God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 303 I want to drink

Chapter 303 I want to drink
After hearing this, Du He hurriedly stood up and said, "Your Majesty, if you can't find out, I'll cut off my head and give you a kick."

Li Er waved his hand and said, "Okay, I can promise you that Ma Zhou will not die, but death is inevitable, and life is inevitable!"

Du He nodded: "It's natural!"

Li Er said with a serious face: "Remember what you said, Du He, if you dare to deceive me, then you will feel better."

As he spoke, Li Er carefully took off his reading glasses, put them in the glasses case, and waved to Du He.

Du He chuckled, and ran away in a hurry.


on the execution ground.

Ma Zhou's family was taken out of the prison van and lined up in three rows, facing north and kneeling down with their backs facing south. Everyone was wearing white linen prison clothes, sadly carrying a wooden sign, and their hands were tied behind the wooden sign. On the top, the top of the wooden sign is triangular, with a circle drawn on it, and a big "kill" character written on it.

Ma Zhou knelt in the middle, with disheveled hair and pale face, as if he had aged 20 years in an instant.

Li Junxian came over and asked, "Ma Zhou, you are about to go on your way. Before you leave, do you have anything else to say?"

Ma Zhou thought for a while and said, "General Li, if possible, please tell Bo Duhe of Huyi County that he just gave me a glass of wine, which is the strongest and most delicious wine I have ever drank in my life. After I die, I hope he can put that jug of wine in front of my tomb, I think I can drink such fine wine in the underworld, and I will have no regrets in this life.”

Li Junxian pouted.

What wine is so delicious?

To make Ma Zhou think about it even before he died?

It seems that I will go to Du He to ask for a cup some other day.


The family members beside Ma Zhou all burst into tears.

As for the instigator, Ma Bin, he was crying and making a wailing sound, and no one could hear what he was saying.

Ma Zhou was annoyed, and said loudly, "Okay, why cry? Tai Shigong said, death is nothing to be afraid of, just close your eyes."

There are more than 30 members of the Ma clan, all of whom closed their eyes.

Children as young as three years old and old ladies as old as 60 years old are not spared.

Ma Zhou stood up abruptly, and said to Li Junxian, "General Li, let's do it. I have a request. Please kill me. I want to watch them go on their way."

As he spoke, Ma Zhou's eye sockets became red and swollen.

At the moment of death, Ma Zhou suddenly regretted that he had become an official in the court, and accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger.

The executioners took off the tags on the backs of the Ma clan members one after another, and then raised the long knives in their hands.

Li Junxian raised his hand and swung it down violently: "Execution!"

The executioners moved in unison, and slashed down with their long knives.

"Keep your head under the knife!"

In the distance, a shout suddenly sounded.

Everyone was stunned.

The movements of the executioners' hands suddenly slowed down.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a group of maroon tall horses galloping towards the street in the distance, and immediately there was Du He in purple.

"Keep your head under the knife!"

When Du He yelled a second time, the steed had rushed into the crowd and came to the execution ground.


Du He got off his horse, and everyone realized that there was another person on the horse behind him.

Du He turned around and pulled the guy off the horse.

It was Zhao Yang, the servant.

I saw Zhao Yang panting heavily, patted his chest in fear, and complained: "Uncle Huyi County, slave... I was almost killed by you!"

Du He patted Zhao Yang's shoulder and said, "Director Zhao, saving people is like putting out a fire, so you should be more patient."

Zhao Yang came forward, took out an imperial edict, and said loudly, "Ma Zhou accepts the edict!"

Everyone present was stunned.

Then I heard Zhao Yang read aloud: "The evidence of Ma Zhou's rebellion is conclusive, and he is capable of punishing the nine clans for a serious crime. However, Ma Zhou has been self-denying and serving the public for many years... Now that Bo Duhe of Huyi County risked his life to plead for mercy, I am very relieved. , determined to pardon the death penalty of the Ma family, but the death penalty can be forgiven, but the living penalty cannot escape. Except for Ma Zhou's blood relatives, all were dismissed...all the houses and land of the Ma family were confiscated."

When the Ma clan heard this, they all stood up excitedly, and couldn't help but started jumping up and down.

"Great, you don't have to die!"

"You don't have to die!"

Ma Zhou also stood up, but he was extremely calm.

He looked at Du He behind the crowd, and felt mixed feelings in his heart for a moment.

At this critical juncture, many people had already forgotten him, but Du He, who had never lived with him, even risked his life to plead for mercy.

What a great kindness this is.

Ma Zhou even had the urge to kneel down to Du He.

With a wave of Li Junxian's hand, the guards beside him immediately rushed forward to untie Ma Zhou and others.

Ma Zhou walked up to Du He with a calm face, and bowed to the end.

"Du He, from now on, my life, Ma Zhou, is yours. If you need it, you can take it at any time." Ma Zhou said seriously.

Du He said with a smile: "Master Ma, I saved you only out of kindness. You don't have to be so grateful to me."

"No, no, I'm a commoner now, but Master Ma's address is depressing me. I probably know His Majesty's temper. You must have spent a lot of effort in persuading him to forgive the Ma clan, Ma Zhou. Although I intend to do my best for you, but I have no choice but to wear the body of a sin, I have become an ominous person, and I am penniless, I can't repay you for my great kindness, I am really ashamed." Ma Zhou said regretfully.

Du He patted Ma Zhou on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I, Du He, never expect others to repay my kindness when I do things. Brother Ma, since that's the case, it's better to forget what happened before and after. From now on, even though I'm a white man, I'll be at ease, right? ?”

"Yes, haha, what you said is absolutely true!" Ma Zhou laughed out loud, with a hint of desolation in his laughter.

Immediately, Du He asked: "Brother Ma, I walked through the gate of hell, what do you think?"

Ma Zhou thought for a while, then turned his head suddenly, stared at Du He seriously, and said, "I want to drink, I want to drink, I want to drink...I want to drink the jug of wine you gave me this morning!"

Say the important thing three times!

Ma Zhou was a good wine drinker, he drank a lot of good wines from Tang Dynasty, Western Regions, Tubo, Goguryeo, and even Dongying, but none of them were as sweet as the ones Du He gave him.At this moment, from death to life, escape from death, countless emotions need to be released, but the first thing that comes to mind is fine wine.

"How difficult is this!"

Du He smiled, took out the bottle of sorghum wine, unscrewed the cap, and handed it to Ma Zhou.

Ma Zhou took it, but without hesitation, he brought it to his mouth and gulped it down.

Lu Bu next to him was about to stop him, but was stopped by Du He.

Du He said lightly: "Drink, as long as he drinks enough, he will be able to dilute the sorrow in his heart."


(Thanks to [There are always people who want to harm me] [Time only stays and cherish her forever] [Ma Jia] brothers for their rewards, thank you brothers for your monthly and recommended tickets! Today is updated normally, and on weekends I will make up for what I owed yesterday!)
(End of this chapter)

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