chang Sun Chong's side.

Changsun Chong turned his head to look, and saw that everyone looked lonely and didn't speak. They were the grain merchants he led before.

Chang Sun Chong asked: "Who of you will tell me what's going on?"

A chubby man said: "Young Master Changsun, I couldn't believe it when I heard the news at first. It wasn't until I saw a cartload of grain entering Chang'an City that I found out that it was true after I asked someone about it. There is food, and it is open for sale, and the price is the same as before, very cheap."

Changsun Chong shook his head, and said in disbelief: "Impossible, this is impossible. Now in May, when there is a shortage of food, there is a shortage of food everywhere in the Tang Dynasty. How can Du He get food? This must be fake... You guys , and I will go to the Hu County Grain Distribution Center with me to see what is going on, and I must expose Du He's trick."

With that said, he led the crowd to the Hu County Grain Distribution Center in a carriage.

Get off the carriage.

Looking around, I saw that the black and white were all human heads.

Then many people came out happily carrying food.

In the distance, next to Anhu Avenue, two long grain transport convoys just arrived.

Carloads of grain are transported into the warehouse of Hu County Grain Distribution Center.

All this is true!

Chang Sun Chong asked curiously: "Everyone, if we buy all these grains, can we...can fight again?"

He lacked confidence, and when he spoke, his voice was trembling.

Sure enough, when he turned his head, he saw several big grain merchants were about to cry.

Someone said: "Master grandson... I... I am already penniless. In order to buy food, I even sold the paintings and calligraphy that I have treasured for many years. Now, I have nothing."

"I'm also waiting to get rich. I even sold a few rotating wooden chairs at home."

"It's even worse for me. I even sold the glass windows in my house, and now I don't even have any windows."

Everyone cried and mourned.

One person said: "Young Master Changsun, I have asked someone about it. It is said that the grain shipped from the Hu County Grain Distribution Center this time exceeded the grain sold before... This time, we are all finished... So much grain, how much more is there? How to sell it!"

As they spoke, each guy couldn't help wiping away tears.

"Yo, isn't this the eldest grandson?"

A voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Chang Sun Chong and the others turned their heads and saw a young man in purple walking slowly.

It was Duhe.

"Du He...you..." Zhang Sun rushed to reprimand Du He.

But he suddenly discovered that Du He didn't seem to be involved in the whole matter.

Moreover, buying and selling grain has nothing to do with Du He.

I don't even know where to reprimand him.

Then, he asked coldly: "Du He, are you here to see me making jokes?"

Du He came over, took a look at everyone, put down the fan in his hand, shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to help you."

Everyone doesn't believe it.

What good can a weasel do for a chicken?
Duho was notoriously unkind to his enemies.

For example, Lu family offended him, and was finally forced to rebel by him, and then destroyed.

The grain merchants around Chang Sun Chong all took a step back in fright.

Who doesn't know that the big devil is going to kill people when he smiles.

Chang Sun Chong laughed and said, "Du He, I'd like to hear how you plan to help us?"

Du He said: "The method is also simple, that is, sell your food to me!"

"Sell it to you? Are you so kind?"

"Of course, what I'm talking about is that the price is the same as the current Hu County Grain Distribution Center."


Chang Sun Chong shouted.

Be it Changsun's family or other grain merchants, apart from buying a lot of grain from the Hu County Grain Distribution Center at a low price, the other grains purchased from the grain market were at least at the market price, and some even reached [-]% of the market price. times.

Now that they are sold at the price of the Hu County Grain Distribution Center, wouldn't they be paid for?

What's more, in order to sell food, many people sell pots and iron, and sell property at a low price. If you count it, it will be even worse.

Therefore, everyone shook their heads, expressing that it was impossible.

Chang Sun Chong couldn't help shouting: "Du He, why don't you go grab it!"


(End of this chapter)

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