Chapter 1162
Du He stated his conditions: "Let me do these two things. I need manpower, at least 20 people."

Hearing this, Gao Yuanzhi hurriedly shook his head like a dog's tail: "No... the county government is not manned enough, and there are other things to deal with... I really can't get anyone out... If Captain Du needs it, Zhang San and Li Si will be dispatched by you, what do you think?"

Zhang San and Li Si were already about to be ordered to leave by Gao Yuanzhi, so it didn't matter if they were assigned to Du He.

Du He smiled slightly: "Since that's the case, let me change the condition, that is, from today onwards, when I solve these two problems, I hope to get the strong support of the county magistrate Gao. All these things represent the Wannian County Government, and the county magistrate Gao needs to affix the official seal, no problem, right?"

Gao Yuanzhi was taken aback for a moment.

Then he said bluntly, "Don't worry, I have agreed to this condition, so you just go ahead and do it."

"Okay! There is no evidence for empty words, and I hope that the county magistrate Gao will give me a letter."

"Is it possible to establish written evidence?"

"of course can!"

Gao Yuanzhi was even more straightforward, and quickly wrote a copy of Du He's conditions, affixed with the official seal.

At the end, Gao Yuanzhi added: "Lieutenant Du County, I forgot to tell you that I have already booked a ticket in Jingzhao Mansion before, and you only have one month to solve these two problems within one month, do you understand?" ?”

"If you can't finish it in one month, the magistrate Gao will punish you. If you don't believe me, I can issue a military order." Du He said.

"Okay, then issue a military order." Gao Yuanzhi couldn't wait for it.

Du He quickly issued a military order, signed it and handed it over to Gao Yuanzhi.

"Okay, okay, hahaha... This officer likes straightforward people like Lieutenant Du!" Gao Yuanzhi laughed triumphantly, and then left.

Du He stared at Gao Yuanzhi's leaving back, showing a wicked smile.


The backyard of the county government.

After hearing Gao Yuanzhi's words, the county magistrate turned pale with shock.

"Oh, my lord, you made a mistake. How could you agree to such a condition as Lieutenant Du...Wannian Lieutenant Du holds the official seal and can't do business. At that time, you will inevitably be responsible..." The magistrate said nervously .

Gao Yuanzhi put his hands on his hips, and said with a smile: "You don't understand this, the reason why I agreed to him is just to keep him steady and let him issue a military order. If he can't handle these two things in a month, , I will announce the military order to the world, and let everyone in the world see that Du He is nothing more than an idiot. As for Lieutenant Du wanting to use my official seal, it is so easy. When the time comes, I will find an excuse , said that the official seal was lost, anyway, it will be here soon after a month..."

The county magistrate was stunned.

And this kind of operation?

He said sincerely: "My lord, tall, really tall!"

Gao Yuanzhi said: "By the way, I just heard what Du Xianwei said. He wants to send money to win people's hearts. You go and tell your subordinates. If anyone dares to defect to Du Xianwei, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The county magistrate nodded: "My lord, I understand what to do!"


at dusk.

Zhang Sanshen came to Du He's public house mysteriously.

Seeing Du He, Zhang San said excitedly: "My lord, all the money has been given away."

Du He was taken aback.

Slightly surprised.

Originally, it would take two or three days at the earliest for him to send money.

Unexpectedly, Zhang San and Li Si were so fast, they could finish it in one day.

Du He asked: "But not one is missed?"

Zhang San said: "In addition to the county magistrate Gao, the county magistrate, and you, Li Si and I, the others have all received the money. According to your request, everyone who has received the money, we will explain to them , as long as they listen to your errand, in time, there will be more money..."

Du He nodded, "Is there anyone willing to join me?"

Zhang San said with some embarrassment: "Yes... But, there are only eight."

There are five or sixty people in the majestic Wannian county government, but there are only eight people who are willing to obey Du He, the county lieutenant.

It's hard to believe it.

Du He said coldly: "Eight, eight is enough, bring them to see me."

Not much time.

At the entrance of the county government hall.

Du He saw the eight people brought in by Zhang San and Li Si.

Du He originally thought that these eight people were all old, weak, sick and disabled.

Unexpectedly, all of them are young and strong.

The oldest, no more than 35 years old.

Including Zhang San and Li Si, there are ten people in total.

Ten people stand in a row.

Except for Zhang San and Li Si, everyone else looked at Du He curiously.Some were bold, they looked at Du He, some were timid, they didn't even dare to look into Du He's eyes.

Du He walked up to a dark-skinned man in the middle, stared at him, and asked, "What's your name?"

The man agreed nervously, "My lord, my name is Ma San'er. I'm the county government's catcher."

To catch thieves and criminals is to catch thieves and criminals. It sounds very cool, but in fact it has a low status and is thankless.

Du He asked: "Ma San'er, you are willing to obey my order, are you not afraid of being blamed by Magistrate Gao?"

Ma San'er was silent for a while, then said: "My lord, I need money... I have fifteen children, and they all need to eat... But, I work as a policeman in the county government, and I don't have much money for a year. Money, I can’t support fifteen children at all! If I am driven away, please let me go to Dream Group to work for the sake of following you..."

Du He couldn't help being surprised.

In this day and age, it is not surprising that there are many children.

But it is really rare for an ordinary person to have fifteen children.

Du He patted Ma San'er on the shoulder: "Okay, I promise you that if you don't want to work in the county government one day, you can go to Dream Group... and the same is true for you, as long as you are willing to go to Dream Group, you can do it at any time." go."

Ma San'er and others were very excited when they heard the words.

Du He said: "From now on, the ten of you will obey my young master's orders."

Zhang San asked: "Master, I don't know what we need to do?"

Du He said: "In the past few days, there is only one thing, and that is to patrol the streets with this young master."


Isn't this what the Wuhous of Wuhoupu did?

Zhang San couldn't help but said: "My lord, it seems that this street patrolling is not the job of our county government?"

Du He said sternly: "As a parent official, this kind of thinking is unacceptable. You are all people supported by the county government. Where did the money come from? It didn't come from the people. Now, the magistrate Gao told me that Wannian County Within the jurisdiction, there are often people who bully men and women, fish and meat common people, how can you just sit idly by..."

Ma San'er was the first to say: "No!"

Du He took out the military order in a flash, and said: "This is the military order issued by this young master and the county magistrate Gao. If this matter cannot be handled within a month, this young master is willing to suffer any punishment. You all follow this Young master, by then, will you still be able to escape?"

Everyone was stunned.

Now that the arrow is on the string, I have to send it.

It's too late to regret.

So, ten people took the guys, followed Du He out of the Wannian County Government Office, and started patrolling the streets.


(End of this chapter)

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