God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 266 Private Independent Colleges

Chapter 266 Private Independent Colleges
The next day, morning morning.

After the routine discussion was over, everyone listened to Li Er say: "My dear friends, recently, there has been a lot of noise about the petition of the Imperial College students at the gate of the palace. After thinking about it, I feel deeply disturbed, as Bo Duhe of Huyi County said. , A century-old plan, education-oriented, now what our Tang Dynasty lacks most is talents, the rebuilding of the Imperial College can no longer be delayed, Du He entered the palace yesterday, and presented a plan for the reconstruction of the Imperial College, according to this plan, rebuilding the Imperial College will cost It is less than 70 guan, which is a full 30 guan less than the previous calculation by the Ministry of Industry. I have carefully calculated it, and Du He did not falsify... Therefore, I decided to start rebuilding the Guozijian from now on, and Du He will be in charge of all matters. We must assist Du He to build the Imperial Academy as soon as possible."

Before everyone could react, Zhao Yang yelled loudly: "Let's play if there is something to do, and if there is nothing to do, retreat...retire!"

Then, seeing that Li Er didn't give everyone a chance to perform, he hurriedly left the Tai Chi Hall.

Everyone looked at each other.

What exactly did Du He discuss with His Majesty when he entered the palace last night?
Why was His Majesty so angry about the rebuilding of the Imperial College yesterday, and why did he agree today?
The Guozijian official who was beaten several times yesterday felt as sad as if he had eaten shit.


When the news of the rebuilding of the Imperial College reached the Imperial College, all the sentient beings were stunned for a moment, and then cheered in unison.

In the end, everyone was calling Doo Ho's name.

This matter was proposed by Du He, and it was also Du He's argument, especially yesterday at the gate of the palace. If Du He hadn't appeared in time, the heads of more than 100 students would have long since disappeared.

In the evening of the same day, Kong Yingda took the representatives of the students from the Imperial College and went out of the city to meet Du He at the headquarters of Dream Group to express his gratitude.

Kong Yingda said sincerely: "Young Master Du, no matter what unhappiness we had before, if it weren't for your great help in rebuilding the Imperial College, I am afraid that this matter will be shelved again. I have heard that, no matter what, on behalf of the Imperial College, I would like to thank Mr. Du for his help. In the future, if there is anything that needs help, the whole of the Imperial College can do it, please ask Mr. Du to speak up."

With that said, Kong Yingda stood up and gave Du He a deep bow.

Du He hurriedly got up and helped Kong Yingda up.

After this incident, Kong Yingda no longer held any resentment towards Du He.

After sitting down again, Du He said: "Master Confucius, you are welcome. Although I, Du He, am just a businessman, I also have the world in mind. Education is no small matter. In the past, Confucius had three thousand disciples, 72 sages, and countless Mohist disciples." , there are many followers of Taoism, regardless of who is right or wrong, but in that era, it was the era of my Chinese civilization where a hundred schools of thought contend and a hundred flowers bloom. So don't underestimate..."

Du He's remarks moved Kong Yingda so much that he threw himself to the ground.

I also heard Du He say: "I am also very passionate about education, so I would like to ask Master Kong for help."

"Master Du please speak frankly, this old man will definitely go all out."

I just heard Du He say: "To tell the truth, Master Kong, my dream group is now small and has a number of employees, reaching as many as [-]. The side of the Bahe River was originally barren, but now it is smaller than a small town." It is also bustling and bustling, with a large population and a lot of craftsmen, but more than [-]% of them are illiterate. Every time I see many people who can't even write their own names, can't read half of the big characters, and can't accept the teachings of saints, I feel this way It was very uncomfortable... Therefore, I recently called a meeting of the leaders above the middle level of the entire group. We decided to open a private independent school in the Dream Group. The main purpose is to teach these craftsmen to read and write, but... There is no excellent teacher to teach, because of this, I have three gray hairs..."

While speaking, Du He sighed.

When Kong Yingda heard this, he immediately said: "Mr. Du, why worry? If you want to talk about excellent teachers, the most excellent teachers in the world are the Imperial College. This matter is covered by the old man. As long as your private school starts classes, I can send someone over to help you at any time." You teach students, why should Mr. Du worry about such a trivial matter day and night."

"Master Kong, is this really good?" Du He pretended to be surprised and asked.

Kong Yingda waved his hand: "Young Master Du is too worried. In the Imperial College, the most indispensable thing is the teacher. Many people have nothing to do all day long. It just so happens that it is a great achievement to come to you to preach and teach!"

"So, thank you, Master Kong. With your words, I can rest assured that after my academy is established, I will definitely hire you as the honorary dean. At that time, I hope Master Confucius will not refuse." Du He stood up , said gratefully.

"Don't dare to say no..."

After seeing off Kong Yingda, Du He was in a good mood, and immediately called everyone to the conference room for a meeting to announce the matter.

When Li Lizhi heard this, she curled her lips and said: "Du He, you are too bad. You know that Master Kong looks down on Dream Group at all. If you want to ask the teacher from the Imperial College to teach, he will definitely not agree. It was a bad move to scare Master Kong..."

Du He touched his chin: "What is too bad? It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, Master Kong is a great master of Confucianism in the Tang Dynasty. I don’t like money, I don’t like profit, what I like most is reputation, I praise him, he sent me a batch of free teachers, everyone gets what they need.”

Afterwards, everyone returned to the topic.

Du He's plan was to establish a Datang Vocational Technical College.

In the early stage, the craftsmen were trained to read and write, and then various technical trainings were carried out later.

For example, the simplest, mechanical repair is a course.

And this vocational technical college needs to invest at least 20 yuan in the early stage.

When everyone heard this, they all thought Du He was stupid.

Zhang Du couldn't help but said: "Master, I'm afraid it's not easy to do things like this. This vocational technical college is nothing more than a private school. If we charge money, no one will come. You have to put money in."

"That's right," Xu Zhengdao also said, "It's fine for those craftsmen to be able to work. Why let them read and write."

"I also think that this matter should not be rushed."

The only one who supports Du He is Li Yuanshu: "This princess thinks that Du He's idea is very good. Needless to say, the craftsmen, just the current financial department, the newly recruited accountant must learn the new accounting method of Dream Group , even for those who decide to be smart, it takes at least half a month, and it takes at least a month to start working... If this vocational technical college can train a large number of such people, they can start working immediately when they come to the Finance Department in the future. It saves a lot of time.”


(Thanks to [There are always people who want to harm me] brother for the reward, thank you for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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