Chapter 263 Petition
Who has never died in life since ancient times, who does not use paper when shitting?
Zhang Jian almost knelt down.

Most people can't understand this sentence at all, but Zhang Jian understood it immediately.

The reason is that paper is extremely precious in this era. After going to the toilet, people usually use bamboo chips or sticks to slam it.

But the furniture factory promoted the use of paper two months ago. The reason is that Du He couldn't bear the fact that there were a few sticks covered in feces in the public toilets of the furniture factory. Even if the cost was high, he forced to use paper. Not to mention the convenience, the key is hygiene.


Late at night, in the palace.

The lights in the Imperial Study Room of the Tai Chi Palace were still flickering, and had been refueled several times.

Standing in front of the table, Hou Junji reported all the things that happened today: "...I am afraid that it is difficult to make a conclusion on this matter. Opposing the reconstruction of the Imperial College may not be a loyal minister, and Du He strongly advocated the construction of the Imperial College. He is also loyal and a century-old plan. , education is the foundation, and only Du He can say such enlightening words, and he is right. Although my country has been established in the Tang Dynasty for many years, what I lack most is scholars. Officials are still dominated by the military generals of the past, and there is no lack of these people who have both ability and political integrity, but most of them can conquer the world but cannot govern a county a week!"

Li Er put down the writing brush in his hand, stood up, and said slowly: "I don't know Du He's intentions, but the money in the national treasury is only tens of millions of guan. When the war started, what did I use to fight the Tubo people? Did I let Niu Jinda fight with the Tubo cavalry with bare hands? Besides, now that the drought has passed, the 100 victims in Chang'an City are only a part of them, and there are hundreds of thousands in Shandong, Henan and other places The disaster victims are waiting for relief..."

As an emperor, Li Er didn't want to build an unprecedentedly prosperous empire, but his strength didn't allow it.

Hou Jun collected classical Chinese and said with a smile: "It's just that Du He has already confirmed this matter, I'm afraid he won't let it go."

"Hahaha...Of course I know, that kid has a stubborn temper, and he will never give up until he achieves his goal. However, the money is in my treasury. As long as I don't nod, what can he do? I will never agree to this matter. Compared with the tens of thousands of disaster victims in Chang'an City, keeping the money and food in the national treasury is the most important thing." Li Er waved his hand and said resolutely.


That night.

In the Imperial College, it was very lively.

More than 100 students gathered in the small courtyard.

I saw a young man standing in the middle of the crowd, giving an impassioned speech.

"Education is the foundation."

it is good!
Everyone started applauding.

The young man said again: "You don't know the situation at that time. Boduhe of Huyi County faced all the ministers of the court alone, fought to the death, and said with a heartbroken heart, my Tang Dynasty lacks everything, but the most lacking thing is It's talents... Talents, everyone, the uncle of Huyi County is talking about us, and we will get fame in the future, and that will be for the benefit of the people. Now, the Imperial College has been forgotten, even Your Majesty, I never mentioned the matter of rebuilding the Guozijian, and we will continue to spend our days in this narrow place. The ministers of the court and the central government only care about our situation. Come out to speak for us and fight for the reconstruction of the Imperial College...Everyone, Du He is our friend and our benefactor."

"Yes, Bo Nai of Huyi County is a friend of our Imperial College!"

"That's right, at this moment, only Du He still remembers us."

When Du He's name was mentioned, everyone became excited.

At this time, I heard the young man say again: "Everyone, I have a bold idea. Now, Huyi County Bo is weak, and there is only one person. He will definitely not be able to fight against those corrupt officials in the court. We should unite and fight together. Supporting him is the only way to support him. The reconstruction of our Guozijian in Guozijian City will be of great benefit to us, and it will also be of great significance to the education of Datang. Stand up and support him."

"How about a solidarity law?"

The young man jumped onto a chair, stood tall, and said: "I'll wait, I'll enter the palace tomorrow morning, and petition His Majesty, please allow His Majesty to rebuild the Imperial College."

"it is good!"

The young man raised his arms and called out, and everyone responded.

These people are passionate young people, and they unite with a little guidance.


Far away, in the dark.

above an attic.

Du He stood in the middle, with his hands behind his back, looking at the brilliant direction of the Imperial City Lantern Festival.

A black shadow came up and took off the mask, it was Xu Zhengdao.

As soon as Xu Zhengdao appeared, Zhang Jian couldn't wait to step forward and asked, "How is the situation?"

Xu Zhengdao walked over, took a sip of water from the cup on the table, and said, "Huh, Du He is really good at predicting things, those idiots in the Imperial College, after getting the news of our release, they really took action. According to our plan, these people will go to the palace to petition tomorrow morning."

Zhang Jian said: "Great, this matter was done without a single soldier, haha, young master, I really admire you so much."

When Du He heard this, his face suddenly became serious: "This matter is no small matter."

There is nothing more famous in the history of petitions by scholars than the petition on the bus. Unfortunately, few people survived.

Maybe it's another bloody incident.

Du He immediately ordered: "Zhang Jian, send out people quickly to find out the list of people who will join the manpower tomorrow. Tomorrow, you wait to ambush near the imperial city in advance and follow my orders."

Xu Zhengdao's complexion changed, and he asked, "You mean, His Majesty might kill all these people?"

Du He nodded: "It's not impossible. When the time comes, one can be saved. These idiots are indeed bookish, and they don't talk about strategy at all. They just entered the palace to petition, and drove His Majesty into a hurry, and bloodbathed the Imperial College. It's all possible."

These guys suddenly wanted to enter the palace to petition, which completely disrupted Du He's plan.

Originally, Du He planned to gradually figure out this matter.

Unexpectedly, the scholars are really too impulsive.


On the morning of the second day.

As soon as the dynasty began, an official immediately proposed that Boduhe, Huyi County, proposed to rebuild the Guozijian. This person was an official of the Guozijian.

Immediately, Li Er flew into a rage, and pulled this person out to beat him several times without asking why.

So far, no one has dared to mention it.

Li Er dispelled many people's idea of ​​rebuilding the Guozijian through this vigorous and resolute means.

As soon as the matter was settled, a herald suddenly broke in at the door and shouted: "Your Majesty, more than 100 students from the Imperial College have come to the gate of the palace to petition His Majesty, asking His Majesty to rebuild the Imperial College. They have already rushed over, but these people are all brave and fearless, threatening that if His Majesty does not agree today, they will not go back."

When Li Er heard this, his eyebrows furrowed immediately.

Everyone could feel Li Er's anger and it started to burn.

(End of this chapter)

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