Chapter 259

For several days, Du He did not go to court.

Just when everyone thought that Du He was planning to let go, on this day, Du He personally went to court.

Along the way, many people greeted him.

When they learned that Du He came to report work to His Majesty today, and saw that Du He was empty-handed, everyone couldn't help wondering.

This work-for-relief matter is related to the resettlement of tens of thousands of disaster victims in Chang'an City. Even His Majesty was alarmed. Doesn't Du He need to prepare a memorial?

The morning court officially started, and when Li Er saw Du He, he took the lead and asked, "How are you preparing for the relief work?"

Du He stood up and said, "Your Majesty, with the unremitting efforts of the minister, the work-for-relief matter is progressing smoothly. Today, I am here to report to Your Majesty."

"Okay, let's hear it." Li Er nodded.

Du He said slowly: "After Chang'an County Magistrate Xu Zhiyuan and Master Xu organized hundreds of people to investigate for a period of time, the basic situation of the victims in Chang'an City has been fully figured out. There are now 150 victims in Chang'an. Among them, There are 400 men, 100 women, more than 7000 able-bodied people, and [-] people who can participate in the work-for-work project..."

Everyone was dizzy after hearing the consecutive numbers, but Du He came as soon as he opened his mouth, without the slightest mistake.

Li Er listened, nodded again and again, and said happily: "Okay, Du He, you did a good job. At the beginning, several adults even reported that the methods you adopted were too rough and easy to provoke civil uprisings. Unexpectedly, you The method of cutting through the mess with a sharp knife is so effective, and it only took a few days to find out the situation of the victims, which really makes me gratified."

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty," Du He said neither humble nor overbearing, "Now, this first step has been completed, and the work-for-relief project can be started. I have drawn up a detailed plan and will send it to the palace in a few days Your Majesty, please refer to it for details. However, the sooner the disaster victims are resolved, the better. If it is delayed for a day, there will be many unstable factors. Therefore, when I enter the palace today, I will first report to my work, and the second is to announce to all the adults that from today From now on, work-for-relief work will officially begin.”

After a pause, Du He continued: "Your Majesty, my lords, more than [-] disaster victims can participate in work-for-relief. The number is huge and unprecedented. It is difficult to employ so many people through various projects. Yes. Therefore, today I would like to ask everyone to help me."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Hearing this, Li Er seemed to have thought of something: "Du He, just speak up if you have something to say."

Du He nodded: "For the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and for your majesty's peace of mind, I suggest mobilizing the ministers of military, Chinese and military affairs of the court to hire the victims, and those with money to contribute money and powerful efforts to jointly solve such a huge number of victims. In short In other words, there must be a shortage of manpower in the mansions or shops of your lords. Even if there is no shortage of manpower, it will not be short of food for a few people. Disaster victims don’t need to pay wages, they only need to take care of food and shelter.”

Li Er's eyes lit up.

The ministers also nodded in agreement.

"Huyi county uncle is such a good idea!"

"It's a good idea to kill two birds with one stone while providing food for the victims without paying wages."

"The old man agrees very much."

At this time, someone asked: "Dare to ask Huyi county uncle, how many people do we need to hire?"

Du He smiled slightly: "Based on the situation I have learned before, we need everyone to help solve the employment problem of 5000 people."


5000 people?
Everyone was dumbfounded at once.

There were less than 100 people present.

Even if it is divided equally, each person must hire more than 50 people?
Even for rich people like Changsun Wuji, it would be too much for them to hire 50 people at once.

It's okay to have a few more mouths to eat, but with fifty mouths, the daily food consumption is not a small number.

Now, no one speaks.

Seeing this, Li Er said: "My dear friends, now is the time for everyone to share my worries, let's talk about it."

Everyone buried their heads.

When Li Er saw it, he also had a headache.

You can't force everyone to hire disaster victims.

Du He was already prepared for this, he laughed, and said: "It seems that your lords are frightened by this number? Since no one has spoken, let me express my opinion first. I, Du He, have been honored by the emperor to become the uncle of Huyi County. , is more trusted by His Majesty, as the commander-in-chief of work-for-relief, of course, he must set an example and set an example. Therefore, I decided to hire 2000 people to work in my dream group first. Let the rations be given to the disaster victims, even if I, Du He, are hungry, I will never bear the heart that the disaster victims have no food to eat."

These words are impassioned and righteous.

Everyone was shocked at once.

5000 people, Du He hired [-] at one go?
It's almost halfway there.

Many people are very puzzled, is Du He crazy?
So many people consume an astonishing amount of food every day, and they also need to provide a place to live?

Even Li Er didn't believe it, and thought Du He was joking.

But I heard Du He say: "If you don't believe me, you can supervise at any time. If I, Du He, hire one less person, you can point at my Du He's backbone and scold me."


I saw Li Er slamming his fist on the table, stood up excitedly, pointed at Du He, and said loudly: "Okay... okay, the pillar of the country, the pillar of the country, Du He, I did not misunderstand you... Everyone , take a good look at it, this is Du He's boldness, I announce that I will hire 300 people to the palace, and all expenditures will be allocated from my internal treasury."

Li Chengqian also stood up and said: "Father, my son is willing to save money and hire 50 people to the East Palace."

Li Tai, the king of Yue, was not to be outdone: "My son happens to have some property under his command. Hearing the words of Huyi County Bo, he was so moved that he would like to hire 100 people."

With Li Er and others taking the lead, how could the ministers dare to remain silent, so they expressed their opinions one after another.

"I am willing to hire 30 people!"

"Please hire 20 people!"

"The minister hired 80 people!"


In less than a moment, the remaining 3000 people were divided up.

The wealthy grandson Wuji directly hired 280 people. If he didn't dare to be on par with Li Er, this guy originally planned to hire 300 people.

Li Erlong said happily, "At this moment, I... am deeply impressed by the loyalty of all my lovers! You are so loyal, so what about the drought, hahaha..."

Li Er's laughter echoed in the hall for a long time.

Everyone flattered one after another, saying that this was a harbinger of the coming prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

Du He stood among the crowd, with a wicked smile on his lips.


(Second watch,)

(End of this chapter)

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