God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 250 Look at the Hammer Moon

Chapter 250 Look at the Hammer Moon
Li Er took the Shangshu and read it carefully.

When everyone saw the thick stack of papers, they even believed Du Ruhui's words.

It seems that Du He still put in painstaking efforts.

However, everyone found that the more Li Er looked back, the deeper his frown became.

Could it be that Du He got into trouble again?
For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was weird, and everyone thought that Du He's troubles were minor, and it would be a disaster if everyone was scolded.


Li Er punched the table in front of him.

Everyone's heart beat violently.

In the quiet hall, there was a sudden sound: "Hahaha..."

Li Er suddenly laughed wildly and stood up excitedly.

Li Er glanced around the crowd, his eyes finally fell on Du Ruhui, and said loudly: "Keming, you have a good son... This method of using work for relief has never been seen since ancient times, but... I deeply think that This method can definitely solve the problem of resettling the victims, retreat to the court, Zhao Yang, go to the furniture factory quickly, invite Du He to the palace, tell him that I have prepared a sumptuous dinner, and invite him to the imperial garden to enjoy the moon."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What is cash for work?
No one has heard of it.

The point is, His Majesty wants to prepare a sumptuous dinner and invite Du He to enjoy the moon?
No one has enjoyed such treatment since His Majesty ascended the throne.

For a moment, everyone looked at Du Ruhui with envy.

If only I could have such a son!

At this time, no one cared what the method of resettling the victims was.


Furniture Factory.

"What? His Majesty invited me to enjoy the moon?" Du He asked in surprise.

Zhao Yang nodded, and said with a smile: "Uncle Huyi County, this is a great honor. If you want to say that since I was in court, there are only a handful of people who have received this kind of treatment, including Wang Situ, eldest grandson Sikong, Mr. Fang, and Mr. Du." Your Majesty has invited you to admire the moon and prepared a sumptuous dinner, which means that His Majesty has already planned to use you again. Congratulations to Huyi County Uncle. When the time comes, you will be prosperous, so don’t forget to wait for me."

Du He raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky.

He said a little speechlessly: "Look at the moon, it's just bad weather, it will be good if it doesn't rain later."

Zhao Yang: "..."

Du He thought in his heart that something was wrong, and troubles were about to hit him again.

He thought about it yesterday, after he finished writing this work-for-relief method, he would give it to his cheap father Du Ruhui, and let Du Ruhui say that he wrote it himself, in order to get rid of this matter and let Li Er himself write it. Headaches go.

Unexpectedly, I fell asleep in the morning and forgot to explain this matter.

How did he know that Du Ruhui not only didn't take the credit, but instead praised him fiercely in the Tai Chi Hall, which is definitely the performance of his own father.

Zhao Yang asked: "Uncle Huyi, are you going or are you not going? This servant is still waiting to return to the palace to answer."

Du He blinked and asked with a smile, "Can I not go?"

Zhao Yang shook his head, and said in horror, "This...has never been preceded before."

"Okay, go back and tell Your Majesty that I will be there on time for the banquet. As for looking at the moon, look at the hammer!" Du He said helplessly.

Zhao Yang shook his head: "Uncle Huyi, I was wrong. I didn't look at the hammer, but at the moon."

Du He: "There's a moon with a hammer!"


Zhao Yang was completely dumbfounded.



What does the hammer have to do with the moon.

When he returned to the palace, Li Er was also a little dumbfounded.

Li Er: "Hammer? Moon?"

Zhao Yang: "Your Majesty, that's right, these are the original words of the county uncle of Huyi."

"The hammer and the moon?"

Zhao Yang: "No, the hammer and the moon are the moon of the hammer."


Li Er smashed the memorial in his hand: "Get out, you can't even pass the message clearly, what use is there for you."

Zhao Yang almost cried.


at dusk.

A carriage entered the imperial city.

Du He got out of the carriage, tidied up his clothes, and then walked towards Tai Chi Palace.

Along the way, the passing palace guards, eunuchs and maids couldn't help but secretly look at him a few more times.

Everyone started discussing quietly.

"Did you see it? That's Huyi County Bo!"

"My son-in-law, the Great Demon King, who knows! Did you get into trouble again?"

"You don't know yet, when he entered the palace today, His Majesty invited him to enjoy the moon in the imperial garden."

"Tsk tsk..."

When Du He heard these discussions, he smiled slightly.

Others envy him and envy her, but only he knows that this matter is not so easy to deal with.

It seems that Li Er is determined to leave this difficult matter to himself.

"It seems that it's time to rip off..."

Du He thought.

Thinking, people have come to Tai Chi Hall.

Zhao Yang came up to meet him from a distance: "Uncle Huyi, the servant has been waiting for a long time, and His Majesty is waiting for you in the Imperial Garden."

"Okay, lead the way."

As soon as Du He stepped into the imperial garden, he saw that there was already a table of sumptuous dishes in the pavilion.

In front of the huge table, Li Er was sitting in the middle, with Empress Changsun serving at the side.

When Du He stepped forward, all the surrounding court ladies and eunuchs withdrew.

When Empress Changsun saw Du He, her eyes showed love, and she greeted: "Du He, come and sit down."

Du He sat down nervously, but saw Li Er and Empress Changsun staring at him with smiles.

Du He scratched his head, and said straight to the point: "Your Majesty, tonight's dinner is very sumptuous. It's not just a meal, is it?"

Li Er laughed: "You little cunning, I can't hide anything from you. I am looking for you today because I want to understand the more detailed content of the work-for-relief. Look at the Tang Dynasty, not the whole world. Only you know." , if I don’t look for you, why don’t you ask the gods to show their spirits?”

Du He touched his stomach and asked, "Can I eat first?"

Both Li Er and Empress Changsun were amused by Du He's sincere application.

"Okay, let's eat first, and we'll talk after dinner."

Du He picked up the chopsticks and said: "I said, governing a big country is like cooking small fish. Now, Your Majesty is the monarch of the Tang Dynasty, so cooking small fish is of course not a problem. This is the case with work for relief."

Li Er understood instantly, and personally picked up a chopsticks dish for Du He, and asked, "I ask you, can this work-for-relief solve the famine in Shandong and Henan?"

Du He smiled, "It's like fishing for the moon in water, it won't work."

"Will the victims be able to settle down?"

Du He still shook his head: "Like a flower in a mirror, it's unrealistic. It can only temporarily solve the problems of the victims."

Li Er asked unwillingly: "Will the world be able to return to obedience and all people to return to their hearts?"

Du He ate a mouthful of rice and said, "It's like scratching the itch, but it can't cure the root cause."

Seeing Du He pretending to be aggressive, Li Er felt a little edgy in his heart, and asked, "Then why is this work-for-relief method written so miraculously in your Shangshu?"

Du He said: "Your Majesty, the method of using work for relief is only a temporary plan. The temporary needs of the victims are to have enough food, but after March, after May, everyone wants to live and work in peace, not just to have enough food." Simple, if people only want to eat enough, how is it different from livestock? If people have no dreams, how is it different from salted fish?"


(Thanks for the reward from the brothers [Lushi]!)
(End of this chapter)

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