God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1150 A Bunch of Idiots

Chapter 1150 A Bunch of Idiots


"It's rude to rest!"

"Don't be arrogant!"

Members of the Chen clan, seeing that the head of the clan was being taught a lesson by a little girl, immediately spoke out to stop him.

Chen Jieren even wanted to go forward and teach the little girl a lesson.

However, he had just taken two steps when he was slapped by Chen Tianwang.


Chen Jie was beaten up.

"Father, this little girl doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and dares to teach you a lesson. Why don't you let me teach her a lesson?" Chen Jieren asked innocently.

Chen Tianwang roared: "Nonsense, do you know who she is? She is the niece of Duke Hu, and the adopted daughter of the current queen, Princess Jinyang, do you want to die?"

Chen Jieren was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, he quickly shrank aside.

Chen Tianwang hurriedly ran to the little girl, and said, "Cao Min, Chen Tianwang, I pay my respects to His Royal Highness Princess Jinyang."

"Free gift!"

said the little girl.

This little girl is Du Jinwei.

Chen Tianwang looked behind Du Jinwei, but saw no one else, so he asked curiously: "Dare to ask the princess, is Miss Mo not here?"

Du Jinwei asked curiously, "Why is Sister Mo here?"

"Go to Youzhou to build a glass factory!"

"Oh," Du Jinwei said, "My uncle told me to go to Youzhou to build a glass factory, but he didn't ask Sister Mo to go."

Chen Tianwang was completely stunned.

He originally thought that the person sent to Youzhou to build the glass factory was Mo Yifei, Du He's capable general.

Unexpectedly, it was a little girl.

Although, Du Jinwei has a lot of background.

But what does this have to do with building a glass factory?
Chen Jie came over and whispered, "Father, what should we do? Or, let's go to Duke Hu and ask her to change someone. Even if Miss Mo doesn't go, it's okay to let other craftsmen from the glass factory go. Princess Yang is young, I'm afraid I don't even know what glass is, so asking her to go to Youzhou is not child's play?"

Unexpectedly, this sentence was heard by Du Jinwei.

Du Jinwei raised her head and said disdainfully: "Idiot, do you really think that everyone is as stupid as you?"

"I...I'm not stupid. I learned business from my father when I was ten years old. Now, I have managed dozens of shops." Chen Jieren retorted subconsciously.

Du Jinwei asked: "Then do you know what are the raw materials for firing glass?"

"do not know!"

"You know, is there anything special about the choice of raw materials?"

"This one……"

"Then do you know how many steps are needed to make glass?"

"I don't know..."

"Do you know what is the most critical link in glass manufacturing?"

"do not know either!"

Du Jinwei rolled her eyes impatiently: "Then you still say that you are not an idiot?"


Chen Jieren, who was almost 30 years old, was speechless by Du Jinwei.

He was just about to say something.

But he was kicked by Chen Tianwang.

Chen Tianwang said: "Your Highness, since that's the case, let's set off now, okay?"

Du Jinwei nodded: "That's fine, I'm getting tired of staying in Hu County and Chang'an, so it's better to leave early."

Then, the convoy set off.

Chen Jieren came to Chen Tianwang's carriage and couldn't help saying: "Father... we really have to trust Princess Jinyang? However, she is still a child, can she really make glass?"

Chen Tianwang said leisurely: "My father doesn't believe that she can build glass, but this is the arrangement of Hu Guogong. What can we do? If we really go to Hu Guogong because of this, maybe we will offend Hu Guogong. Not happy!"

"We're really afraid of Duke Hu. Back then, in Youzhou, he still begged us!" Chen Jieren gritted his teeth and said unwillingly.

"Stupid," Chen Tianwang scolded, "Back then, Duke Hu was just a commoner son-in-law. Now, he has become Duke Hu, and his status is different. Besides, under Duke Hu, there are a lot of county princes, and there are still a lot of them. An army of beggars, who dares to provoke him?"

Chen Jieren was speechless.


The news that Mrs. Chen joined the glass factory of Dream Group paid 50 guan just to sell glass in Youzhou and Zhuozhou for five years. This news caused an uproar in Chang'an.

"What is Chen doing here?"

"Is Mrs. Chen crazy?"

"50 guan! It's just given away for nothing, what kind of ecstasy soup did Du He pour into Chen Tianwang!"

Someone was shocked.

Someone is suspicious.

Someone scolds.

There are all kinds of reactions.

At the same time, Dream Group has already started to take the initiative, sending personnel to various places to start investigations, planning to imitate the way of cooperation with Chen, and recruit glass sales agents in various states. Of course, not every place has the same franchise price .

The price of Chen's joining is 50 guan, because Zhuozhou and Zhuozhou are relatively rich.

In some states, the franchise fee is only [-] yuan.

Soon after, the effect was not very satisfactory.

Ma Zhou found Du He himself: "Master, our plan has failed. According to your order, we sent hundreds of people to various states to lobby the local gentry and let them join the glass factory business, but now all these people are After returning, there is not a single gentry who is willing to join us."

Du He looked at Ma Zhou and smiled.

He asked, "Lao Ma, what can you see from this incident?"

Ma Zhou thought for a while and said, "Young master, my subordinates guess that I'm afraid this joining will really not make money! Otherwise, why would no one want to join?"

Human nature is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Once there is interest, some people will rush forward.

Now, no one in the whole world is willing to join Dream Group's glass factory business.

Does it mean that there is no hope at all for this joining.

Hearing this, Du He smiled and stood up: "Old Ma, you are wrong!"

"I'm different from you," Du He said, "What I see is that these nobles are a bunch of idiots... Originally, I wanted to quickly promote the franchise, but now it seems that I can only take it easy."

"Master, you want to give up on this matter?"

"No, it's not giving up, it's just a matter of taking it easy. Now that the Fantasy Group has made a concession, the gentry can't avoid it. In the future, they will come to my door one by one to beg me." Du He said confidently.

Ma Zhou nodded.

Du He turned around and walked out: "Recently, I will do one thing with Lu Shengxiao and the others, Dream Group, and I will leave it to you. Remember, no matter what variables are involved in the Chen family's business in Youzhou and Zhuozhou Based on what was agreed in the original contract, if there is no earth-shattering event, don't look for me."

"My subordinate understands!"


Du He came to Datang Construction Company after leaving Prince Consort's Mansion.

After Datang Construction Company withdrew from Chang'an, it has built a new office address near the headquarters of Huxian Dream Group.

Lu Yuan and Hou Yi came to meet Du He in person.

Hou Yi was very excited when he saw Du He.

When he came to the meeting room, Du He asked straight to the point: "Sheng Xiao, how about the task I entrusted to you?"


(End of this chapter)

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