Chapter 1185 Am I Rich?
Its daybreak.

Dai Zhou rubbed his eyes, raised his numb hand, stood up, and ordered: "Come on, prepare the carriages and horses, the old man is about to go to court."

The butler said worriedly: "Master, you didn't sleep last night, you should eat something."

Dai Zhou shook his head, his eyes were red, "It's too late."

"My lord, I don't know if I should say something or not. It is said that this new tax policy was created by Concubine Du alone. Even if there is any trouble now, it should be borne by him. Why do you have to worry so much about it? "The butler gritted his teeth and expressed his thoughts.

Dai Zhou snorted coldly: "You know what, I promised Du He about this matter, so why not handle it well, besides...Jin Yun is now the director of the Wannian Taxation Bureau. When venting his anger, Du He will have a hard time, and Jin Yun may be doomed."

The butler opened his mouth in astonishment, and finally nodded: "Master, I'll go get ready right away."

Not long after, a sedan chair set off from Dai's mansion.

Dai Zhou came to the gate of the palace.

I saw that many ministers had already arrived.

These ministers, when they met him in the past, would make fun of him spending 12 yuan to build a house in the place where no shit in Hu County, but today, no one made fun of Dai Zhou, and everyone looked worried .

Dai Zhou was completely clean, and thought to himself: A bunch of snobbish eyes, now I feel anxious. The old man finally understands why Du He promulgated the new tax policy. If the new tax policy is not a stupid trick, How could the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty agree with each other, and how could the court decree to acquiesce... It turns out that Du He's countermeasures were all behind.

This kid is really against the sky, and his calculations on people's hearts are really beyond the limit.

dong dong dong.

Drums sounded.

The palace gate opened.

The crowd poured in one after another, and each of them hurried to the Tai Chi Hall with brisk steps.

However, when people came to the Taiji Hall, they found that someone had already arrived in the hall.

This person is Du He.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded.

Wang Gui couldn't help asking: "Du He, why is it you?"

Du He smiled, "Master Wang, why can't it be me, you are all late."

Wang Gui retorted: "Nonsense, we came just in time, how can we be late, you are just a small eight-rank official, what qualifications do you have to go to court, why don't you hurry out."

"Yes, Concubine Du, you are only the county magistrate of Wannian. Without His Majesty's will, you are not allowed to go to court. It is better for you to leave quickly."

"Go away!"

Many people said one after another.


Dai Zhou stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Boy, why are you here? Didn't you say that you want to hand over the court to the old man?"

Du He said: "That's what I originally planned, but I don't know your strength in detail. If you can't say that to these guys, the father changed his mind and banned the new tax policy, then what I did before All your efforts are in vain.”

"You can't trust me?"


Dai Zhou: "..."

He wanted to hit someone.

Wang Gui and other ministers, however, insisted on driving Du He away.

Dai Zhou wanted to say a few words for Du He, but he didn't know how to speak.

Du He is a small eighth-rank official, and he is only a county magistrate. According to the rules, it is true that he cannot go to court at will.

Just when everyone was scolding excitedly, Du He suddenly took out a gold medal slowly.

This gold medal is out of the ordinary. It is as big as an arm. It was carried by Du He in a bag in his hand. It weighs about twenty catties. It is pure gold without any impurities. Once it is taken out, it is shining brightly Blind everyone's dog eyes.

Holding the gold medal in both hands, Du He asked, "My lords, am I qualified to go to court now?"

Wang Gui asked in surprise, "What are you?"

Du He said: "This gold medal was bestowed on me by the former emperor. With this gold medal, I can enter the palace at will, and I can also go to the court to perform affairs at will."

Everyone was stunned.

Wang Gui shouted: "You are talking nonsense. I have seen the gold medal given to you by the late emperor. When did it become so big and so ostentatious?"

Du He pointed to the center of the huge gold medal, "Lord Wang, widen your dog eyes and take a good look."

Wang Gui stepped forward to take a closer look.

Sure enough, there was a small gold medal inlaid in the center of the huge gold medal, which was bestowed by Gong Yu.

Wang Gui couldn't help asking: "Du He, are you crazy? Why did you make such a huge gold medal?"

Du He was tired and said, "Can't I have money?"

Everyone: "..."

Once the gold medal bestowed by the former emperor came out, no one dared to drive Du He away.


"His Majesty is here!"

The voice of the servant Zhao Yang sounded, and the morning ceremony officially started.

Li Er asked in a deep voice: "My dear friends, start playing if you have something to do, and leave the court if you have nothing to do."

Swish swish.

Before the words fell, more than a dozen ministers jumped out one after another.

Li Er was taken aback.

Such a grand scene will only appear when there is a huge change in the country.

A minister said: "Your Majesty, I want to impeach Du He, the county magistrate of Wannian. Du He, as the county magistrate of Wannian, doesn't want to educate the people, but encourages them to inform the people. Such behavior is simply teaching the people bad."

Li Er frowned: "What's going on?"

The minister said: "Your Majesty does not know something. Yesterday, Wannian County put up notices throughout the city, asking people to spontaneously report tax evasion merchants. The minimum reward is [-] guan, and there is no upper limit. Wanguan, there is no limit... Chang'an City is full of turmoil. Overnight, many merchants closed their doors and ran away. In Guangdong City, dozens of merchants fled overnight. I ask Your Majesty to issue an order immediately to stop Du He's nonsense. , and bring peace to Chang'an City."

"My minister agrees!"

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

More than a dozen ministers agreed one after another.

When Li Er heard this, he frowned again and again.

He glanced around, and finally put his eyes on the important ministers at the front, and asked, "My dear ministers, what do you think?"

Wang Gui was the first to say: "Your Majesty, I think it is better to stop this matter. Du He, as the county magistrate of Wannian, is a parent official. , If things go on like this, the people of Chang'an don't think about work, don't think about harmony, instead, there is a trend of reporting, everyone hates, this trend can't last, please make it clear, Your Majesty."

Dai Zhou knew that he was going to stand up, so he said: "Your Majesty, I have something to say, what Lord Wang and your lords said is not unreasonable, but I think that Du He's move is also to implement the new commercial taxation policy. It is said that in extraordinary times, extraordinary things should be done. Now that the new tax policy has just been implemented, it is inevitable that there will be problems of one kind or another. Du He can think of heavy rewards to curb tax evasion by merchants. Although there are mistakes, they will not be stopped, let alone guilty."


(End of this chapter)

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