God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1191 The Charm of Money

Chapter 1191 The Charm of Money

Since ancient times, people have laughed at the poor but not at the prostitutes.

If Lao Qin, father and son only received a reward of a few coins, they would definitely be despised by the common people.

Pooh!For a mere few bucks, he even betrayed his boss.

But now it's [-] guan, so it's different.

Great hero!

This is the hero of our new tax policy in Chang'an City!

Such a great hero will soon own [-] coins, and he can buy an incomparably luxurious mansion in Chang'an City, marry a bunch of beautiful wives, sing and sing every night, so happy!

Afterwards, Dai Jinyun said: "Please ask my teacher to present awards to the three heroes of Chang'an City's new tax policy!"

Duho took the stage.

The people cheered.

Du He reached the high platform and waved lightly.

Then, a strong man came out from the backstage.

Each strong man is holding a huge box.

A total of one hundred strong men.

A hundred large boxes, arranged in a row of ten horizontally and vertically, were neatly presented in front of everyone.


The men opened the box.

Immediately, boxes of Kaiyuan Tongbao blinded everyone.

The allure of money is immense.

There is a greater charm than money, and that is to put money in front of you.

Many were short of breath.

This... is too good.

There is so much money!
Those merchants talked a lot.

"It's really fifty thousand!"

"Du Concubine is crazy, he actually gave [-] guan to that bad old man!"

Many people thought at first that Duhe was just putting on a show.

Who knows, Du He came directly to the truth.

Everyone quickly fell into silence.

In the silence, only Du He said: "Now, on behalf of Wannian County, this young master is giving this batch of rewards to Lao Qin's family. Those who report tax evasion, once verified, will be rewarded with a minimum of [-] guan.”


The people began to cheer.

This means that a group of people are going to get rich like Lao Qin.

However, the expressions of the merchants changed drastically, and they all looked at the high platform and then at the common people without saying a word, and finally left in a hurry.

For Duho, today's awards ceremony was a great success.

Everyone in Chang'an city knew that the reward of [-] guan was real.

Du He came to Lao Qin, father and son, and said, "Old Qin, you can go on the road today."

On the road?

Lao Qin and his two sons looked at each other in shock.


Lao Qin suddenly knelt down in front of Du He, and his two sons also knelt down hastily.

I only heard Lao Qin say: "Master County Magistrate, I deserve to die, I deserve to die... I don't want any of this money, I don't want a penny, I implore the Magistrate to spare the lives of our father and son."

Du He was taken aback for a moment, and then said dumbfoundedly: "You old fellow, who do you take this young master for? This money is the reward for reporting Fan Bingbing by you father and son. This young master will not touch it, and neither will anyone else. , It’s yours, not a penny less, I mean, you take this money, go to Youzhou, Youzhou Chen, have something to do with me, when you arrive in Youzhou, I will write a book, please Mrs. Chen takes care of one or two..."


The old Qin father and son were a little dumbfounded.

Afterwards, Lao Qin said: "Damn the grassroots, how dare you misunderstand the county magistrate, sir, I am in Chang'an, and there are still some matters that have not been dealt with. Can you let me stay a few more days?"

"Of course, the money will be temporarily stored in the county government. When you go to Youzhou, I will send someone to escort you."

"The county magistrate's kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by the grassroots." Old Qin said excitedly.

Du He waved his hand, turned and left.


Back at the county government office, Du He couldn't help but sigh.

Dai Jinyun on the side asked curiously: "Today's award ceremony is grand and has achieved its goal. Why is the teacher sighing?"

Du He said: "The tree attracts the wind, we made this awards ceremony so grand, tomorrow, someone will definitely come out to impeach me in the court."

Dai Jinyun asked: "Are they jealous of Teacher?"

"No, it's their interests that are about to be damaged. We held the awards ceremony with great fanfare. The purpose is also simple, just to let many people know that the rewards in Wannian County are real. Such a high reward must have a lot of benefits. Few people will be tempted, and then start to report those guys who evade taxes... And the richest and most wealthy people in Chang'an City are the ministers in the court. They know that they are going to bleed, how can I make it easier for me, even if I can't die I, too, will be disgusted by me." Du He analyzed.

Dai Jinyun asked: "Teacher, is there a way to deal with it? How about I go to my uncle and ask him to go to the hall tomorrow to give you a roof?"

Du He couldn't help laughing and said: "Master Dai's ability to stand up to women is not bad, if you want to speak for me in the court, let's forget it."

That time in the court hall, Du He could see Dai Zhou clearly.

He is already disappointed in Dai Zhou!
Dai Jinyun: "..."

"You step back first, and think of a countermeasure for the sake of the teacher." Du He waved his hand.

Dai Jinyun immediately resigned.


Du He entered the yard and sat down under the osmanthus tree.

The breeze is coming.

Osmanthus fragrance.

He began to think in his heart.

No matter what the reason is, the impeachment against me in the court tomorrow is inevitable.

Although there are too many lice and it doesn't itch, but now is the time when the new tax policy is just on the right track, if something happens, all the hard work of this young master will be in vain.


You have to think of a way quickly.

Du He took out a piece of paper and wrote down a sentence: Twelve reasons why those idiots in the court impeached me.

Article [-]...

Article [-]...

Swish swish.

The sound of the brush falling on the paper is endless.

Not long after, Du He put down his pen and smiled slightly: "It's done! Since you guys want to mess with me, then I'll disgust you too."

Du He put the paper away, and then sent someone to call Dai Jinyun over.

As soon as Dai Jinyun entered, Du He closed the courtyard door.

Then he beckoned and let Dai Jinyun come to his room.

When Dai Jinyun saw this, he couldn't help feeling uneasy.

Does the teacher like my delicate features?

Did I follow, or did I follow?
He was about to say, teacher, please allow me to wash it up.

But I heard Du He say: "This matter is related to tomorrow's situation, it is extremely important, it must not be revealed, only we, the master and the apprentice, will know."

That's it!

Dai Jinyun was a little surprised.

The teacher is really the contemporary Liu Xiahui.

Sit still!

He hurriedly asked: "Teacher, do you have a solution?"

Du He sat down and said, "Jin Yun, I heard that in the past few days, some merchants have privately invited you to meet, and they also promised you countless benefits? Is it all to let you point out a way?"


For an instant.

It was as if Dai Jinyun sat directly on the red-tasseled gun without his pants on. When the shot saw blood, he stood up in pain.


(End of this chapter)

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