Chapter 301
The time has just passed.

Ma Zhou's family was loaded into a prison cart and paraded along the streets of Chang'an City.

Ma Zhou has always been famous in the court, but in the eyes of ordinary people, this girl is just a court official. If His Majesty says he rebelled, then he is rebelling. It's hot, it's a good thing for big guys to eat popsicles and watch the beheading.

Therefore, behind several prison cars, there were hundreds of people watching and eating melons, and from time to time there were voices cursing Ma Zhou as a corrupt official.

Ma Zhou stood in the prison car, his hands were handcuffed, his hair was disheveled, his face was bruised and purple, and the wounds on his body were stinging under the sun.

His chapped lips moved, thinking of words like grievances in his mind, but when they reached his lips, they were swallowed back.

The matter is very clear, nephew Ma Bin wrote a prophecy at home, pointing out that the Tang Dynasty will be overthrown, and the Ma family will replace the Li family.

Treason has been a felony among felonies since ancient times.

Ma Zhou knew that he was completely hopeless this time.

Suddenly, he was taken aback.

Following the direction of Ma Zhou's eyes, behind the crowd, a young man in purple clothes, riding on a tall maroon horse, looked at this side coldly.

"Du He...why is he here?" Ma Zhou's tone was a little surprised.


I saw Du He flicking his horsewhip and rushing towards this side.

Seeing someone rushing over, the guards around felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and when they saw clearly that it was Du He, they all moved aside one after another.

Du He patted his horse and came to the prison car.

Li Junxian, who led the team, hurriedly turned his horse's head and asked vigilantly, "Uncle Huyi, what are you doing? I am following His Majesty's order to march against Ma Zhou's family who committed the crime of treason. Your Majesty has Order, the Ma family intends to rebel, the crime is unforgivable, no one is allowed to meet with Ma Zhou and others, otherwise, they will be punished again."


The guards around immediately held up their spears and stopped Du He.

Du He took out the gold medal in a flash, held it up high, and said loudly: "General Li, you are too nervous. Ma Zhou and I are neither enemies nor friends. His family rebelled and rebelled, thinking of Qian and Ma Zhou's fruitful argument near Qujiang Pond for a few days, I feel sad, today, I just came to see Ma Zhou off."

Li Junxian looked at the gold medal in Du He's hand, then looked around and saw that Lu Bu was far behind the crowd, and then waved: "Okay, let's go!"

Du He patted his horse forward and came to the prison car.

Ma Zhou said excitedly: "Uncle Huyi County, I wish I could be born late and become a good friend with you. Now, I, Ma Zhou, have conspired against me, and no one in the Manchu Dynasty sent me off, but you sent me off. Ma Zhou is content." gone."

Du He said with a smile: "Master Ma, it's nothing special to be immortal for thousands of years. Today, there just happens to be a bottle of good wine, which I specially brought for you to taste."

As he spoke, Du He took out a bottle of sorghum wine obtained by lottery from his bosom.

He rode on the horse, poured a glass for Ma Zhou himself, and handed it to Ma Zhou's mouth.

Ma Yiyi tilted his head and gulped down a glass of wine the size of his fist. He felt a burning sensation in his mouth and his throat felt like it was being burned, and then he coughed violently.

Immediately, Ma Zhou laughed and said, "Hahaha, good wine, good wine... have another glass, I want more!"

Du He suddenly slammed the glass on the ground, and the glass smashed into a pile of pieces.

Ma Zhou and everyone were stunned.

But Du He smiled slightly: "Master Ma, for the rest of the wine, I'll set up a banquet in Dream Group, waiting for you to drink, drive!"

Before the words were finished, Du He pulled the reins, the horse neighed, and galloped towards the imperial city.

Ma Yiyi was stunned, and then Nuonuo said to himself: "Du He, Du He, save me!"


Among the cols near Dream Group.

In the square where the guards usually train, there was a sudden chill.

More than 100 capable guard stations are neatly arranged.

"Hey yo, hey yo!"

Twelve strong men, carrying three big boxes, climbed onto the general platform humming.

Standing on the stage were Zhang Jian, Xu Zhengdao, and Cheng Yiyue.

Zhang Jian waved his hand.

Several men opened three large boxes.

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened.

I saw that the box was actually full of silver.

Silver is not the currency in circulation in this era, but it is high-quality goods, much more valuable than Kaiyuan Tongbao.

Xu Zhengdao suddenly shouted loudly: "Everyone, stand at attention!"


More than 100 guard elites of the dream group, the movements are uniform.

"Take a break!"


Zhang Jian glanced around the crowd and said slowly: "Brothers, today, we may do a big event, an earth-shattering event, we may lose our heads, we may die without a burial, but we are To die for the young master is to die for the fantasy group. For all the brothers who participated, these three boxes of money belong to you. When you die, the money will be sent to your home. Your parents, your children, and others will come here all your life Raise them... Now, if there are brothers who are willing to quit, please stand aside."

Everyone was motionless, like wooden stakes.

No one wants to quit.

These more than 100 people have all been trained by fangs, and most of them are outlaws who are not afraid of death, so they were selected to stand here.

"Okay, very good, it's not in vain that the young master usually eats and drinks to support you!"

"set off!"

As soon as Zhang Jian waved his hand, Xu Zhengdao led the more than 100 people and left the col.

Zhang Jian turned around, but saw Cheng Yiyue looked down at the sword in his hand, without saying a word.

He then said: "Miss Yiyue, Zhengdao has brought people to ambush outside the Yanxing Gate, and I should go to Chang'an City to organize the brothers with fangs. You should stay in the Dream Group to protect everyone's safety."

Cheng Yiyue shook her head and glanced at the sky: "No, I'm going to the palace."



Cheng Yiyue took out the sword and glanced at it, said: "No but, I will kill anyone who stands in my way."

As she said that, the girl ignored the stunned Zhang Jian and left alone.


The palace, the imperial study.

Ximen Qing pushed open the door cautiously, walked in, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, Bo Duhe of Huyi County is asking to see you outside the hall."

Li Erzheng was furious, without raising his head, he asked: "He asked to see me, why?"

"Your Majesty, the uncle of Huyi County said that I have sent you a good thing to solve your majesty's big trouble." Ximen Qing said honestly.

Li Er thought for a while and said: "The courtiers outside all want to see me and intercede for Ma Zhou. If I remember correctly, Ma Zhou impeached Du He several times, and he was incompatible with Du He. It seems that Du He will not Intercede with him, let him come in, I want to see what kind of treasure this kid has."

Hearing that Du He came to deliver things, Li Er's mood improved.

In Li Er's heart, although Du He acted indiscriminately, he was loyal to him, and he would never forget himself as an emperor if he had any good treasures.With this courtier, what else can the king say.


(Thanks to [There are always people who want to harm me] brother for the reward.)
(End of this chapter)

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