God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 219 Online Dealing

Chapter 219 Online Dealing


A huge bronze gong as tall as a person was hung on the beam. Lu Bu raised a head-sized mallet and struck it, making a deafening sound.

The big gong swayed back and forth.

Lu Bu shouted loudly: "Next, please welcome Du He, Uncle Huyi, the director of Datang Furniture Factory, and the shopkeeper of Datang Study."

dang dang dang.

Beat the gong four times.

"it is good!"


Everyone applauded.

Amid the applause of everyone, Du He slowly stepped onto the stage.


Du He suddenly took out a five-foot-long loudspeaker from behind, raised it up and said to everyone: "Friends on the mountain, friends on the tree, friends on the ground, how are you?"

Everyone was startled by Du He at first, and then reacted and applauded.

Du He said: "I announce that the first Mahjong Tournament in Chang'an will officially start now."

"Next, I will announce the conditions for participating in this mahjong tournament: No matter men, women, young or old, rich or poor, as long as you think you are pretty, coquettish, and powerful enough, you can sign up for our competition."

"In this competition, there will be rich prizes."


Du He clapped his hands.

I saw a few strong craftsmen carrying up a total of five large boxes.

Du He said: "The champion of this competition, that is, No.1, will receive a reward of 10 yuan."


The biggest box was opened, and inside was a hundred thousand coins shining brightly.


Everyone's eyes widened.

Du He also said: "The runner-up of this competition, that is, No.2, will receive a reward of [-] yuan."


Fifty thousand dollars, displayed in front of everyone.

"The third runner-up of this competition, namely No.3, will receive a reward of 4 coins, No.5 will receive a reward of 10 coins, and No.100 will receive a reward of 2 coins...The top [-] in the competition The top [-] will get a mahjong machine, and each of the top [-] players will get [-] rotating wooden chairs!"

Du He finished speaking.

The audience suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes widened, and some couldn't believe Du He's words.

This is simply giving money to people for nothing.

Would Boduhe in Huyi County be so kind?
At this time, someone suddenly plucked up the courage to ask: "County Hu County, what you said, is it true?"

Du He raised his trumpet and said: "This fellow, you are doubting my character. I, Du He, put the words here. These coins are placed here. You can come to supervise them at any time. Ten Days later, the mahjong competition will end, and the money will be distributed on the spot. If there is any falsehood, I, Du He, will get out of Chang'an City from now on. If there are still people who don't believe it, you can stand up and choose ten enthusiastic friends to come to the stage today to help take care of the money .”

Immediately, a bold person stood up.

Now, many people began to believe in Du He.

Du He added: "In order to increase the fun of mahjong, there are sexual and sensory croupiers who will deal the cards online in every game. Below are our croupiers."

ding ding dong.

The drums sounded.

From behind the curtain, ten beautiful women in revealing clothes came out, stepping on the music and coming to the stage.

Everyone in the audience rubbed their eyes for fear of missing a detail.

These women are all wearing uniform costumes, and they are about the same height and figure. Once they appear, they have a huge impact.

The people who were still hesitating just now suddenly shouted in unison: "I want to sign up, I want to get No.1."

Du He smiled and said, "To register, please go to the registration window next to it. You need to pay 10 Wen for registration."

People who were originally enthusiastic, but when they heard that they had to pay 10 Wen, some people began to retreat.

However, there are so many people, the registration office has been tightly surrounded.

Many people think, not to mention whether they can enter the top [-], but it is also very good to experience the dealers who deal the cards up close.

Seeing this, Du He thought, no matter when, there is no shortage of enthusiastic audiences.

He knew it was done.

Afterwards, Du He left the arena, and a dozen craftsmen entered the arena, grouped the applicants into groups, and began to teach the skills of mahjong tiles. Many guys who usually could not read half a word learned it faster than anyone else.


Royal Palace.

East inner garden.

The black slave stood in front of Li Yuan and reported: "Master, Du He held Chang'an's first Mahjong Tournament near Dongshi City. There were many applicants. In one morning, I heard that more than 1000 people signed up."

Li Yuan was taken aback.

"My Tang, when did so many people like playing mahjong?" He asked curiously.

The black slave shook his head: "At first, no one played it, but the prizes given by Du He were too generous. No. 1, there is a reward of 2 yuan, No. 2, [-] yuan, the top [-], each person can I got [-] rotating wooden chairs. Also, the beautiful dealers deal the cards online, and those women are all very beautiful, and I don’t know where Du He got them.”

"Beautiful croupier, hahaha... the old man wants to see it too!"

Li Yuan said happily.


At dusk, the news of Chang'an's first mahjong tournament spread throughout Chang'an City.

Even eight-year-old children know about the mahjong tournament near Dongshi, with huge prize money.

When the news reached the palace, Li Er was stunned for a moment, and then cautiously ordered: "Send the imperial guards to the scene to take care of me, lest Du He do anything to shock Chang'an again."

The ministers of the DPRK and China heard the news.

Some people think that Du He is messing around.

Some people think that Du He is a fool, and nearly 20 yuan was just given away.

Some people are noncommittal.

Of course, some people who have been in contact with mahjong for a long time, signed up for the competition without hesitation.

Registration closes at noon on the second day.

Zhang Du sent the registration list to Du He.

A total of more than 2000 people signed up.

The degree of popularity exceeded Du He's imagination.

The registration fee alone is more than 2 yuan.

After a short break, Du He announced the official start of the first round of the competition.

Due to too many people, the first round of the knockout round will adopt a four-in-one method, with four players at a table, whoever wins the card will be able to advance.

Even so, the first round of competition took three full days.

The point is, most of them are newbies. It’s the first time they play mahjong, and there are many who can’t even remember the rules. After playing, there are even more people who can’t even recognize mahjong. These guys play mahjong like tricks out of nowhere.

Some started swearing while playing and got a yellow card, some were thrown out by the guards of the furniture factory when they wanted to start a fight, and some were beaten up for molesting the croupier...

For several days in a row, the vicinity of Dongshi City was crowded with people, and there would be bursts of laughter from time to time. It must be a place for a competition, and something funny happened again.

Everyone suddenly realized that watching others play mahjong is more interesting than playing mahjong by yourself.

Du He watched it for a long time and found it really boring, so he handed over the competition to Zhang Du, and he took the little beauty Li Lizhi back to the furniture factory for a ride on a bicycle happily.

(End of this chapter)

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