God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1223 Wang Gui's last words

Chapter 1223 Wang Gui's last words
Immediately, Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling stared at Du He with burning eyes.

Du He said: "To be honest, my lords, because my father was seriously ill, neither the king of medicine nor the imperial physician could heal me, so I prayed to heaven again. My filial piety moved God, so he gave me a fairy medicine. Father has taken the fairy medicine, and his health has improved a lot..."

Before Du He could finish his sentence, he saw two seriously ill patients suffering from tuberculosis, they rubbed their hands twice, got up from the bamboo recliner, rushed to Du He, and stretched out their hands.

"Where is the fairy medicine?" The two asked in unison.

Du He took out a porcelain bottle from his sleeve and poured two bottles for Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling respectively.

Then he explained: "This fairy medicine is taken three times a day, two pills each time, orally with warm water."

three times a day?

Wei Zheng was a little dumbfounded and said, "Since it's three times a day, then you only give it to us once?"

Du He explained: "Master Wei, that's all I have on me, wait for me to go back and get it."


Then, Du He left calmly.

Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling hurriedly asked the servants of Lai Guogong's mansion to bring warm water and swallow the medicine.

Then, the two waited impatiently for Du He to deliver the rest of the medicine.


Du He bid farewell to Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling, and went straight to the courtyard where Du Ruhui lived.

Du Ruhui was walking slowly in the yard.

Tuberculosis is a disease that, to put it bluntly, is caused by poor health.

Therefore, Du He not only asked Du Ruhui to take ethambutol on time every day, but also asked Du Ruhui to take walks and small walks in the yard every day to exercise.

As long as the body recovers, the disease will naturally disappear.

When Du Ruhui turned his head and saw Du He, he felt mixed feelings for a moment.

Originally, he thought he couldn't make it through, and even prepared his last words.

He intends to hand over the Lai State Mansion to Du He to take care of it.

Unexpectedly, after a few days, I gradually recovered.

Du Ruhui looked at Du He, and said in his heart, he is indeed my Du Ruhui's seed, a good boy.

Du He stepped forward and asked, "Father, is your body recovering well?"

Du Ruhui stretched his arms, looked at Du He, and said, "He'er, this time, it's all thanks to you."

"Father, why should my family say such polite words! Father, since your body has almost recovered, why don't I take you out of the mansion for a walk, staying in the mansion all day is a bit boring..." Du He laughed Said.

On the side, the old master hurried up and persuaded: "Young master, the master is still very weak, the king of medicine asked the master to rest more."

"Of course I know, I have already prepared a wheelchair."

Du He clapped his hands.

At the door, someone pushed in a wheelchair.

Du He asked Zhang Du to build this wheelchair a few days ago, using the best materials and the most advanced design.

Du Ruhui said happily: "It's rare for He'er to be filial, but I'm suffering from tuberculosis. If I go out, won't it infect others?"

Du He didn't care and said: "Father, your illness has improved, and it is said that you will not be contagious, but just in case, just wear a mask."

"Alright! Old Fu, change the old man's clothes and put on a mask."


Not long after, Du He pushed Du Ruhui out of Lai State Duke's Mansion.

After many days, the closed main gate of Lai Guogong Mansion opened again, which attracted the attention of many people.

Chang'an City has long been filled with various rumors.

It is said that Du Ruhui has already gone west by crane.

It was said that Du Ruhui was still unconscious.

It was said that Du Ruhui was terminally ill.

When Du Ruhui appeared in front of everyone in a wheelchair, all the rumors were self-defeating.

The common people were full of praise when they saw Du He pushing Du Ruhui on the People's Avenue.

"Consort Du, you are really the most filial son in the world!"

"That's right, haven't you seen Consort Du guarding the spirit of the Supreme Emperor?"

"Du Xiang's illness is cured!"

People, word of mouth.

The news spread quickly.


Situ House.

"Cough cough cough..."


"Ji'er, as a father, it probably won't work. You have to remember, our Wang family, from now on, your two brothers will help you in the court. You must wholeheartedly cure Banshan College, at least three to five years In at least ten years, Banshan College will definitely be famous all over the world. At that time, our Wang family can feel proud. Remember, you...cough cough cough...you don't want to be an official in the court, your character is too upright , I am not suitable for being an official, if you insist on entering the court, it will harm you..."

In the backyard, in front of the bed in a wing room, Wang Gui was explaining the funeral to his elder son Wang Chongji.

Wang Chongji was full of worry: "Father, you can lie down and rest for a while, the second and third brothers will come right away."

But Wang Gui quit and said, "Ji'er, as a father, there is one more thing I regret!"


"As a father, you shouldn't ignore Du He's words and leave Laiguo Duke's mansion rashly. Otherwise, you won't be able to infect the people in the mansion with this tuberculosis. The old housekeeper in the mansion has worked for our royal family for more than 30 years. I thought, but I killed him..." Wang Gui's face was painful.

It turned out that the old housekeeper of Situ's mansion died of tuberculosis within two days after being infected by Wang Gui.

Wang Chongji comforted: "Father, you don't have to be at ease, life and death are destiny, the old housekeeper will definitely not blame you..."

At this moment, Wang Gui's second son Wang Jingzhi and third son Wang Mingzhi came hand in hand.

Seeing Wang Gui's serious illness, the two were very anxious.

Wang Mingzhi asked: "Brother, why don't you invite the imperial doctor to treat your father?"

Wang Chongji said: "Third brother, Your Majesty already knew about this matter, and sent an imperial doctor to treat my father. Unfortunately, the imperial doctor was helpless."

Wang Jingzhi suddenly asked: "Brother, is Dad suffering from tuberculosis?"

Wang Chongji nodded.

Wang Jingzhi asked again: "Is it Du Xiang's infection?"

Wang Chongji said: "That's right, that day, Du Xiang was suffering from tuberculosis and fainted in the Tai Chi Hall, and his father was there. According to Du He, this tuberculosis is extremely contagious. Anyone who has been in contact with Du Xiang has it." May suffer from."

Wang Jingzhi stood up suddenly, and said: "Since that's the case, then father's illness is cured, father, do you know that now, there are rumors outside, that Du He touched the heavens with his filial piety, and obtained the immortal medicine to cure him?" Du Xiang's tuberculosis?"

Wang Chongji shook his head, "Second brother, these are just alarmist words. You can only deceive ordinary people about things like Du He's begging for immortal medicine. Maybe Du Xiang is already dying of illness."

Wang Jingzhi said seriously: "No, it's true. I just passed by People's Avenue, and I saw Du He pushing Du Xiang on the People's Avenue. Du Xiang covered his face, but greeted the people. It seems that he has indeed recovered."

"Really?" Wang Chongji asked in surprise.

"I saw it with my own eyes!"

Wang Chongjinonuo said to himself: "Since this is the case, no matter whether Du He has the elixir or not, he must have a way to cure tuberculosis. Second brother, third brother, you stay and take care of father, I will go to find Du He... "

After speaking, Wang Chongji rushed out without stopping.


(End of this chapter)

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