God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 277 Ma Zhou's Choice

Chapter 277 Ma Zhou's Choice
After Ma Zhou heard this, he was convinced.

Coupled with witnessing Du He's actions in the past few days, he felt a lot of changes in his mind for a while.

Morning of the second day.

Ma Zhou said a few words, but it was about Du He.

The ministers present were all taken aback, thinking to themselves, this Ma Zhou had just been bullied by Du He a few days ago, and almost lost face in this Tai Chi Hall, so now they want to impeach Du He again?

Li Er was also a little angry in his heart. After several incidents, he had already developed full trust in Du He. Now that someone wants to impeach Du He, of course he felt a little dissatisfied.

Seeing that he opened the memorial and looked at it carefully, he was immediately stunned.

This memorial is not to impeach Du He, but to praise Du He.

I just heard Ma Zhou say: "Your Majesty, my lords, I have lived and boarded next to Qujiang Pond recently, and witnessed Du He's various behaviors with my own eyes. I am really a model of serving the country and the people, and a model of selflessness. Discussing the construction of the stadium with Boduhe, Huyi County. Duhe proposed the goal of working for Datang for 50 years. Ministers of martial arts, especially civil servants, lack physical exercise the most. Over time, without exercise, their physical fitness will naturally decline, and they will be tortured by various diseases before the age of 40. This is the result of lack of exercise!"

Ma Zhou heard this set of sayings from Du He, and he himself knew only a little about it, but he always felt that it was very powerful.

Ma Zhou said: "The so-called six arts are rites, music, and archery. Among them, archery is a kind of physical exercise. Your Majesty, the Tang Dynasty is now prosperous and the world is gradually peaceful. Officials sit in the high hall all day long. There is almost no opportunity to exercise, so I suggest, I beseech Your Majesty, to organize a physical exercise in ten and a half months, so that everyone can meet the goal of working for Datang for 50 years."

There was another discussion among the people.

In the end, Li Er made a final decision: "This matter is very good. From now on, all officials belonging to the Tang Dynasty will organize an exercise every month to work for the Tang Dynasty for 50 years."

As long as these officials can work for Datang for 50 years, there is no need for Datang to prosper, and Li Er is of course very happy.

This matter will be handed over to the Ministry of Officials.

Ma Zhou excitedly brought the news back to Qujiang Pond, Du He heard it, but was speechless for a while.

This matter of exercising is mainly voluntary. The construction of a sports ground for the Imperial College is to suggest that Kong Yingda offer physical education classes at that time. The slogan convinced Li Er.

Ma Zhou said happily: "Uncle Huyi County, there were many misunderstandings between us before, but this time, I admire you very much. From now on, I hope that we can work together to build the Guozijian as soon as possible." .”

Du He said happily: "Okay, I'm relieved to have Mr. Ma's words. Come on, Mr. Ma has become our friend. Tonight, Mr. Ma will take Mr. Ma to Pingkangfang to be chic and unrestrained!"

Hearing that, Ma Yiyi shook his head hastily: "I can't do it, I have never been to Pingkangfang, and I never plan to go, I can't do it."

Saying that, the guy ran away like shit.


late at night.

An unexpected visitor came to Ma Zhou's mansion.

This is a middle-aged man, codenamed Cui San.

When Cui San saw Ma Zhou in the living room, he was polite first.

Ma Zhou then asked: "You and I have never met before. Since you came to visit me, you must have something to ask for. However, I am a speech officer and have no power. If you want me to do things for you, you should die as soon as possible." Let's get this heart."

Cui San smiled and said: "My lord, you are joking. Although your lord is only a small censor, no one in the court knows that Wei Zheng Wei lord appreciates you very much. Even His Majesty has summoned you alone many times. En Pets are generally the same, the villain is ordered by the Patriarch to come to the adult's house, not to ask the adult to do something, but to discuss something."

"Oh? Tell me!"

Cui San said slowly: "Master Ma, my master asked me to ask a question, if you dare to ask Master Ma, if you are interested in going out and making friends?"

"I am a civil servant, do I want to be like Fang Xiang and Du Xiang?"

Cui San nodded: "That's right, the left chancellor Fang Xuanling and the right chancellor Du Ruhui are old now, and I'm afraid they will retire and return to their hometowns in a few years. The rest of the people are all eyeing the position of prime minister. The master said, if Sir Ma is interested, I can help you from the side, and within ten years, you will be able to rise to the top, surpassing one person and ten thousand, how about it?"

Ma Zhou's heart skipped a beat.

Can actually assist a prime minister?
Who is this person with so much energy?

Before he could react, Cui San took out a box from his pocket and put it in front of Ma Zhou. After opening it, the brilliance overflowed, and there were three huge night pearls in total, shining brightly.

Cui San introduced: "My lord, this is my master's meeting gift. These three luminous pearls are all top-quality products, as big as pigeon eggs. They are rare to see in other places, even in the imperial palace. Master Ma , as long as you agree to cooperate with my master, this is yours, even if you sell these few beads, it will make you worry-free for the rest of your life."

Ma Zhou looked carefully, but he was not moved. Instead, his face sank, and he asked, "Your master, what is your origin?"

Cui San chuckled: "My lord, you don't need to know about this. You just need to know that cooperating with my master will never lose your benefits."

"Hmph," Ma Zhou snorted suddenly, and slapped his palm on the table, "This priceless thing must be something you want me to do, isn't it easy?"

Cui San smiled and said: "It's just a matter of raising one's hand, it's just a matter of raising one's hand. My master said that as long as Mr. Ma can collect evidence, and take a copy of Du He, so that His Majesty no longer trusts Du He, these beads are yours."


Ma Zhou slapped the table again: "It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable...Hmph, Boduhe, Huyi County, devoted himself to the great Tang society, worked hard, didn't take money, didn't break the law, what reason does this officer have to join him? Don't you let me Am I acting out of conscience? Really, come here, send this person out to me, and he will never be allowed to enter the house. "

As soon as the words were finished, the butler came up with a few servants and invited Cui San away.

Cui San left Ma Zhou's mansion, hurried all the way, and finally came to a teahouse near the West Market.

Enter the triple gate, pass through several corridors, and enter the last small courtyard.

Standing in the middle of the courtyard was a man wearing a black cloak and a golden mask. He was the ghost who had practiced lightness kung fu that day.

The ghost turned his head and asked Cui San, "How is the matter going?"

Cui San cuitou said dejectedly: "My lord, that Ma Zhou is really abominable. Instead of accepting our conditions, he sent someone to drive me out."

(End of this chapter)

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