Chapter 294
After hearing this, Du He didn't believe it.

The old fox has always been stingy, so this time he will be so generous?
He tentatively said: "Your Majesty, are you serious?"

"I have a golden mouth, when is it not worth talking?" Li Er said displeased.

Du He smiled and said: "Your Majesty, since that's the case, to tell you the truth, I talked with the old Taoist Yuan Tiangang a few days ago. He watched the sky at night. The second day of August is a good and auspicious day. Why don't you just choose this day and I will Princess Runan and Princess Changle married, how about it?"

Only halfway through Du He's words, Li Er's face became gloomy.


Li Eryi slapped the table and said, "This matter is absolutely impossible. Don't forget, what I told you at the beginning, if you want to marry the two princesses, it's not impossible. After the Duke. This request, I have said beforehand, so I can't satisfy you, change it."

Du He thought for a while and said: "In that case, let's save this request first. When I think about it, I will go to the palace and report it to His Majesty. However, there is no evidence for words, and words are evidence. Taking this opportunity to sign a contract to make money from investing in shares, what do you think, Your Majesty?"

Li Er put down his chopsticks and nodded, "That's fine... come, I'll serve you with pen and ink."

After the pen, ink and paper came up, Du He took up the pen himself and drew up two contracts. One was that Li Er agreed to his request, and the other was that Li Er would invest [-] yuan in the resettlement housing for the disaster victims, and when the resettlement housing was officially sold After going there, he paid dividends with profits. Li Er took a look and stamped his seal.

In the early morning of the second day, Li Er sent the general manager Zhao Yang to personally escort [-] people to the headquarters of Dream Group.

Before leaving, Zhao Yang said solemnly: "Uncle Huyi County, this one hundred thousand coins is all the money in your majesty's internal treasury, you must not let your majesty down, even if you can't make money, you must hold on to this book Otherwise, what will happen to the expenses in the palace in the future!"

Du He patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder, and said: "Director Zhao, don't worry, no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor, your Majesty, no matter how hard you are, I still understand this truth!"

Just as Du He was about to send Zhao Yang away, he saw Zhao Yang surreptitiously pulling Du He aside, and said in a low voice, "The county uncle of Huyi, I am a dull slave. I have done my best to take care of His Majesty these years, and I have also received a lot of rewards, about five Qianguan, you are short of money now, we can't just sit idly by, why don't you invest the [-]guan as a share, Huyi county uncle, don't think too little of it!"

Du He was taken aback.

Then he laughed.

Back then, he first planned to win over Zhao Yang.

Helplessly, Zhao Yang was so arrogant that he won the trust of Li Er, so he failed to win him over.

Now, the other party took the initiative to send it to the door.

Du He grabbed Zhao Yang's sleeve and said happily: "Director Zhao really understands the righteousness, and you can send charcoal in a timely manner. Five thousand coins is a lot, and you will be indispensable for dividends. Come on, let's sign the contract first." Bar."

"Okay, this servant will definitely remember the kindness of Huyi county uncle." Zhao Yang said happily.

According to the stipulations in the contract, Zhao Yang invested 20 guan, and after the resettlement houses for the victims are completed and sold, he can get [-]% of it. If the bonus is [-] guan, he can also get [-] guan. .

Who said that money can't make money, but in Du He's place, money can make money.

What's more, it was clearly written in the contract, even if you didn't earn a penny, it was still there.

Zhao Yang signed the contract and left happily.

Just as Zhao Yang left, he saw Lu Bu hurried in and said, "Young master, please see me outside!"

Du He waved his hand, yawned all over the place and said, "See you, I'm going to catch up on sleep."

He didn't return to Dream Group until midnight last night, but he woke up early this morning to receive the [-] guan from Li Er. Du He is now sleepy to death.

But I heard Lu Bu say: "Master, the outsiders are Changsun Wuji, Qin Qiong, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng..."

When Du He heard this, alas, these are all big bosses.

With so many people coming to Dream Group, what is their plan?
Du He cheered up instantly, and said, "Go, let's have a look!"

As soon as Du He walked out of the yard, he saw a group of big men walking towards here in high spirits from a distance.

Sikong Changsun Wuji!

Situ Wanggui!

Left Prime Minister Fang Xuanling!
Shang Shu's left servant shoots at Li Jing!
Gao Shilian, Minister of the Ministry of Officials!
Dai Zhou, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs!

Minister of Rites, Chen Shuda!
Li Daozong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments!
Duan Lun, Secretary of the Ministry of Industry!

Duke Yi and General Qin Qiong, the leader of the Left Army!
Royal historian Wei Zheng!

For a moment, Du He was a little dumbfounded.

This is a collective dispatch by the big bosses of the dynasty.

Just this group of people, as long as they stomp their feet, the city of Chang'an will be shaken.

Old Fu and others beside him said excitedly: "My dear, there are so many grown-ups!"

Before Du He stepped forward, Changsun Wuji and others had already arrived.

Du He cupped his hands and said, "My lords, long time no see, don't come here without any problems, what's your business today?"

Everyone greeted Du He one after another.

Immediately, Li Daozong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, pointed to Du He and said: "Boy Du, you are not righteous. Your father and I can be regarded as our friendship. I followed His Majesty to fight in the north and south, and saved your father's life. When you were young, The old man hugged you, and you even pissed on the old man."

"That's right," Li Jing also said hastily, "You Du boy, I think you were less than four or five years old, and you still wanted to marry my second girl. How come you have no news when you grow up?"

Everyone said something to each other, but they didn't talk about the real thing, but turned up all the embarrassing things about Du He when he was a child.

It made the people around laugh.

Du He said speechlessly: "Everyone, if you are here to come to the book today, then I will not accompany you. If you have something to say, don't keep talking about me, or I will sue you for defamation and insult to personality."

I only heard Changsun Wuji say: "Du He, I heard that His Majesty gave you [-] yuan for the construction of resettlement houses for the victims. After the resettlement houses for the victims are built, they will be sold to the victims. Return all to His Majesty, is there such a thing?"

When Du He raised his head, he saw everyone staring at him with wide eyes.Xindao, these big bosses knew about the contract signed last night. If His Majesty did not release the news on purpose, then there would be ghosts. Don't walk sideways in Datang.

Since ancient times, the most reliable relationship between people is the bond of interests.

Du He has already decided to recruit the emperor first and then the ministers.

When everyone is tied to a chariot and becomes a grasshopper on a rope, by then, Du He's enemies will be much less.

Du He laughed and said: "I didn't expect you adults to be so well-informed. Yes, yes. If you have money, let's make money together. I, Du He, are the most loyal."


(six more,,,)

(End of this chapter)

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