God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 297: No Culture Is Terrible

Chapter 297: No Culture Is Terrible

Check the water meter?
Ghosts and Cui San were both stunned.

What a water meter is, no one knows.

But both of them knew that trouble must be coming.

The ghost grabbed Cui San by the collar and asked angrily, "Did you attract the enemy?"

Cui San stammered and said: "I, I, I don't know, my lord, I have always been careful, and no one followed me when I came."

Ghost San threw Cui San away and said, "I'll go first, after you finish, this is for you."

As he spoke, the ghost put a black pill into Cui San's hands.

It was a poison that would kill instantly if swallowed.

Cui San held it in the palm of his hand, suddenly a cold light appeared in his eyes.


The gate of the yard was suddenly knocked open from the outside, and two gates that were as tall as a person smashed to the ground.

Guishen and Cui San looked out, and saw seven or eight people wearing green clothes and holding strange weapons had already appeared at the door.

The ghost and god drew out the long knife, kicked his feet on the ground, and flew into the air with a swipe.

Unexpectedly, before the man flew out of the yard, he saw three arrows flying towards the door at the same time, blocking his way.

Before the ghosts and gods could react, a large net suddenly flew from above and descended from the sky.

Ghosts and gods are masters after all, they dodged the big net with a flash, and then fell into the yard.

At this time, Cui San suddenly shouted from behind: "My lord!"

The ghosts and gods didn't even look back, and asked, "Why..."

I'm only halfway through.


Cui San, who looked very weak at first, suddenly became vigorous, and punched the ghosts and gods in the back.

Unprepared, the ghost was staggered by Cui San and suffered internal injuries.

The ghost turned around, stared at Cui San, and asked in an unbelievable tone: "So, you, you... you, you are actually a master?"

Cui San sneered and said: "I'm sorry, ghosts and gods, the enemy is coming so fiercely today, it's better for you to stop."

Cui San's body exploded, and he kicked the ghost directly to the door.

The guy then jumped on the fence and fled in a flash.

The people in Tsing Yi who were guarding around the wall originally focused on ghosts and gods, but Cui San took advantage of the loopholes.

The ghost and god twisted their bodies in the air and landed slowly. Just as they were about to pick up the long knife to kill, they saw two figures appearing at the door.

One is Du He and the other is Lu Bu.

He is the most familiar with these two people.

How many times, ghosts and gods wanted to kill Du He, but Lu Bu never left Du He, and never gave him a chance.

The ghost held a long knife, pointed at Du He, and said in surprise: "It's you, Du He, how did you find out here?"

Du He sneered and said, "Damn you, do you really think that you are a ghost wearing a ghost mask? Hmph, you self-indulgent guy, come and take it down."

The ghost said coldly: "Du He, you don't want to catch me. Hmph, today, even if I can't kill a bloody way, you don't want to catch me alive. Hahahaha, to tell you the truth, I have already hidden a poison in my mouth. As long as I bite down, I can die on the spot, and you don't want to get any news from me, hahaha..."

"Good idea, but unfortunately, my young master won't give you this chance."

Before he finished speaking, Du He raised his right hand.

In his hand, there was something like a bamboo stick.

I saw him press a button on the back.

call out.

A long needle the size of a thumb flew out and hit the ghost on the shoulder.

The ghosts and gods picked up the flying needle and looked at it, only to see a needle at the front, but a thick transparent thing at the back.

He laughed loudly and said, "Du He, your hidden weapon is really too weak. You want to hurt me with just this little flying needle. What a dream!"

Seeing this, Du He put away the things in his hands, and slowly laughed: "I don't have any education, it's terrible."

"You...what do you mean..."

As soon as the ghosts and gods finished speaking, they felt dizzy for a while, and couldn't help holding their heads with their hands.


The ghost fell to the ground at once.

The surrounding people in Tsing Yi rushed up and quickly took off his mask, only to realize that this guy had fainted. Together, they pried open his mouth and took out a black pill from it.

Du He waved his hand: "Take it back and hand it over to Zhang Jian for interrogation."

"Yes, Master!"

The people in Tsing Yi agreed, and quickly removed the ghosts and gods.


Cheng Yiyue jumped down from the fence and said regretfully: "That guy Zhang Jian's information was wrong. The middle-aged man who escaped just now not only knows martial arts, but also has extraordinary strength. I chased him and fought him, but unfortunately I didn't catch him." Stop him and let him run away... But, he was also cut off with a sword! Next time we meet, I will definitely kill him."

Du He smiled slightly, and said: "It seems that that guy is the big fish, but it doesn't matter, let's catch this pretender first, and see if he can get anything out of torture."

Cheng Yiyue stared curiously at the stick in Du He's hand, and asked, "What is this? Why can a small flying needle make people faint without hitting any vital parts?"

Du He introduced: "This thing is not simple. It is called an anesthesia gun. Let alone a person, even a bison will fall to the ground on the spot if it is shot."

"So powerful?" Cheng Yiyue took it from Du He's hands excitedly, and observed it, "Why don't you give it to me, next time I meet a guy who is running away, I'll knock him out first, then tie him up and use the sword one by one Pierce him, you have to stab him 360 times to make him die."

Hearing this, Du He burst into sweat.

This girl not only likes to kill, but also has extreme tendencies.

He pointed to the anesthesia gun and said, "I forgot to tell you, this thing is disposable and can only be used once. Now, it is no different from a fire stick."

This disposable anesthesia gun was naturally won by Du He in a lottery.

I thought it would be useless at first, but I didn't know that I carried it with me today, but it was just in time to stun the ghosts and gods and prevent this guy from committing suicide.

Cheng Yiyue gritted her teeth and said, "Then I don't care, anyway, I really like this thing!"

With that said, he put away the anesthesia gun.


The ghost slowly opened his eyes.

Find yourself in a dimly lit room.

On the opposite wall, there were two huge torches burning, making a beeping sound.

He looked down, only to realize that he had been stripped naked, naked, and trapped on an extremely thick copper pillar.

Diagonally opposite sat a young man in white, his eyes wide open, staring unblinkingly at the ghosts and gods.

The ghost immediately became angry, "You...you are Xu Zhengdao, the arrow in white?"

Xu Zhengdao nodded, stood up, stared at the ghosts and gods, and said with a smile: "That's right, it's the ghosts and gods, ghosts and gods, thanks to you, you are called ghosts and gods, just you little brother, you can't be said to be too small, and you can't be considered big." , considered below average, I despise you very much."

The ghost suddenly became angry and shouted: "You... you bastard, shameless person! If you have the guts, let me go, let's fight one-on-one. What are you doing to humiliate me like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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