God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 255 Hello Big Cousin

Chapter 255 Hello Big Cousin

It was the first time that Xu Zhiyuan saw Du He get angry, and he hurriedly said: "Huyi County Boss, please calm down, these are all the information I sent people to register in detail, and there will be no mistakes. Besides, the victims of the disaster in Chang'an City, There are as many as [-] in total, and it is inevitable to occasionally register wrongly..."

Du He tapped his finger on the table and said: "Master Xu, you still don't understand what I mean, what I said is, so much information, you need to refine it and give it to me instead of stuffing it all at once. Do you want me to sum it up myself? I am now the commander of the work-for-work, not your master."

Xu Zhiyuan heard that when Du He got angry, someone would suffer, he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and asked cautiously, "I don't know, how should I sum it up, I'm a stupid official, please tell the uncle of Huyi County."

Du He took out the banknotes, began to write in a swish, and finally picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Xu Zhiyuan.

Du He said: "I will give you one day to recount these books, how many men, how many women, how many adults, how many children, how many carpenters, how many stonemasons, how many are normal, and how many are disabled or sickly. How much is each... Do you understand?"

"Oh...so that's the case, I understand, I understand, I will send someone to re-count." Xu Zhiyuan slapped his head and suddenly realized.

As he said that, this guy hurriedly picked up the thick booklet on the table, and ran to re-count it.

After Xu Zhiyuan left, Du He leaned back on the chair and began to think.

Now that the information on the victims has been collected, it is time to do big things, that is, when his construction company will show its talents. Unfortunately, the current construction company only has him as a polished commander, let alone other things. There is not even a doorman.

"Talent, talent, no matter what era, what is most lacking is talent..." Du He sat on the rotating wooden chair, feeling emotional.

Of course, the construction company can transfer a lot of manpower from Li Er, but Du He does not plan to use people from the imperial court unless it is absolutely necessary. He intends to take this opportunity to set up a construction company, and after March and May, it will end with work-for-relief However, a large number of craftsmen can stay and become a great help for Du He.

It's no problem to hire disaster victims. The key is that Du He now needs someone who can stand up to the scene to manage the construction company for him.He has asked Zhang Jian to search for such a talent for several days, but there is no news.

Just as I was thinking, I heard footsteps outside the door.

Immediately, Zhang Jian was seen walking in hastily.

"Master, there is news about what you asked me to do!" Zhang Jian said happily.

Du He hurriedly stood up: "Is there a suitable candidate? Where is the person?"

Zhang Jian said: "Master, there is a suitable candidate, but I don't know where it is for the time being?"

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Jian hurriedly said: "In the past few days, I have asked people to search for the talents you mentioned all over Chang'an City, but unfortunately they found nothing. There are several famous craftsmen in Chang'an City, but unfortunately they are all craftsmen from the imperial court. We dare not use such a person because he is involved with the eldest grandson's family. Just today when I went back to the furniture factory and met Zhengdao, he told me that he had someone to choose. He was a well-known craftsman in the imperial palace of the Sui Dynasty, and it is said that he even built the Grand Canal, after the fall of the Sui Dynasty, this Lu Yuan became anonymous, and no one knew about it."

"I didn't expect Zhengdao to have a cousin. Well, without further ado, go and call Xu Zhengdao. I have something to ask him." Du He said decisively.

Within an hour, Xu Zhengdao hurried to the Work Relief Headquarters.

When he learned that Du He was looking for his cousin Lu Yuan, Xu Zhengdao laughed and said, "You really want to invite my cousin out of the mountain?"

Du He nodded: "Why not?"

Xu Zhengdao found a chair and sat down: "You don't know. When I came from the south, I came to join him. After arriving in Chang'an City, I found out that this guy is addicted to gambling and has millions of dollars on his back." Originally, he had lost his life to others, but because he owed too much money, no one dared to touch him. I met him a few times, and the conversation was not speculative, so I simply broke it off. In the future, this person is a gambler, there is nothing he dare not bet on, if you go to him, I am afraid it will be a waste of time, he is not interested in anything other than gambling."

It was the first time Du He heard Xu Zhengdao talk about these past events, and asked, "Is he very familiar with construction as you said?"

"That's right. Although my cousin is a bastard and a heinous gambler, he has been with my uncle since he was a child. My uncle is a famous craftsman in the Sui Dynasty. He also participated in the construction of the Grand Canal. All his skills have been passed down to him. This bastard." Xu Zhengdao said, his teeth itching with anger.

Du He laughed and said: "It's just a gambler, go and meet him first, if it's useful, it's just in the bag, if it's not useful, then let him go."

After hearing this, Zhang Jian and others hurriedly arranged carriages and horses, with Xu Zhengdao leading the way.

A group of people came to the largest gambling house in Chang'an City, Xingyizhuang within a short time.

Du He and the others entered the casino in a low-key manner, and after a little inquiring, they learned that Lu Yuan was in Room No. [-], Tianzi, on the top floor.

Several people immediately went up to the fourth floor.

Xu Zhengdao stepped forward and kicked the door open.

I saw a mahjong machine made by a furniture factory in the middle of the room, four people were sitting around the mahjong machine, and there were a few guards around them.

When everyone heard the movement, they all turned around.

Seeing Xu Zhengdao's unfriendly expression, several guards walked past Ali eagerly.

Xu Zhengdao pulled out a triangular army thorn from behind, held it with his back, and said coldly: "Grandpa is doing business, if you don't want to die, get out, today, I'm here to settle accounts with Lu Yuan, and it has nothing to do with anyone else. "

Your mahjong table is facing the door, and sitting there is a young man in a blue gown, who is Xu Zhengdao's cousin Lu Yuan.

When the others heard this, they thought that most likely they came to ask Lu Yuan for money, and he was a ruthless character. They looked at each other, got up and left quickly.

Only then did Lu Yuan stand up slowly, patted his clothes, and said: "Oh, Xiaoman, look at you, I thought you had already left Chang'an after you broke off diplomatic relations with me, you came just in time, these few days I’m so unlucky today, I lost 20 today, cousin, I see you look rosy and well-dressed, you must have made a fortune, first lend me 100 million, and after I get back the money, I’ll give you 120 million ,how?"

As he said that, the guy walked towards Xu Zhengdao affectionately with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to grab Xu Zhengdao's shoulder.

Xu Zhengdao grabbed the three-edge army thorn and jumped away.

Du He came in from the door suddenly, blocked Lu Yuan with his fan, raised his head, and said with a smile, "Big cousin, how are you!"


(Thanks to [There are always troublemakers who want to harm me] brothers for their rewards, and thanks to brothers for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for their support! Actor [Lu Yuan] appeared.)
(End of this chapter)

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