God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1142 The Wind Rises

Chapter 1142 The Wind Rises

Consort House.

Li Yuanshu looked at Du He incredulously, and asked, "Husband, is this the industry support plan you mentioned? You want to make those people rich?"

To be honest, although Li Yuanshu is extremely intelligent, and as Du He's bedside person, she thoroughly implements the saying that if you want to learn well, you should sleep with the master first, but she has read a lot of "Datang Industry Support Plan". Over and over again, I still don't quite understand.

But when she saw Wudi Bank lending money and helping the common people open small food stores, she suddenly understood what Du He meant.

In the past, the price of grain sold at the Hu County Grain Distribution Center was only slightly lower than the market price.

It makes a lot of money, but it has no impact on the people.

Now, with the low-cost wholesale model, the profit has not decreased, but has increased.

But the impact on the people is enormous.

One is to allow many poor people to buy low-priced food, and no longer suffer from starvation due to lack of money.

The second is to let many people who have spare money open their own grain stores and start making money.

It can be said that the low-price grain sales model of Hu County Grain Distribution Center has supported many people.

Through every move of the Dream Group, many people will be driven to make a fortune. This is the purpose of the "Datang Industry Support Plan".

Li Yuanshu understood this relationship clearly and realized a lot in an instant.

She thought for a while and said, "Husband, I still have a doubt. If all the people open grain stores, who will sell the grain to?"

Du He analyzed: "This is human nature. When they see that selling grain can make money, countless people will come to sell grain. However, the market is so big, how to survive has become a problem for many people. ...It is human nature to seek profit and avoid harm. We have no choice but to be prepared to lose everything if we want to make a fortune...Invincible Bank is not a saint and does not do business at a loss. Therefore, the terms of the loan, It needs to be more stringent."

Li Yuanshu nodded.

In fact, the terms of Invincible Bank's lending have always been very harsh.

For example, when lending money to the common people to open grain stores, many conditions were set to ensure that Invincible Bank would not lose money.

Li Yuanshu frowned, and asked again: "Husband, I figured it out. So many people started selling grain to make money. Merchants start selling grain, which will inevitably affect the business of small grain merchants. In case...the big grain merchants wake up and sell grain even if they are losing money? At that time, won't many small grain shops have to close their doors, and many The people will lose everything?"

When Du He heard this, he suddenly laughed: "If it was ten years ago, they still had a chance to stand up, but now, they... have no chance."

His smile suddenly became evil.



Drunk Xianju.

Almost a month has passed, looking at the small grain stores that are blooming all over the ground, and the Hu County Grain Distribution Center is selling large quantities of grain every day, and there is no sign of selling out at all.The big grain merchants finally couldn't sit still.

On this day, more than 20 big grain merchants invited Chang Sun Chong out.

Zuixian lives in the No. [-] wing room of Tianzi.

The table was full of delicious food and wine, but no one was in the mood to move their chopsticks.

"My eldest grandson, I have no choice but to ask you to come out today. You must know what Xiaoliang is doing now... This is not the way to go!"

"What should I do? Please tell me, grandson!"

"My grandson, please!"

Everyone bowed their heads.

A dejected one.

Chang Sun Chong's face was gloomy.

He thought that the weight of victory would be on his side.

Unexpectedly, Invincible Bank actually did such a trick.

Nowadays, there are small grain shops all over Chang'an. The price of grain sold by small grain shops is much lower than the market price, and the quality of the grain is guaranteed.

In this way, even if the big grain merchants start selling grain at this time, if the price is not the same as that of the small grain merchants, no one will care about it.

This is almost a dead end.

This is a conspiracy set up by Du He, and no one can decipher it.

After a long time, Chang Sun Chong heaved a sigh of relief and asked, "How much is the Hu County Grain Distribution Center willing to pay for our grain?"

A grain merchant said: "Mr. Changsun, you don't know something. That guy Wang Laowu is really shameless. He said that it has been [-] days. Now, if you want to sell grain, you can only sell it [-]% lower than the grain price of Hu County Grain Distribution Center." , isn't he crazy?"


Chang Sun Chong slammed his fist on the table: "Hmph, don't you understand? Du He didn't want to buy grain at a low price, he just wanted to humiliate us! How could we be fooled? Now, we have no way out, just in time Stopping the loss is the smart way. Starting tomorrow, we will sell grain in large quantities at the current market price of the small grain shops...Didn't Du He want these people to get rich? It can make the small grain merchants slump, and from now on, the grain market in Chang'an will still be ours! As for the grain distribution center in Hu County, we can only plan it slowly."

After hearing this, everyone nodded helplessly.

Although it will lose money, it is the only way.

It's better than sitting still.

"According to what the eldest grandson said!"

"Yes, I'll always listen to the eldest grandson!"


The open window suddenly slammed shut.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and at some point, the wind blew up, making the windows creak and creak.

Someone said: "It seems to be raining!"

But it didn't attract anyone's attention.

Chang Sun Chong raised his glass and said, "Everyone, we all share our difficulties and share our blessings. Come."

The crowd raised their cups.

For a while, the atmosphere was warm.


The hot and dry air made Wang Laowu lose interest in the beauties around him.

He is lying on the bed.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Laowu said angrily: "Who, knocking on the door at night, want to die?"

A voice outside the door said anxiously: "My lord, Duke Hu sent someone to deliver a message."

Hearing the words Hu Guogong, Wang Laowu got up with a grunt and hurriedly got dressed.

He came to the door and asked, "Where are the people sent by godfather?"

"Master, that person is in the lobby."

"Quick, take me to see him."

Wang Laowu dared not neglect.

When he came to the main hall, Wang Laowu's heart skipped a beat, because the person who came to pass the message turned out to be his father's number one lover——Zhang Jian.

"Zecheng, does godfather have any important matters to explain?" Wang Lao Wu hurriedly asked.

Zhang Jian stood up and said, "Treasurer Wang, the young master asked me to come over and tell you to call all the people in the Hu County Grain Distribution Center immediately to transfer the grain. It is necessary to transfer all the grain to a high place to ensure safety."

"A high place? Is godfather worried that the warehouse of the Hu County Grain Distribution Center will be flooded? How is this possible? The warehouse of the Hu County Grain Distribution Center was built by Lu Shengxiao, so it is not afraid of heavy rain." Wang Lao Wu glared. Said the big eyes.

Zhang Jian said: "Shopkeeper Wang, the young master has another word, if you can't do it well, he will break your leg, and if there is no more son like you, he will also break your leg..."


(End of this chapter)

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