God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1196 Are 6th Rank Officials So Arrogant

Chapter 1196 Are Sixth Rank Officials So Arrogant

The Guancheng Brigade merged with the Wannian Security Brigade, and the number directly rose to a thousand.

The camp of the Guancheng Brigade is still in Hu County.

However, there is a branch in the Wannian County Government. The number of this branch has reached as many as three hundred, and it will be responsible for the security of the entire Chang'an City.

The king of Shu, who had been idle for a while, finally got busy and felt very good.

At this moment, he was reprimanding a few incompetent subordinates in the backyard.

But Li Ergou, the vice-captain, walked in hastily, with a hasty look on his face: "Your Highness, our people have caused trouble."

Li Ke was taken aback: "What's going on?"

He was a little surprised.

The Guancheng Brigade, in Hu County, is a sideways role, and no one dares to provoke the Guancheng Brigade.

Why did something happen to me on the first day I arrived in Chang'an City?

Is this still available?

Li Ergou said: "Today, when the brothers were patrolling the city, they met Wuhou who was patrolling the city in Chang'an International Shopping Center. The Wuhous made a mockery, and the brothers were so angry that they did it. Ten of us, the two The ten Marquis Wu were all beaten to the ground. Our people were also injured, and one brother's face was scratched."

"Aren't the others injured?"


Li Ke nodded with satisfaction.

In terms of combat effectiveness, he has absolute confidence in the Guancheng trained by himself.

Those Marquis Wu in the Wuhou shop are not worthy of carrying shoes for the Guancheng brigade.

Li Ke said angrily: "It's really unreasonable, how dare a mere Marquis Wu dare to attack my king's Guancheng brigade."

Li Ergou corrected: "Your Highness, it was our people who beat Marquis Wu, not Marquis Wu who beat us!"

Li Ke glared at Li Ergou: "What the king says is what I say, let's go to Wuhou shop."

Li Ergou: "..."

He was dumbfounded for a moment, then hurriedly followed.

As soon as the two walked out of the yard, they ran into Du He head-on.

Du He asked, "Where is Your Highness going?"

Li Ke briefly explained the matter.


Du He slapped the table next to him, "It's really unreasonable, Wuhoupu dared to move my young master's Guancheng brigade, let's go, Your Highness, I will go to Wuhoupu to seek justice with you!"

"it is good!"

Li Ergou was dumbfounded.

Really like a father (master), like a son (disciple) ah!


Wuhou shop.

This is a rather special institution.

It sounds awesome, but it doesn't actually have much power.

The main duty of the Marquis Wu is to patrol the city, especially after the curfew, to patrol the entire Chang'an City, one is to maintain law and order, and the other is to arrest thieves and the like.

However, the responsibilities of Wuhou shop are limited to this.

Compared with the imperial guards guarding Chang'an City, their treatment is pitifully low, and their status is not as high as that of the imperial guards.

Compared with the servants in Chang'an and Wannian counties, the Marquis Wu lacked a lot of freedom.

Therefore, when Wannian County annexed Chang'an City and Huxian County, and the Guancheng Brigade of Huxian County merged with the Wannian Security Team, many Marquis Wu were not convinced, thinking that the newly established Chang'an Guancheng Brigade had robbed Wuhou's shop. The Wuhous of Houpu lost their interests because of this.

Thus, conflicts inevitably arose.

In the backyard of Wuhoupu.

Cai Neng, the commandant of Wuhoupu, roared angrily: "Waste, a bunch of waste, you are twenty people with knives and guns, and there are only ten people in the Guancheng Brigade, and you only carry sticks. You are beaten like this!" , The face of Marquis Wu's store has been completely thrown away by you, I feel ashamed for you, trash..."

Two against one, let's not talk about it if you haven't fought, and you haven't even escaped, which is very embarrassing.

No wonder Cai Neng was so furious.

Cai Neng was getting angry, and immediately said: "Come on, get me the manpower, and I will take you to beat up those bastards in the Guancheng Brigade. If you don't get angry, how can Wuhou Shop still gain a foothold in Chang'an City in the future?" .”

When you come out to hang out, you always pay attention to the word of face. If you are beaten up and don't fight back, if you don't get back the place, how will you hang around in the future.

The civil servant next to him hastily persuaded: "Your Excellency, calm down, I'm afraid this matter needs to be discussed in the long term. The Guancheng brigade is now under the control of Wannian County, and the magistrate of Wannian County is Du Hedu's son-in-law."

"So what about Du He, so what if he is a son-in-law, but he is the county magistrate of a small county, eighth rank only, and this official is on the sixth rank. When he sees me, he still needs to respectfully call me sir." Cai Neng flicked sleeve, said angrily.

The civil official said again: "However, my lord, the captain of the Guancheng Brigade is His Royal Highness the King of Shu. I heard that His Highness is the most protective of the Guancheng Brigade. If we beat him up, we may not be able to make any troubles." .”

Cai Neng is a martial artist, so he didn't care about these things, and immediately said: "What about His Royal Highness, the Guancheng brigade beat my people, won't you let me take revenge? Is there any king's law? If it doesn't work, go to the court , confronting His Majesty, who is afraid of whom!"

Huaying just fell.

A voice suddenly came from the door: "Lord Cai is so majestic, it's fine if you don't take this young master seriously, even His Royal Highness the King of Shu doesn't take seriously, are the current sixth-rank officials so arrogant?"

Everyone turned their heads in unison.

I saw a group of city guards bursting in at the door, each of them carrying a mace, looking fierce.

A few Marquis Wu were furious, and when they were about to make a move, they were pinned to the ground by several Guan Cheng, snatched the sword, and threw it outside the courtyard.

Cai Neng was taken aback for a moment, then walked up to Du He, and said angrily, "Magistrate Du, you came just in time, I was just looking for you. I have seen His Royal Highness the King of Shu."

Li Ke gave Cai Neng a hard look.

Du He went straight to the chair where the main seat was, sat down firmly, and then said lightly: "Master Cai, your people beat my Guancheng, tell me, how should this matter be settled?" ?”

Cai Neng's eyes widened immediately: "Impossible, you spewed blood... It was obviously your people who beat Marquis Wu, why did you bite back?"

Du He sneered and said: "Master Cai, you think that this young master has time to tell you jokes, come on, let Master Cai see!"

Immediately, a group of Guan Cheng appeared at the door, carrying crude stretchers.

A total of ten stretchers!
On each stretcher lay a seriously injured Guancheng.

Some legs are broken!
Some hands are broken!
Some are still fainting.

That's horrible!
The Marquis Wu were dumbfounded when they saw it.

Cai Neng was also a little confused, he hurriedly called his subordinates over, and asked angrily, "What's going on?"

The subordinate said aggrievedly: "My lord, I am wronged. All twenty of us were beaten to the ground by them. We only injured two of them, and they were all minor injuries. I don't know about this!"

Cai Neng understood in an instant.

Du He is cheating on me!
He turned around and stared at Du He: "Magistrate Du, what are you trying to do by doing this on purpose? Could it be that you still want to blackmail my Marquis Wu shop?
Before Du He could speak, Li Ke stood up and said angrily: "Cai Neng, you swindler, you mean that this king wants to blackmail you, you are so brave, you have twenty Wuhous under you, and you are in the middle of the street. The Guancheng Brigade who beat me up, the Guancheng Brigade only had ten members, and it was impossible to be an opponent. This incident was witnessed by many people, and Wannian County Yazuo personally inspected the wounds. All the evidence of the crime is here. At the office, the witnesses and the physical evidence are convincing, you still dare to prevaricate, do you want to die?"


(End of this chapter)

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