Chapter 209

Li Lizhi stared at the speech, and looked at Du He happily: "Really? Are we going to make mahjong for sale?"

Du He nodded: "That's right, you can't make money selling mahjong just by wearing it. It's best to match it with a mahjong table, then you can earn a lot."

"Wow, Du He, you are so kind!" Li Lizhi said happily, standing on tiptoe, chatting with Du He.

Then, the little girl ran away with a flushed face.


Just do what you say, it's a softie if you don't do it.

After having dinner that day, Du He locked himself in the room and began to design drawings.

First, it is not difficult to add an assembly line for mahjong production in the furniture factory.

Anyway, the wood is first cut into pieces, then polished, and then carved. Since Da Duhe invented mahjong, furniture factories have produced dozens of sets of mahjong one after another. It can be said that they are familiar with the road.

The only trouble lies in the production of mahjong tables.

A simple table is of course not difficult, you only need to use an ordinary table to modify it, but what Du He wants to do is a semi-automatic mahjong table, which can also be used as a mahjong machine.

His initial idea was to shuffle the cards by hand. Even if the efficiency is slow, it doesn't matter. As long as it can be realized, in this era, it is definitely a high-tech existence. Even if it costs [-] yuan, someone will buy it. This is what really makes money, and it is also the content that can really form barriers.

Naturally, the design is also quite difficult.

As a liberal arts student of later generations, Du He only had a half-knowledge about machinery, and many things were actually explored by himself.

For example, the most important structure of the automatic shuffling of the mahjong table, Du He intends to learn from the design ideas of later generations and use the principle of magnets to realize it. Put magnets on the back of the mahjong tiles, and then design a magnet under the mahjong table. The turntable, after the hand shakes, can suck the back of the mahjong. With the rotation of the turntable, the mahjong is sent to the groove next to it, placed neatly, and then sent to the table.

This is a mind-boggling technical job.

It took Du He a whole night to finally design the blueprint. The next morning, he didn't even have the mind to sleep, so he took Zhang Du and two craftsmen to do it.

Du He hid in the laboratory with the three of them, and it was just an operation.Just listening to the jingling in the laboratory, no one knows what is going on inside.


Three days later, Du He finally produced Datang's first semi-automatic mahjong machine.

In the past few days, he did not eat or drink, and conducted experiments again and again. Although the principle is simple, the precision of the manufacturing industry is not accurate, which leads to problems again and again.

Even this mahjong machine is rough and far from meeting Du He's expectations. The probability of success in hand shuffling is only 60.00%.

That is, about four times out of ten it will get stuck.

Once stuck, the lower lid is opened, a button is pressed, and the cards are poured out and reloaded.

Moreover, the coded mahjong does not come out from four openings, but four pieces come out from one opening, which needs to be manually moved to the four sides of the table.

Even if there are many defects, in this era, this is still a high-tech equipment that crosses the era.

Zhang Du and the others couldn't even believe that this was the machine they personally participated in building.

Zhang Du said proudly: "Master, if this mahjong machine is for sale, I'm afraid it can sell for 10000 yuan a set."

Du He rubbed his messy hair, and sighed: "Sell a few, this thing is always stuck, buy it back as a decoration, a machine that doesn't work well, so there is no need for it to exist."

As he spoke, Du He picked up the hammer and smashed the machine into pieces.

Zhang Du and others didn't even have time to stop them.

Looking at the parts scattered all over the place, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

Zhang Du looked at Du He in surprise: "Master, this..."

"It's okay, I'm going to sleep, and I'll talk about it later. It's not a workmanship problem, it's caused by a flaw in the design. I'll do it again after my modification and perfection... Semi-finished products can't be pushed to the market, and they will be smashed at that time." But this young master's signature!"

Du He waved his hand, returned to the room and fell asleep.

This time, Du He slept for a full day and night.

On the way, Li Yuanshu and Li Lizhi both came to visit, but they were stopped by Lu Bu directly.

On the second day, after Du He got up, he felt refreshed. He picked up the banknotes and was ready to continue designing the mahjong machine.

At this time, Lu Bu's voice sounded outside: "Master, someone is visiting!"

"Who, no see!" Du He waved his hand and said.

Lu Bu said at the door, "Master, she is your concubine."

Du He was taken aback.

Then he quickly jumped up, ran to the door, and slapped Lu Bu on the back of the head: "Bastard, you, my young master is a high-spirited and upright man, and he guards his body like a jade, where is the concubine..."

Lu Bu said with a dazed expression, "It's the woman who invited you to work in the small courtyard at Deyue Tower that day."

As he spoke, Lu Bu showed a hey smile and stared at Du He.

Du He's face sank: "Lu Bu, you've been a little skinny lately!"

Lu Bu: "Hey's all taught by the young master."

Du He secretly wondered, Mo Yifei's sudden visit could be something good?
As for the two, they have only met twice, and they are both extremely embarrassing.

With doubts in his heart, Du He came to the living room and met Mo Yifei.

Compared with before, Mo Yifei seemed to be a little prettier, and she only had the maid Xiaoping by her side.

"Young Master Du, long time no see!" Mo Yifei saw Du He and bowed to salute.

Du He scratched his head: "Didn't we meet in Deyuelou last time? It's only been a few days..."

Mo Yifei: "..."

The two sat down and exchanged greetings.

It was only then that Mo Yifei realized that Du He had been perfunctory to himself, talking inconsequentially and not caring about it.

After a pause, Mo Yifei said straight to the point: "Young Master Du, I think you are worried about the mahjong machine?"

Du He raised his head and stared at Mo Yifei carefully, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Oh, Mr. Du, you scared the little girl, you were so fierce just now, your eyes looked like you were about to kill someone, the little girl was so scared..." Mo Yifei said coquettishly.

Du He didn't like this, and said coldly: "I don't like to go around the bush, tell me, how did you know about this?"

Mo Yifei covered her mouth with a smile and said, "It's not a secret. Now, many people know that you made mahjong machines, but you smashed them into pieces because you didn't succeed. The little girl came to the door today to solve problems for you, Mr. Du." .”

"You are a weak woman, how can you help me solve this problem?" Du He asked with a smile.

Mo Yifei snorted softly: "Young Master Du, don't underestimate women. You also went to Deyue Tower to see my small courtyard that day. What do you think of the design of the donkey fetching water?"

"It's clever!"

"Young Master Du, have you ever heard of the Mohism mechanism?" Mo Yifei suddenly asked seriously.


(One burst, brothers, let’s do five bursts today to make you feel refreshed.)
(End of this chapter)

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