God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 217 I will definitely come

Chapter 217 I will definitely come back


On the second floor of Qiufu Inn, there were three screams at the same time.

puff puff.

The three men in black fell down like dumplings, each with an arrow stuck in his chest.

When he looked again, Xu Zhengdao had already returned to his horseback, and he pretended to say, "As soon as the white-clothed magic arrow comes out, all of you will get down on the ground...haha!"

Murong Yehua's face turned livid.

He grabbed Ke Shou and said angrily, "Didn't you say that there is only one powerful expert beside Du He? Why is there also a master archer?"

Ke Shou reacted, and hurriedly said: "Master, the archer just now was the magic arrow in white who shot Gong Song Zanbu in front of the forbidden army in Chang'an City, but the magic arrow in white disappeared that day, and no one knew he had gone. Somewhere, even the imperial army dispatched and failed to catch him, who would have thought that he... he was actually hiding beside Du He!"

Ke Shou broke out in a cold sweat on the spot.

Even with a lot of effort, intelligence gathering started half a month in advance.

However, Du He's secret was beyond his imagination. Only then did he realize that the object he had been collecting information on suddenly became so strange.

Murong Yehua let go of Ke Shou, and said angrily, "You idiot, you can't even do this little thing well!"

"There are sharp archers by Du He's side, hide them all for me, hide!"

Murong Yehua's voice roared.

The remaining men in black all looked for places to hide.

Even so, Xu Zhengdao shot and killed three more people.

For a while, no one dared to stand up.

Xu Zhengdao fired three arrows at Murong Yehua in protest, but Murong Yehua blocked it with his fan.

Zhang Jian said suddenly: "Master, take this opportunity and let the brothers rush in."

Du He shook his head: "No, the Dark Night Iron Needle should not be underestimated, rushing in, I'm afraid there will be heavy casualties."


Du He yelled.

In the alley behind him, five grenadiers with bamboo baskets on their backs immediately appeared.

The five bombardiers hurriedly hid behind the shields, took out the explosive packs one by one, took out the fire pockets, ignited them, and threw them towards the Qiufu Inn.

These guys, all of them have extraordinary arm strength and are very accurate. All the explosives thrown out flew in through the window.



There was a sound of explosions, and the wooden Qiufu Inn became crumbling in a short time.

Inside the Qiufu Inn.

"Cough cough..."

Murong Yehua coughed violently as he was choked by the smoke and dust all over the sky.


Suddenly, a smoking explosive package rolled to Murong Yehua's feet.

Before he could react, Ke Shou who was next to him suddenly rushed over and grabbed him. The two rolled on the ground a few times and rushed out of the room.


There was a violent explosion, and the two of them had just arrived in the yard when they saw that the house had collapsed.

Murong Yehua yelled: "Is Du He still human? What is this? Why is it more powerful than the Mohist's organ technique?"

Ke Shou explained: "Young Master, this is the explosive package. Du He donated this thing at the beginning, and that's why he was named the son of Lantian County."

"It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable..." Murong Yehua trembled with anger.

He is a member of the Mo family, and what he has always been proud of is the art of mechanism.

Who would have thought that the dark night flying needle, the famous weapon, was useless in front of Du He, but it was so embarrassingly blown up by Du He with explosives, and the anger in his heart could not be concealed for a while.

Ke Shou suddenly shouted: "Master, it's useless, we lost from the very beginning, and that Du He is simply a devil...Master, take Feiyi and leave, I will protect you!"

"it is good!"

Murong Yehua turned around and ran towards her room.

Ke Shou glanced at Murong Yehua, then went upstairs with An Ye Iron Needle in hand.

Arriving at the bombed-out second floor, Ke Shou threw away the Dark Night Iron Needle, suddenly pulled out a long knife, jumped down from the second floor, and landed steadily on the ground.

"Du He, die!"

Ke Shou roared, and rushed towards Du He with a long knife in hand.

call out.

Suddenly an arrow flew out from behind the shield, hitting Ke Shou on the shoulder.

call out.

Another arrow pierced his chest.

Ke Shou fell to the ground unwillingly, and before he died, all he saw was Du He's icy eyes.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Look, what is that?"

When everyone looked up, they saw a huge thing flying up slowly from behind the Qiufu Inn, which looked like a big bird.

But when he looked carefully, he found that it was in the shape of a bird made of cloth. Murong Yehua was lying on top of the big bird, seemingly wobbly, but he never fell down.

The big bird rose slowly.

This is the flying wing made by the Mohists, and the world doesn't know it at all.

Murong Yehua wouldn't have dared to use it if he hadn't escaped at a critical moment.

Murong Yehua looked at Du He and the others below, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Du He, I will definitely come back!"

Du He: "My mother, you think you are Big Big Wolf, the right way, shoot me down that bird man!"

Xu Zhengdao jumped out.

"Brothers, watch me bend my bow and shoot big birds..."

With that said, Xu Zhengdao put himself in a good posture, drew the bow and released the arrow.

call out.

An arrow flies into the sky.


This arrow pierced Feiyi, and then pierced into Murong Yehua's calf.


High in the sky, Murong Yehua's screams were particularly miserable.

Unfortunately, the flying wing wobbled and flew away.

Zhang Jian hurriedly shouted: "Team one, follow me!"

Du He raised his hand to stop him: "No need!"

"Master, let's go in the direction where the big bird flew away, and we will definitely be able to chase Murong Yehua back." Zhang Jian said unwillingly.

Du He shook his head: "That thing, when the wind slows down, how can you catch up on horseback? The Mohists are a bit interesting. They actually invented such a thing in this era, and there is no record in history. Hehe...It's interesting. Clean it up. battlefield."

Xu Zhengdao asked: "Did you just let that kid run away?"

Du He laughed and said, "Didn't he say he would come back? Next time, he won't be so lucky."

Under Zhang Jian's command, the guards of the furniture factory quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and then followed Du He to leave quickly.

When the Marquis Wu who patrolled the city of Chang'an arrived, only a pile of corpses of men in black were left behind.

Not long after, Li Junxian led a group of soldiers to arrive and directly took control of the Qiufu Inn.

When he smelled a lot of pungent gunpowder, Li Junxian knew that this matter was not easy, "Protect the scene, take all the corpses of these people back, and take all these weapons away!"

In the end, Li Junxian found more than 30 corpses.

He recognized that the things scattered on the ground were the legendary iron needles of the night, but they were all damaged, and most of them were missing.

"You wait here, I will return to the palace to report to His Majesty." Li Junxian said solemnly.


(Thanks to [July°] brothers for their rewards, and thanks for their support!)
(End of this chapter)

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