God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1214 Vicious suggestion

Chapter 1214 Vicious suggestion

a time.

The Tai Chi Hall was full of embarrassing atmosphere.

Originally, Wang Gui and others thought that the ten counties and county magistrates came together to impeach Du He.

Unexpectedly, these guys came to ask His Majesty to come forward to coordinate and join the Ten Counties Alliance.

Magistrate Zhou even looked at Wang Gui with an incredulous expression.

Wang Gui wished he could dig a hole in the ground and get in.

Li Er was also taken aback, and asked: "Zhou Aiqing, I heard that after the ten-county alliance was established, it was beggar-thy-neighbor, and misfortune was brought to the east. In the ten counties that have not joined the ten-county alliance, people are panic-stricken and the people are struggling to survive. Is there such a thing?"

Magistrate Zhou immediately said: "Your Majesty, this matter is nothing but nonsense!"

Other county magistrates have also said that it is impossible.

The main purpose of these guys is to join the Ten-County Alliance. Even if there are problems within their jurisdiction, they dare not raise them. Otherwise, if Du He finds out, joining the Ten-County Alliance will be hopeless. "

Wang Gui and the others were dumbfounded again.

The light words of the ten county magistrates overturned all their previous efforts.

Li Er intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the ministers who impeached Du He just now, his face was a little unsightly.

All the ministers lowered their heads one by one, not daring to speak any more.

Li Er said in a deep voice: "Zhou Aiqing, I already know about you and others. If the counties under your jurisdiction also join the Ten-County Alliance, wouldn't it mean that the entire Jingzhao Mansion has already joined the Ten-County Alliance and is governed by the Ten-County Alliance?" Jurisdiction, in this way, what is the use of Jingzhao Mansion, you can think about it clearly?"

Magistrate Zhou gritted his teeth, "Your Majesty, joining the Ten-County Alliance has many benefits. The most important thing is that it can solve the problems of tax collection and public security. The ministers think that joining the Ten-County Alliance is imminent."

Li Er nodded, and then said: "My dear friends, whether it is the ten-county alliance or the leader of the alliance, it is always inconsistent with my Tang legal system. If this is the case, it is better to transfer Du He to Jingzhao Mansion, so that the entire Jingzhao can be controlled. Mansion, I want to promote Du He as the young governor of Jingzhao Mansion..."

This is planning to promote Du He.

Anyway, since the ten-county alliance was established, among the twelve counties including Wannian, the influence of Jingzhao Mansion has existed in name only.

Li Er thought about promoting Du He to the position of Shaoyin in Jingzhao Mansion.

Li Er's words caused an uproar.

Many people were shocked.

Governor of Jingzhao, that is a member of the fourth rank.

Now, Du He is no more than rank eight.

Is this a leap to level four?

The most important thing is that from the fourth rank, he is already considered an important minister in the court, and he also controls the entire Jingzhao Mansion.

Wang Gui, Changsun Wuji and others looked at each other, and they all saw the meaning in each other's eyes: object!

We must resolutely oppose it!

Everyone finally managed to get Du He to a Wannian county magistrate from the ninth rank. Who would have thought that this guy was very lucky, and he overthrew the original Wannian county magistrate Gao Yuanzhi, and turned himself into a Wannian county magistrate. .

It hasn't been long, is he about to be promoted to be the Shaoyin of the Jingzhao Mansion?
This guy is a sesame blossom!
Changsun Wuji was the first to jump out to object: "Your Majesty, I think it's inappropriate."

Li Er looked at Changsun Wuji curiously.

Changsun Wuji said: "Your Majesty, according to the tradition of my Tang Dynasty, it takes three years for a local county magistrate to be promoted. For half a year, I am still not familiar with the affairs of Wannian County, nor have I made any great achievements for the people of Wannian County. If I was promoted rashly, I am afraid that it will be difficult to convince the public. Besides, Du He is still young and inexperienced. If it is too fast, it will be tantamount to counteracting the growth of the seedlings, and it will be his own harm."

Wang Gui also said: "Your Majesty, the eldest grandson's words are reasonable. Du He served as the county magistrate of Wannian, so he should have a good experience. The young governor of the Jingzhao Mansion is an adjutant official, but he just picks up people's teeth and makes up for the omissions of the Jingzhao Mansion Yin. That's all, it's not a good thing for Du He."

Chen Shuda said: "The minister seconded the proposal!"

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

More than a dozen ministers said one after another.

In order to prevent Du He from being promoted, these guys are fighting hard.

Li Er was suddenly annoyed.

Although he can go his own way and decide this matter, it is not conducive to the harmony between the monarch and his subjects.

He sneered and said: "According to what you love, Du He, a minister who has made great contributions, can't be rewarded anymore? Let me ask you, since Du He served as county magistrate for ten thousand years, Chang'an City has been peaceful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. All the counties admired Du He and wanted to join the ten-county alliance one after another. Let me ask, who can do such a feat? My Tang Dynasty does not have the capacity to tolerate people. Even if it treats heroes like this, how will the people of the world think of me? What do you think of you guys?"

When everyone heard the words, they all knew that Li Er was angry.

It seems that Du He's promotion is irresistible.

Chen Shuda rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I have a way."

"My love, please tell me!"

Chen Shuda smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Your Majesty is right. I was the minister who waited for Meng Lang just now. The meritorious minister should indeed be rewarded and promoted... The minister suggested that Du He should be promoted to be the secretary of the Jingzhao Mansion and join the army. In Jingzhao Mansion’s jurisdiction, commercial taxation and public security are two matters, and the official position is from the sixth rank, what does your Majesty think?”

Li Er didn't speak yet.

Wang Gui and others said excitedly: "Your Majesty, I think Lord Chen's proposal is very pertinent."

Changsun Wuji also said: "Du He, as the leader of the ten-county alliance, has been in charge of the commercial taxation and public security of the entire Jingzhao Prefecture. Now, it is perfect for him to join the army as the secretary of the Jingzhao Prefecture."

Chen Shuda's proposal was immediately approved by many people.

Seeing this, Li Er nodded: "In this case, let Du He serve as the secretary of Jingzhao Prefecture to join the army, and lead the business taxation and public security in Jingzhao Prefecture, and Wei Shuyu will be the magistrate of Wannian County. , recommended by the Ministry of Officials."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Everyone praised.

After retreating.

As soon as Chen Shuda walked outside, many officials came up to flatter him.

"Oh, Lord Chen, I didn't expect that you came up with such an excellent idea. It's really admirable, admirable!"

"Mr. Chen is a real expert. This suggestion means that Du He is promoted to be a financial officer. If Du He doesn't have any conspicuous contributions, I'm afraid he can only be an assistant officer in this life. .”

"Master Chen, Gao Ming!"

Officials said one after another.

Chen Shuda just smiled but said nothing.

His suggestion was indeed vicious.

Although Du He's rank has changed from eighth rank to sixth rank, it seems that he has been promoted.

But Sihu of Jingzhao Prefecture joined the army, but he was just a little guy.

Moreover, according to the tradition since the Qin Dynasty, anyone with a bright future came from a local county magistrate or a state official, and then entered the court directly.

If you are an assistant officer, it will be difficult to make a difference in your life. The reason is simple. As an assistant officer, no matter how well you do it, it is the credit of your immediate boss, and you have something to do with it. If your boss has a problem, you will be the one who takes the blame .

Chen Shuda's proposal made Du He fall into a dark situation.


(End of this chapter)

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