God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 223 Poor Dark Guard

Chapter 223 Poor Dark Guard
On the morning of this day.

Yu Shi Zhang Chao, together with Chen Shuda, Gao Shilian and others, joined Duhe under the joint name.

In the Hall of Tai Chi, Zhang Chao said impassionedly: "Your Majesty, in less than half a month, as many as eight people died suddenly in Chang'an City because of playing mahjong. In recent days, people are panic-stricken. Anyone who has played mahjong is worried that they will die." Sudden death, terrified all day long, if things go on like this, I'm afraid there will be big troubles, I ask Your Majesty to order quickly to seal down all mahjong parlors and furniture factories in Chang'an City, and seal mahjong and other evil things forever."

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

For a time, more than a dozen ministers agreed.

Cheng Yaojin jumped up, and cursed: "Bullshit, motherfucker, don't you even think about it, how long has the Supreme Emperor been playing mahjong, why hasn't anything happened?"

The faces of the people changed greatly.

Li Er's face darkened immediately: "Cheng Zhijie, do you want to die?"

Cheng Yaojin scratched his head: "Your Majesty, I'm not cursing the Supreme Emperor, but just seeking truth from facts."

Li Er said coldly: "This matter has not been investigated clearly, so no conclusion can be drawn, Wei Ting."

"The minister is here."

"I ordered you to quickly organize Dali Temple and investigate the case."

Within half a month, eight people died just because of playing mahjong. This matter is indeed not a trivial matter. Of course, Li Er can't just sit idly by.

Then, I heard Li Er's order: "Come here, go to the furniture factory and arrest Du He, and wait for the case to be cleared up. If there is really a problem with that mahjong, I will never let him go lightly."


"Your Majesty Shengming!"

The courtiers reacted differently, Du Ruhui, Cheng Yaojin and the others were all worried, while Zhang Chao and the others were full of joy.


The person who was ordered to capture Du He this time was Zhang Youju, a commander of the hidden guards.

Zhang Youju has 12 people under his command, all of whom are highly skilled in martial arts. They are usually responsible for arresting all kinds of corrupt officials and important criminals.

After Zhang Youju gathered his troops, he felt a little uneasy.

He will never forget the last time he went to the furniture factory and was stopped outside the door. At that time, the two wolves were less than three feet away from him, and the woman with mysterious and unpredictable sword skills seemed to really kill people at any time. , After coming back, he couldn't sleep for several days.

Now, it's time to capture Du He again.

The more Zhang Youju thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was a bit tricky.

He hurriedly turned around and entered a hall, and saw Wen Buren's figure from a long distance away.

Zhang Youju stepped forward and said respectfully: "Mr. Wen, Your Majesty has ordered the secret guards to arrest Boduhe in Huyi County. However, there is a guard with strong martial arts beside Duhe. I would like to ask Mr. Wen to go out with us in person. Go and capture Du He back..."

Wen Buren looked down at a wooden sword in his hand and asked, "What did you say?"

"Will Mr. Wen go with us to capture Du He?"


The wooden sword in Wen Buren's hand fell to the ground, and he covered his stomach tightly with frown, and shouted: "No, no, I ruined my stomach from eating last night, ouch, it hurts me to death, I'll give it a go first." Take a step..."

With that said, Wen Buren ran away in a hurry.

Zhang Youju: "..."

Helpless, Zhang Youju went to find Li Junxian again.

After entering the door, Zhang Youju asked, "General Li, are you free?"

Li Junxian said: "It turned out to be you, you just happen to be free today, what's the matter?"

Zhang Youju explained his purpose.

Li Junxian scratched his ears: "What did you just say?"

Zhang Youju repeated: "I implore General Li and I to go and capture Du He."

"No, the last sentence." Li Junxian waved his hand.

"General Li, are you free?"

Li Junxian stood up, held the treasured sword, and shook his head like a rattle: "No time, I'm busy, and I have to inspect the troops!"

With that said, Li Junxian hurried out of the gate.

Zhang You was dumbfounded when he raised it.

Wen Buren and Li Junxian are both his bosses.

But now, the two of them didn't care about this matter.

In the end, Zhang Youju had no choice but to rush to the furniture factory with [-] of his men.


Furniture Factory.

Du He was lying on the rotating wooden chair in the yard basking in the sun.

Zhang Du hurried over.

"Master, it's not good, someone from the palace wants to..." Zhang Du said out of breath, but was interrupted by Du He.

Du He raised his head and asked curiously, "Cheke is troubled?"

Zhang Du was taken aback, then shook his head: "Young master, no, I want to arrest you."

Du He smiled calmly and said, "Is Li Junxian here?"


"Wen Buren?"


"Could it be that Hou Junji Shangshu personally came out?"

Zhang Du shook his head again: "No, young master, it's a leader named Zhang Youju."

"Oh...then why are you in such a panic, you're just a little commander, ignore him and let him stay."

After speaking, Du He closed his eyes, covered his head with the fan, and continued to sleep.

Zhang Du thought for a while, turned around and came to the door of the furniture factory, saw Zhang Youju, and said, "Commander Zhang, I'm sorry, my young master is not here."

"Then you just dawdled for a long time before telling me that I was not there?" Zhang Youju was a little annoyed.

Zhang Du was a little timid at first, thinking of Du He's performance just now: "Commander Zhang, what do you mean by that?"

"Nothing interesting, you open the door, we go in and search."

"Impossible. Our furniture factory has many masters. Commander Zhang wants to come in. I'm afraid he will come in straight and go out sideways." Zhang Du gritted his teeth, and instantly became overwhelmed.

Zhang Youju raised his head and saw a few guards behind the door, watching eagerly, as if they were about to come up to fight at any time.

He sighed: "Okay, then I'll wait here, when the Huyi county uncle will come back, and when will we leave."

After speaking, several people sat up at the door.

Sitting down is an afternoon.


The dinner bell at the furniture factory rang.

I saw the workers walking out of the workshop one after another and rushing to the cafeteria.

The smell of food in the canteen wafted out.

And the guards behind the door also began to take turns to eat.

Zhang Youju touched his stomach and licked his chapped lips, feeling aggrieved in his heart.

Someone next to him said: "Master, let's go in and take Du He away?"


Zhang Youju turned around and gave the boy a slap on the back of the head: "You bull, you bull, you go, that's Du He, the county uncle of Huyi, the son of Du Xiang, and the future son-in-law, you go and try to catch one, and then say , can you get in? The Tubo people are powerful enough, the Mo people are powerful enough, and in the end, they were all taken by Du He..."

"But, Du He is against the decree."

"Resisting the decree? Hmph, I just discovered that I am the idiot. Who knows what His Majesty thinks, General Li and Mr. Wen can't avoid it, I'm afraid, this matter is not as simple as you and I imagined..."

While talking, I saw a group of people behind the door.

Zhang Youju suddenly discovered that the leader was Du He.

The fence gate opened, and Du He walked out with a smile: "Brothers, you have worked hard!"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, but I dare not answer.

Zhang Youju got up hastily, and said, "I have seen the county uncle of Huyi, and I will wait for His Majesty's order..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Du He waving his hand: "Didn't I just say that, am I not here?"


(Second watch,)

(End of this chapter)

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