Chapter 1171
Two days later.

Gao Yuanzhi was beheaded.

Property was confiscated.

Gao Yuanzhi, a small county magistrate, was confiscated with more than 40 Kaiyuan Tongbao, countless delicacies and antiques, and more than 50 wives and concubines.

As for the officials implicated in Gao Yuanzhi's case, more than 30 officials from the Sixth Department of the Central Committee to the Jingzhao Mansion and the Wannian County Government were dismissed and investigated.

As soon as this happened, the whole Chang'an was in an uproar.

Surprisingly, the people in Chang'an City praised Gao Yuanzhi before, he was the best official in history, but after this happened, everyone jumped up and scolded Gao Yuanzhi , no one remembers that he killed Mr. Lan for the sake of the people.

Only then did someone realize something was wrong.

It seems that the discussions of the common people were deliberately guided by others.

Of course, this matter did not attract too many people's attention, and after a few days, it was forgotten.

At the same time, an imperial edict was delivered to Du He.

The content of the imperial decree is very simple, that is, Du He will be the county magistrate of Wannian County, and his rank has also jumped from the lower rank of the ninth rank to the upper rank of the eighth rank.

Ximen Qing, who came to announce the decree, said: "Congratulations, Mr. Du, it's only been half a month, and you've been promoted again."

Du He frowned and asked: "Accordingly, Wannian County is a Shang County, and the county magistrate is at least rank seven. Why do I only have rank eight?"

Ximen Qing looked at no one around, and then whispered: "Young Master Du, His Majesty originally wanted to promote you to the sixth rank, but the officials thought that it was really a mistake for you to jump from the ninth rank to the sixth rank. It’s too shocking, they originally only wanted you to be promoted to the ninth rank, but it was His Majesty who asked you to give you the eighth rank.”

As he spoke, he handed a piece of paper to Du He.

Du He glanced casually.

It's all the list of officials who opposed his promotion.

After reading it, Du He burned the list in front of Ximen Qing.

After Ximen Qing left, Du He said coldly: "Hmph, these bastards... sooner or later you will be dealt with one by one..."




Thunderstorm torrential.

A carriage came out from the backyard of Xu Guogong's mansion.

The person sitting in the car was Gao Shilian.

Gao Shilian is now the governor of Tongzhou, and no longer the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. He is going to take office in Tongzhou.

Inside the carriage, there was his son Gao Xing.

Gao Xingchen muttered: "Father, you went to Tongzhou to serve as the governor. Why did you take me with you? I don't want to go to Tongzhou. I don't want to go to Tongzhou. I don't want to go to the backcountry, where the prosperity of Chang'an City is..."


Gao Shilian raised his hand and slapped Gao Xingxing.

Gao Xing was confused: "Father, why did you beat me? It was Du He who sent you to Tongzhou to be the governor, not me!"

Gao Shilian almost died of anger: "Nizi, Nizi... If you are half as smart as Du He, I will die in peace. Do you know that I let you go to Tongzhou with me to save your life! "

Gao Xing was still in a daze.

Gao Shilian explained: "Do you know that Du He is now the county magistrate of Wannian County? If you continue to stay in Chang'an City, with your extravagant personality, you might fall into his hands at some point." , if you fall into his hands, how much better do you think your fate will be than that young master Lan?"

Gao Xing immediately shrank his neck, not daring to speak anymore.

He and Mr. Lan had met for a few times, and even drank wine together. Lan Mingyu was considered the number one figure in Chang'an, a famous spice merchant, and Lan Lian was killed by Du He.

The carriage set off from the back door of Xu Guogong's mansion and went straight to the east gate.

The heavy rain is getting heavier.


Wannian County Government.

Lu Bu walked in with no expression on his face, and said, "Master, Gao Shilian has already left Chang'an, and he took Gao Xingshi with him."

Hearing this, Du He smiled, and said, "Sure enough, Gao Shilian is a thousand-year-old fox. He probably guessed that after I served as Wannian county magistrate, I would definitely attack Gao Xingxing, so he took Gao Xing rushed to Tongzhou together, just to avoid the limelight!"

Gao Xing was the same age as Du He, but he was a nobleman's wine bag and rice bag, and his body had long been hollowed out by wine, lust and wealth.

As long as he stays in Chang'an, Du He has a hundred ways to kill him.

Unexpectedly, Gao Shilian seemed to be aware of something and took him away.

Du He felt a little regretful, but he didn't say anything.

This time, he was deprived of the duke position of the Hu Kingdom and reduced to a small county captain from the ninth rank. It was all done by Gao Shilian, and now, it can be regarded as revenge.

Although Gao Shilian was not demoted, once he went to Tongzhou, he would have no influence on the situation in the DPRK and China in the short term.

Duho had nothing to worry about either.

At this moment, a rough voice suddenly sounded outside the yard.

"Is Du boy here?"

"It's past noon, boy Du is still sleeping, right?"

Du He was overjoyed when he heard this voice.

He walked quickly to the door, looked up, and saw Yu Chigong, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, striding into the courtyard.

It was raining majesticly and heavily, but Yu Chigong didn't open an umbrella and let the heavy rain water himself.

Behind him were two burly men, and the two men were carrying a sack together. The sack was wet by the rain, dripping with blood.

That's right, it was blood, the bright red blood that dripped the threshold of the yard red.

Du He didn't have time to greet Yu Chigong, so he hurriedly asked: "Uncle Yuchi, who is this?"

Could it be that Uncle Yuchi heard about my grievances with Gao Shilian and killed Gao Shilian who had just left the city?
With Yu Chigong's violent temper, it's not impossible!
Yuchi Gong laughed, and asked the two men to put down the sack, throw it on the ground, and open it.

Yu Chigong introduced: "This is a small yellow ox that I personally slaughtered when I first entered the city. The meat is delicious. I'm here to thank you!"

Hearing that it wasn't Gao Shilian, Du He breathed a sigh of relief. It is a felony for ordinary people to slaughter cattle, but now Yu Chigong has transformed himself into Minister of the Ministry of Officials. For him, killing cattle is a piece of cake, "Uncle Yuchi Just kidding, I have something to thank you for."

Yu Chigong said happily: "You kid still pretend to be confused, don't you? This time, if you didn't take action, how could that old Gao Shilian be relegated to the governor of Tongzhou? If he didn't go to Tongzhou, what would I do?" I can return to Chang'an... I have been away from Chang'an for too many years, and I dream of coming back. For this reason, I have often asked His Majesty to intercede, but His Majesty just refused to agree. I never thought that you would get Gao Shilian as soon as you made a move. Going to the same state, I also returned to the court smoothly, how can I not thank you..."

Du He's eyes widened, and he said solemnly: "Uncle Yuchi, don't talk nonsense. The reason why Mr. Gao was demoted to Tongzhou is because he condoned Gao Yuanzhi's misdeeds and evil. It's his own fault, and I have nothing to do with it."

Yuchi Gong was taken aback.

Afterwards, he and Du He laughed at the same time.


(End of this chapter)

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