God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 241 Unequal Treaties

Chapter 241 Unequal Treaties

Amidst the cheers, Zhang Jian and Zhang Wei had rushed forward and removed Dorazan's body.

Du He knew in his heart that this corpse must not fall into the hands of the Tubo people, let alone the imperial army. He only needed to take Dorazan's body for careful study, and there was no guarantee that someone would not discover the secret of the Desert Eagle.

As for the bullet case that was ejected just now, Lu Bu quietly picked it up and stuffed it into his sleeve.

Du He suddenly noticed that there was something wrong with the green horse under its buttocks. The horse was spinning back and forth in situ.

He hurriedly got off his horse.

As soon as the two feet landed, the green horse suddenly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and swallowed its breath after a while.

Everyone was startled by this sudden scene.

This horse was fine before, but suddenly died?

If the horse died suddenly during the martial arts competition, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Du He's face was serious, and he shouted: "Come here, get the horse back and give it a proper burial."

He thought to himself, did not expect that this majestic war horse was so frightened by the sound of the desert eagle?
Someone hurried up to comfort Du He.

Du He turned his head and saw that Bu Hui Tongzan and the others wanted to slip away quietly.

Du Ho yelled, "Stop them."

Before Lu Bu and others could do anything, Li Chengqian had already ordered the Imperial Army to surround Bu Huitongzan and others.

Bu Huitongzan was shocked and said: "What are you going to do? I am an envoy of Tubo. The two countries are fighting each other. If you don't kill me, what's more, now that Tubo and Tang Dynasty have not yet developed, if you kill me, praise me!" Pu must be furious, and will definitely send troops to attack Datang at that time... If the Emperor Tang knew, he would definitely not forgive you."

Du He stepped forward and said, "Bu Hui Tongzan, you are running very fast. What about the bet for the commander? Now, it's time to sign the treaty, right?"

"I sign, I sign, I sign everything..." Bu Huitong nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.


In the seventh year of Zhenguan, Xia.

On behalf of Datang, Boduhe of Huyi County signed an unequal treaty with Tubo envoys.

The content of the treaty included: Tubo ceded the three cities of Huangshui, Longzhi, and Michuan on the easternmost border with Lanzhou in the Tang Dynasty, with a population of [-], and donated thousands of horses, cattle and sheep, and agreed to send them to Chang'an City within half a year.

The Tubo envoy Bu Huitongzan who signed the treaty returned to the post house and fell ill. He barely got up until half a month later.


The news spread to the deep mountains of the Qinling Mountains.

Li Er is eating hot pot with Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin and others around a big pot.

Li Er said with satisfaction: "I knew that Du He would never let me down. Now, if you don't send a single soldier, you will get three cities. I'm afraid Songtsan Gampo will be so angry that he vomits blood when he hears the news." ,Hahaha……"

Qin Qiong and others congratulated in unison.

Li Er waved his hand and said: "This time, Du He did a good job. He didn't let Tubo take advantage of it, but also allowed Tang to take the upper hand. The key is that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty no longer objected to this. If people object, I will not have any worries. Keming gave birth to a good son!"


This afternoon.

Bu Huitongzan walked out of the room and shouted, "Come here, pack your luggage, let's leave the city."

The person next to him said: "My lord, it's time for us to go. During this time, the Tang people in Chang'an City have come to make trouble outside the post house every now and then. Whenever our people go out, they will definitely be beaten up for no reason. Everyone is fed up, my lord, let's go back to Tubo, report what the Tang people have done to Zanpu, let Zanpu send troops to attack Datang, when the time comes, enter Chang'an City, kill all the men, and keep all the women... "

Bu Hui Tongzan nodded: "Tell everyone, pack up quickly, leave the city, and go to Datang Furniture Factory."

"My lord, isn't Datang Furniture Factory Du He's territory?"

"That's right. In the past few days, I have sent people to inquire quietly. The body of Prince Gongsong Zanbu is not in the city, but has been taken away by Du He and is in Du He's hands. The negotiation has failed. If the prince cannot be released How can I have the face to meet Zanpu?" Bu Hui Tongzan said angrily as he punched the tree trunk next to him.

Under Bu Huitongzan's arrangement, everyone got busy immediately. At dusk, the Tubo team left Chang'an City in a low-key manner and came to Datang Furniture Factory.

From a distance, Bu Huitongzan saw the grand occasion of the furniture factory, and said with emotion: "Du He, you are really a strange person in the world. When I didn't see this furniture factory, I thought it was just a small shop. I didn't expect it to be so large. It’s so big, it seems to be almost as large as a small town.”

When he arrived at the furniture factory, Bu Huitongzan saw Du He. Although he still had hatred in his heart, he could only hide it, and said straight to the point: "Commander Du, there is a saying in the Central Plains that tells Ming people not to speak dark words. If you come to the door today, I am not here to visit you, but I want to bring back the body of Prince Gongsong Zanbu. No matter what the prince has with you, as the saying goes, the dead are the greatest. Please let me bring the body of the prince back. Our great Zanpo will personally perform the sky burial for the prince."

Du He smiled and said: "After waiting for you for half a month, you finally came. Since you have talked about this, the Grand Commander will not go around with you. Gongsong Tsampo is in my hands. Do you want to You can take it away, but you can’t take it away for nothing.”

"What do you mean?"

Du He pointed to a hill in the distance, and said: "Gong Song Tsampo is a decent man anyway, the prince of a country, although dead, should not be too shabby, in order to show respect, I asked someone to prepare a good mouthful for him. Wooden coffin, and sent people to guard it day and night, it has been almost two months now, the cost is huge..."

Bu Huitongzan immediately understood, and he waved his hand.

Immediately, two Tubo men came up carrying a box.


The box was opened, and it was full of rare treasures.

When Du He saw it, he thought, this thing is at least worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Okay, refreshing, Bu Huitongzan is indeed a refreshing person. In this case, I will take you there and take Gong Song Zanbu away. To be honest, keeping him here will always be a troublesome thing. Tuyuhun has already quietly They sent someone to find me and were willing to offer two thousand guan, let me sell Gongsong Tsampo to them, but I rejected them at that time..." Du He said.

Bu Huitong praised: "Thank you Commander Du for rejecting the Tuyuhun people and respecting our prince."

Du He shook his head: "No, I just think their bid is too cheap."

Bu Huitong praised: "..."

He wanted to hit someone very much, but when he thought that this was Du He's territory, he decided to forget it.

Not long after, everyone came to the hill not far from the furniture factory.

On the hill, a wooden coffin stood there, surrounded by several furniture factory guards guarding it day and night.

When Bu Huitongzan and others saw it, they rushed forward and sang loudly.

Du He waved his hand: "Stop singing, hurry up and get rid of it, lest my young master regret it later."

Bu Huitongzan hurriedly had the wooden coffin loaded onto the carriage, and then hurried north.

Not far from Baqiao, Bu Huitongzan turned his head and glanced in the direction of the furniture factory, gritted his teeth and said, "In this life, I must kill Du He, otherwise I will not be a human being. Du He, you are too deceitful."


(Four more will be presented,)

(End of this chapter)

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