God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 204 Do You Know Hawking?

Chapter 204 Do You Know Hawking?

On the second day, Du He personally delivered the cannon to the palace, and attached the method of making the cannon, which was actually just the basic principle of the cannon.

In less than two days, news came from the palace that when the craftsmen of the Shaofu Supervisor were studying the cannon, an explosion occurred, causing heavy casualties. Unfortunately, this was nothing to Li Er. He changed a group of people and continued Research.

When the news reached the furniture factory, Yuan Tiangang hurried to find Du He, and said worriedly: "Du He, let's stop making this cannon. If there is another explosion, I'm afraid it will affect the entire furniture factory."

Du He gave Lao Yuan a disdainful look, and said with a smile: "You are still a scientific researcher, this thing scares you, Lao Yuan, don't worry, the cannons we use now made of wootz steel, after passing After many tests, the explosion will occur after about five launches. I think the craftsmen who came to the Shaofu Supervisor did not carefully read the instructions written by the young master, which caused the disaster. But your worry is not unreasonable. The biggest problem now is that there is still no good Iron and steel, there is no raw material, but it is difficult to make cannons, but, my young master can't wait, just put the cannons aside, we should make grenades, use iron to make grenades, the sooner we can make them, the better. good."

Yuan Tiangang was taken aback: "Could it be better than explosives?"

"Yes, smaller in size but more powerful!"

"What's the use of making this thing?" Yuan Tiangang asked curiously.

Du He pointed to the outside, "You and I both understand that the battle in the west will probably start sooner or later. Your Majesty let me enter the palace a few days ago to negotiate two matters, the second of which is to deal with The envoys of Tubo, in a few days, the envoys of Tubo will arrive. This time, they are not here for peace talks, but to ask questions. Since Your Majesty asked me to lead this negotiation, I will definitely not let the Tubo people Taking advantage of the slightest... This battle cannot be fought."

Yuan Tiangang thought for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Why are you suddenly interested in the war in the west?"

"You don't want to move now. War, if you make good use of it, it's an opportunity. Don't worry about it so much when you're old. Hurry up and prepare. I'll draw the blueprint in the afternoon, and we'll explore it when the time comes, my young master." It is also crossing the river by feeling the stones, the depth is not yet known, and it is hard to say what the situation is." Du He waved his hand and said.

This old man is like a hundred thousand why.

Lao Yuan turned to leave, but turned back, and suddenly bowed to Du He and said, "Du He, I know you are very smart and have a lot of tricks, please help Qingfeng, since he recovered from his injury, because he lost two Legs, depressed all day long, without saying a word all day long, I'm afraid, I'm afraid this child will be useless. Du He, please help, as long as you can cheer up Qingfeng, I, Yuan Tiangang, will do my best in this life. You are like a cow or a horse."

As he said that, Yuan Tiangang burst into tears.

Du He hurriedly supported Yuan Tiangang: "Old Yuan, I understand your feelings. I can only say my best in this matter. Whether it will work or not is hard to say."

"Your words are enough." Yuan Tiangang wiped away his tears.

When he learned that Yuan Qingfeng's lifeblood was not damaged, Lao Yuan knew that the Yuan family should not have a successor, but looking at Yuan Qingfeng's situation in the past few days, he did not want his son to become a fool. , so I had no choice but to ask Du He.


In the yard, it was quiet.

Yuan Qingfeng sat on the chair, staring at the grass in the corner, his eyes remained motionless, even if the wind blew the grass, his eyes never blinked.

He was bald from the thigh down.


The yard door opened.

Du He walked in.

Yuan Qingfeng still didn't move like a fool.

Du He came over, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Qingfeng, what are you looking at?"

Yuan Qingfeng turned his head and saw Du He, and slapped Du He's hand away, roaring: "Get out, get out of here, Du He, get out, why did you save me in the first place, why did you let me live, My legs are gone now, I want to die, I want to die, why don't you let me die..."

Du He became furious at once.


He slapped Yuan Qingfeng directly, and cursed: "What the hell, you brat, you dare to yell at me, you've got a lot of skills, you're a coward, Lao Yuan shouldn't have given birth to you back then, It would be great to just blow you against the wall, and the wind will dry it up, and everyone will save trouble... Come on, don't you want to die, I will give you a chance."


Du He took out the dagger and stuffed it into Yuan Qingfeng's hand.

"You want to die, don't you? Hurry up and wipe your neck, don't be so embarrassing here."

"Anyone who dares not die is a bastard."

Seeing Du He getting angry, Yuan Qingfeng froze for a moment.

Since he woke up, everyone in the furniture factory has been polite to him. Even if he threw something and hit someone, everyone would understand and no one would scold him.

But Du He was different, he just wanted him to die.


Holding the dagger, Yuan Qingfeng burst into tears.

The grievances of many days have all been vented.

After a while, Yuan Qingfeng threw the dagger on the ground, but he looked confused.

Du He stepped forward and asked with a sneer: "Do you still want to die now?"

Yuan Qingfeng shook his head.

"Since you don't want to die, then live well, isn't it just losing two legs? There are many people worse than you, brother, do you know Hawking?" Du He asked.

Yuan Qingfeng shook his head, but raised his head, becoming interested in the name Hawking.

Du He sat on the stone next to Yuan Qingfeng, and said softly: "Hawking, a very great man, has a strange disease, his whole body, only his eyes can move, and other parts are out of his control, even if that's the case, He has also lived for many years, not the kind of life that is just waiting to die, but has been contributing to the cause of human physics... Do you compare with him, do you deserve it? How many do you deserve!"

Yuan Qingfeng's eyes widened: "Really? Physics career, what is it?"

"Want to know?"

Yuan Qingfeng nodded with interest.

Du He suddenly took out a palm-sized toy car from behind.

This is what he got from a lottery in the system. He wanted to use it to fool Li Lizhi into another kiss, but he didn't know that the little girl was not interested, so he carried it with him.

Yuan Qingfeng was not interested in this stuff at first.

But when Du He put the toy car on the ground and swiped it, and the toy car ran forward with a splash, a gleam suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Du He explained: "This is a kind of physics. Do you know why this thing runs by itself? It is a dead thing, and it doesn't need to eat or drink."

Yuan Qingfeng shook his head and said, "I don't know."

In front of Yuan Qingfeng, it was like a door to a new world, waiting for him to open it.

And Du He is the guy who seduces children.


(Fourth update, thank you brothers for your support.)
(End of this chapter)

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