God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 215 Your Shamelessness Exceeds My Bottom Line

Chapter 215 Your Shamelessness Exceeds My Bottom Line
Chang'an City.

Qiufu Inn.

From the outside, the inn doesn't look any different.

But inside, there were no guests staying and eating at the hotel.

Occasionally someone would come to the store to ask if there were any rooms, but they were all dismissed by the waiter at the door with the excuse that the rooms were full.

Silent night.

The store doors are open.

A black shadow suddenly flashed from outside and appeared in the lobby.

The waiter who was dozing off at the table was startled, looked up, nodded immediately, and then quickly stepped forward to close the door of the inn.

"The young master is inside!" said the waiter.

The man in black quickly walked towards the backyard.

When I came to the backyard, I saw a young man in a green shirt, holding a folding fan, standing under the peach blossom tree.

"Young master, it failed. None of the people we sent came back. No one thought that Du He would actually plant an ambush at the back door of the furniture factory." The man in black said discouragedly.


When the young man heard the words, anger suddenly appeared in his eyes, he knocked the peach tree hard with the folding fan in his hand, and said, "Du He, hum, it seems that I underestimated him, I thought he was just a money-seeker. You bastard, I didn't expect to have such a clever calculation ability, which caused me to lose so many people, it's really unreasonable!"

The man in black hurriedly said: "Master, we must not be careless, that Du He is full of tricks and is not easy to deal with, even Wang Xiongfei and Tubo's prince Gong Song Zanbu were killed by him, we must be careful."

The young man asked suddenly: "Ke Shou, can you sneak into the furniture factory and use our Dark Night Flying Needle to kill Du He?"

The man in black shook his head: "Master, the master next to Du He is too powerful, he can find me within [-] steps, if it wasn't for the cover of the heavy rain that night, I might not have been able to kill Huang Daniu and Huang Erniu , it is very difficult to assassinate Du He."

Thinking of that tall man, Ke Shou was a little startled.

The young man said coldly: "In that case, let's gather all our strength and bring all our equipment. Tomorrow, we will storm the furniture factory, kill Du He, and take the little girl away."



Early in the morning.

Du He was awakened by the banging on the door.

"Fuck, who, I don't want to live anymore..."

Du He rubbed his eyes, got up from the bed, and opened the door angrily.

I saw Xu Zhengdao standing at the door.

Du He just wanted to scold someone.

Xu Zhengdao shouted, "Dad, give me some vodka!"

Du He was taken aback: "I'm damn, who told you to call you Dad?"

Xu Zhengdao pointed to the outside, and said: "Zhang Zecheng taught me. He said that Miss Mo knelt in front of you last night to call your father, and she would have milk. I am a seven-foot boy, of course I can't kneel, but you give me vodka. It's okay for me to call you Dad."

Du He: "...your shamelessness has exceeded my bottom line."

"Hey, where's the vodka, Dad..." Xu Zhengdao laughed.

This guy doesn't know what dad means, but if he can have wine, he will do it.

Du He turned around angrily, took out the empty bottle, and said, "Quan Datang, no, there is only one bottle in the whole world, and now it's gone."

Xu Zhengdao took it, unscrewed the bottle cap hastily, licked the mouth of the bottle reluctantly, and said regretfully, "My vodka..."

I only heard Xu Zhengdao say: "Since I drank this vodka, I drank other wines. It is really boring. It seems that my hobby of drinking is probably gone again!"

"Wouldn't it be good to quit drinking!" Du He laughed.

Originally, Xu Zhengdao was addicted to alcohol, and he would get drunk every day.

But since drinking vodka, drinking other alcohol is no different from drinking plain water.

In just a few days, I stopped drinking.

The phrase "drink the strongest wine and sleep with the most beautiful woman" is no longer embarrassed to speak.

Du He patted him on the shoulder: "Good wine, I don't have it for now, it doesn't mean there won't be any in the future, but, you drank a bottle of vodka from my young master, now, it's time to work, right?"

Xu Zhengdao's eyes lit up: "As long as there is still vodka, it's fine for you to castrate me!"

"You should keep that stuff for the dogs, I'm not interested in it... Seriously, I have something, you should take a look first."

Du He turned around, took out two iron needles the size of silver needles, and handed them to Xu Zhengdao.

Du He introduced: "This is the weapon used by the assassin on the Bahe River that night. According to Lu Bu's speculation, the assassin was a hundred steps away from us at that time, and what the assassin shot at that time was these two iron needles, killing us on the spot. Huang Daniu and Huang Erniu, the iron needle hits the eyebrows of the two with great precision, can you do it?"

Xu Zhengdao held the iron needle in his hand, played with it carefully, observed it, and licked it with his tongue, showing a dignified expression, and said, "This iron needle is so small, I'm afraid it can't be killed instantly, right?"

Du He nodded: "That's right, because the iron needles are highly poisonous, they can kill people within a short while."

When Xu Zhengdao heard this, his complexion changed drastically, he threw away the iron needle, and began to pinch his neck to vomit: "You...why didn't you say it earlier. I don't want to die yet!"

Seeing this, Du He laughed loudly: "Xu Zhengdao, Xu Zhengdao, I didn't expect that you would also be afraid of death. I have already had the poison on the iron needle removed by Senior Medicine King, and no one will die!"

Only then did Xu Zhengdao feel relieved, and said with lingering fear: "Hey, let me just say, you won't harm me for the friendship between the two of us, haha..."

Du He nodded: "Of course, it's just that Lu Bu also licked the iron needle yesterday to test whether the iron needle is still poisonous."

Xu Zhengdao: "..."

After a long time, Xu Zhengdao raised his head and said, "Du He, sooner or later I will be played to death by you!"

"Go away, I'm not interested in you, let's get down to business!"

Only then did Xu Zhengdao seriously say: "This iron needle must have been launched with the help of some kind of tool. Ordinary people don't have this power at all. Even if they have it, it's impossible for it to be so accurate."

"Have you seen this hidden weapon?" Du He asked.

Xu Zhengdao shook his head: "I've been traveling the rivers and lakes for many years, but I've never seen such a hidden weapon."

At this moment, Zhang Jian hurried over from outside, saw Du He, and said anxiously, "Master, there is news."

Du He waved his hand: "The conference room said."

With that said, several people hurried to the conference room.

After taking his seat, Zhang Jian said: "In the past few days, I have sent out all the Fang Fang brothers who stayed in Chang'an City, but they still found nothing. Until today, the Ninth Young Master sent someone to deliver a letter saying that a group of people had sneaked into Chang'an City recently. There are weird guys on them."

"Is the news accurate?" Du He asked.

Zhang Jian said affirmatively: "Master, of course, my subordinates can't believe the words of the ninth son, so they sent people to investigate secretly, and they found a place called Qiufu Inn. There are many clues. It was blocked by people."


Xu Zhengdao patted the table: "Get in!"

Both Du He and Zhang Jian looked at Xu Zhengdao like a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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