God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1242 Disaster Relief

Chapter 1242 Disaster Relief
Du He briefly described the situation when he came here just now.

Hearing this, Li Ke was taken aback.

He asked: "Teacher, is it possible that you really agreed?"

Du He smiled and said: "Why not? Master Dai is right, this is indeed an opportunity, if I manage the disaster relief work beautifully, my father is expected to be promoted to the position of Taiwei."

Li Ke asked puzzledly: "Since you have already agreed, teacher, why did you want to act with Dai Zhou just now?"

Du He said dumbfoundedly: "Your Highness, life is like a play, and it all depends on acting skills. If I don't do that, how can I cheat from Mr. Dai... I want 50 guan. You know, the Ministry of Civil Affairs only planned to give it to you at the beginning. 30 guan in Chang'an City..."


Li Ke suddenly realized.


After receiving the edict, Du He immediately discussed with Liu Wentong.

As a sihu, he joined the army and had already begun to lead the disaster relief of the entire Chang'an city, so it was naturally impossible for him to sit in the Jingzhao government office again.

On the same day, Du He moved to the camp of the Guancheng Brigade.

Daying is near Yongning Gate.

A huge plaque was newly erected aside: Chang'an Disaster Relief Temporary Command Center.

Here is Du He's new office.

At the same time, the Changan Taxation Bureau also moved here.

The Guancheng Brigade and the Taxation Bureau, these are the two teams that Du He can directly mobilize.

Just after noon.

A carriage appeared right at the gate of the command center, and was actually escorted by the Imperial Army.

Dai Zhou escorted the chariot himself.

Du He personally came out to greet him.

Seeing Du He, Dai Zhou said: "Nephew, in order to give you 50 guan, I have withstood the pressure of being impeached by the censor. I don't know how many people are staring at the treasury's money. If it is bent, let alone 50 guan Wan Guan, even 30 Guan, I can’t take it out anymore, as soon as I think of you, I will escort you here first..."

Dai Zhou was under a lot of pressure.

Du He cupped his hands: "Thank you, Mr. Dai."

He immediately asked Qin Huaiyu to call the idle Guancheng brigade over, and began to move Yuan Tongbao away.

The 50 guan was handed over to Du He. Dai Zhou heaved a sigh of relief. Before leaving, he asked, "When will you tell me the conditions you mentioned in the morning?"

Du He laughed and said, "The time is not ripe!"

Dai Zhou pursed his lips, turned and left, feeling very disturbed.



"There are still two workshops!"


Bai Fengqiu wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked on, got into the carriage, and said to the driver: "Go on!".

He carried a booklet under his arm.

Bai Fengqiu has fulfilled his wish to serve as the supervisor of the disaster relief since the daytime dispersal of the dynasty.

He began to make up his mind, this time he must make Du He look good.

After he left the palace, he didn't have time to go back to greet the homeless family members, so he started to wander around Chang'an City with pen, ink and paper.

What he does is also very simple, that is to count the homeless people whose houses in Chang'an City were destroyed.

Of course, this project is huge.

He can't do it alone in a short time.

Therefore, he recruited more than 30 literate people from the government to participate.

At dusk, I finally ran all over Chang'an City.

Bai Fengqiu felt that his legs were about to break.

Fortunately, the statistics are basically clear.

When he arrived at Chang'an Disaster Relief Temporary Command Center, Du He was directing the city management brigade to cook.

Seeing Bai Fengqiu, Du He greeted: "It's a coincidence that Master Bai came here, it's time for dinner."


With a gloomy expression, Bai Fengqiu threw the booklet in his hand on the table and said, "Consort Du, you should read it first."

Du He picked it up to look at it, and asked, "This is the list of homeless people registered by Mr. Bai. It's so pitiful that the houses of these people have been damaged!"

Bai Fengqiu said coldly: "Nowadays, there are as many as 8000 people living in Chang'an without a fixed place to live, but Prince Du, as a disaster relief officer, does not care about the people's feelings or make decisions for the people, but is here to discuss the future. It doesn't make any sense what to eat for dinner, tomorrow morning, I will enter the palace and report the matter to His Majesty in detail, people like you who are vegetarians should be sent to Lingnan."

Du He's face darkened: "It's over!"

"Of course not, Concubine Du, if you still have a little conscience..."

"you shut up!"

"You want me to shut up, you're dreaming, even if you put a knife across my neck, I can't shut up, Du He, you are the biggest moth in my Tang Dynasty..."

Bai Fengqiu was scolding vigorously, suddenly, Lu Bu came over, took out a knife, and put it on his neck.


Bai Fengqiu's face turned pale immediately, and he didn't dare to speak again.

Du He picked up the booklet, turned around and said to Qin Huaiyu: "Captain Qin, call back the brothers who were sent out just now. Master Bai has already counted this list for us... The fleet of Dream Group should be It's almost here, send people immediately, and set up fifteen resettlement sites according to the roster, so that these homeless people can have a home for the time being."

Qin Huaiyu took the brochure, turned and left.

Bai Fengqiu shouted: "That's my thing."

Du He cupped his hands: "Master Bai has worked hard. I never thought that Master Bai is so dedicated. It is really admirable. With your roster, the disaster relief work has been greatly reduced."

Just as Bai Fengqiu wanted to scold Du He angrily, he saw a young man walking over and said, "Master, the convoy has arrived."

Du He nodded, turned his head to look at Bai Fengqiu: "Master Bai, if you are fine, why not come with me."

"As a supervisor, of course I have to see what you want to do... Huh, don't think that I can't do anything if you take away my roster. I will definitely impeach you tomorrow. There are more than 8000 homeless people. People living on the streets, as the chief officer of disaster relief, it is unreasonable for you to ignore them..."

He followed Du He cursingly.


Yongning gate.

On Anhui Avenue.

A long convoy.

Can't see the head at a glance.

Every carriage is fully loaded.

The person escorting the car is none other than Ma Zhou, the general manager of Dream Group.

Ma Zhou stepped forward, looked at Du He, and said, "Master, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life. In three days, three thousand tents are all finished."


Bai Fengqiu was confused.

Du He said: "Old Ma, thank you for your hard work, have you done all the account books?"

Ma Zhou took out an account book and handed it to Du He, "Master, according to your instructions, all the tents are only counted as labor costs, cloth and other costs. Dream Group does not make a penny, and the total is [-] guan."

Du He turned around and said to Dai Jinyun: "Jin Yun, immediately arrange for someone to take out [-] guan. After the dream group's carriage unloads the tent, immediately pack the money and return to Hu County."

"is teacher!"

Du He said to Qin Huaiyu again: "Second brother Qin, arrange for someone to unload the car immediately."

Qin Huaiyu nodded in agreement.

But Bai Fengqiu jumped at Du He's door, stopped Du He, and asked: "Are you going to give the Dream Group [-] guan?"

As a person who finds fault, Bai Fengqiu instinctively feels that something is wrong.


(End of this chapter)

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