God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 202 Set a Small Goal First

Chapter 202 Set a Small Goal First
Hearing this, Li Er was stunned for a while.

He had once again learned Du He's eloquence, no wonder the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty now rumored that Du He was the heir of a sophist, and his reputation was indeed well-deserved.

After a long time, Li Ercai said angrily: "You know what? Although the Tubo people are poor, the Tubo cavalry is stronger than the Turkic people back then. Just say that in the past few years, there have been frictions between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo at the border. Quite the same, but Songtsan Gampo is a man who strives hard to rule. Tubo is in his hands, growing stronger and stronger. Sometimes I can’t sleep thinking about it. Besides, when fighting, it’s my soldiers who die..."

Du He actually wanted to say, second brother, don’t worry, Tubo can still dance for a few years now, and after a few years there will be some civil strife, it will become worse and worse, and Songtsan Gambo will have to go to Chang’an by then Come to call Dad, I beg you to marry Princess Wencheng to him... In five years, the Tang Dynasty will become a prosperous age, and all nations will come to court.

Unfortunately, even if Du He said such things, Li Er would not believe them.

Seeing that Li Er's eyes were red and he was about to run away, Du He hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, calm down, the price can still be negotiated. I'll give you a 40% discount, [-] taels of silver, how about it?"

Li Er shook his head: "40 taels, not at all."

Du He chuckled: "Your Majesty, in fact, Princess Lizhi and I really love each other, why don't you just let us do it. Do you have the heart to watch such a lovely young couple break up?"

"you give me……"

Before Li Er finished speaking, Du He took it: "Get out? Okay, I'll get out right away!"

After Du He finished speaking, he was about to turn around.

Li Er shouted loudly: "Stop for me!"

"Ah, Your Majesty, is there anything else?" Du He turned around and asked.

Li Er waved his hand and told Zhao Yang and others to go out.

After all the people around have left and the door of the imperial study room is closed.

Du He quickly stood aside: "Your Majesty, don't you want to kill me?"

Li Er was very angry: "Du He, Du He, there are rumors outside that you are a big devil who is not afraid of anything, why are you afraid of death, hahaha..."

Du He: "..."

Seeing Li Er's expression suddenly became serious, he said, "Du He, I have three questions for you."

"Your Majesty, please tell me."

"First," Li Er asked, "Do you really like Lizhi?"

Du He's chick nodded like pecking at rice: "That's still fake, true love."

"What about Yuanshu?"

"It's also true love."

"People, don't be greedy." Li Er gritted his teeth and said.

Du He shook his head: "I want it all, people don't waste money and waste money."

Li Er took a breath: "Second, you must tell me, where are you from? Don't tell me, you are that dude of the Du family. I watched him grow up with my own eyes. How much he weighs, I am very happy. clear."

Du He's complexion changed.

This old guy has already noticed it.

Seeing this, Li Er hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'm just curious, is there another world, or heaven?"

Seeing this, Du He was a little relieved.

Just now, after Li Er finished asking, he had quietly picked up the dagger hidden in his sleeve.

But if anything goes wrong, he will definitely take action without hesitation.

Only then did Du He laugh and say: "Your Majesty, you are wrong, I am Du He, the real Du He, but by chance, my soul went to another world, perhaps, that is the sky. "

Li Er was a little disappointed after hearing this: "Then how did you get those Zhonghua cigarettes?"

"Of course it was a gift from the immortal."

"Could it be that the immortal let you roam the fairy world?"

Du He nodded.

After a long time, Li Er said desolately: "The next time you see an immortal, remember to tell him that if you let me go to the immortal world, you will have no regrets in this life."

The two were relatively silent.

Du He would not tell the truth no matter what. As for whether Li Er believed it or not, that was beyond his concern.

After a pause, Li Ercai said: "Of course it's okay for a man to have three wives and four concubines, but what qualifications do you have to marry Yuanshu and Lizhi?"

When Du He heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.


After half an hour.

Du He walked out of the imperial study room contentedly.

Li Er's laughter also came from inside the imperial study.

As for what the two of them talked about in the past half hour, it was a secret for a long time.

Zhao Yang, who was guarding the door, only heard Du He whisper: "Set a small goal first, and when we become the Duke of the state, we will be eligible to marry two wives!"

As for what a wife is, Zhao Yang didn't understand either.

He just felt that Du He's mood was really flattering.

Then, Du He walked past Zhao Yang, but turned back and stared at the latter.

Zhao Yang felt terrified when Du He looked at him, so he asked, "Xianzi, are you busy?"

Du He reached out and poked Zhao Yang's hat, and said viciously: "Traitor, next time you dare to tell the truth, it will not be a paper bullet, but a cannonball. Boom, your head will be gone, and blood will flow all over the ground..."

Zhao Yang's face turned pale with fright: "Oh my god..."

He hadn't reacted until Du He left for a long time.


The next day, Ximen Qing appeared at the gate of the furniture factory early in the morning, and was invited by Yang Hao to have a fancy breakfast in the cafeteria.

Then he came to Du He and said, "Lantian County, Your Majesty has ordered you to go to the Tai Chi Hall to go to court with the ministers."

Du He seemed to have guessed something, so he quickly packed up and followed Ximen Qing into the palace.

When Du He walked into the Tai Chi Hall, the civil and military ministers were all surprised.

In everyone's impression, as long as Du He goes to the Tai Chi Hall, it's good to be ready.

The crowd began to discuss.

Even Du Ruhui was secretly worried that this little bastard might be in trouble again.

But I saw Du He walking up to the hall with a happy face, and greeted everyone familiarly.

Then, I saw Zhao Yang walking aside, took out the edict, and read it out: "Du He, the son of Lantian County, is concerned about the country and the people. , I specially present the method of making cannons, to promote the prestige of our country, and to calm the Quartet. I am grateful for the heart of the lotus, and I specially reward the lotus as the county uncle of Huyi. Some silk and satin, one thousand taels of gold, ten thousand taels of silver, one hundred thousand taels..."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

Uncle Huyi County?

That is the founding county uncle.

However, Du He has only served as Lantian county magistrate for less than three months.

This speed of promotion is faster than riding a fast horse.

Moreover, this Huyi County is just south of Chang'an County, at the foot of the Qinling Mountains, and it is a veritable Gyeonggi County.

In the blink of an eye, although Du He did not enter the court as an official, he has already become an official of the fourth rank. Even half of the people present should greet him honestly when they see him.

Many people are jealous, thinking, isn't it just a cannon?
But no one has seen what a cannon is. It is only heard that Du He was carrying a cannon that day, and the house of Gong Song Tsangpo was blown up with one cannon.


(Second more, there are more below!)
(End of this chapter)

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