God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 315 The Most Profitable Du He

Chapter 315 The Most Profitable Du He
The time for the two to brag about each other, others also arrived one after another.

They were indeed a group of young people.

Including Prince Li Chengqian, Yue King Li Tai, and Shu King Li Ke.

According to Li Er's order, each person can only carry one guard.

Looking around, the most flamboyant one is Changsun Chong.

This guy was riding a white horse, but the horse was wearing armor, and the guard beside him was holding a big banner with the words "Eldest Grandson" written on it.

And Fang Yiai was not bad either, wearing black armor, but a green cloak was draped over her shoulders, fluttering in the wind, becoming a beautiful landscape in front of the imperial city gate.

On the contrary, Du He looked rather cold, dressed in ordinary bunts, and seemed to have no prestige at all.

The eldest grandson rushed over and said with a sneer: "Du He, isn't it? You just dress like this. Are you going hunting or feeding wild animals like this?"

The people next to him burst into laughter.

Du He said coldly: "It turned out to be the eldest grandson, and now you can go to the ground? I heard that after you returned from Cuiwei Tower, you lay in bed for two months. I don't know if it's true or not."


Swearing does not reveal faults, Chang Sun Chong regards the fact that he was injured by Du He and was bedridden at home for several months as a great shame in his life. Now that Du He mentions it, he feels very angry.

"Hmph, Du He, let's see you in the hunting garden. When the time comes, the sword has no eyes. If you accidentally hurt you, don't blame me!"

"That's what I want to tell you too!" Du He responded.

Changsun Chong nodded: "Okay, let's look at the account book on a donkey, and wait and see, hmph, he's wearing tattered clothes, and he's carrying a strange shield, and he's returning to Captain Datang, I'm yuck!"

When everyone saw Du He's shield, they were very curious and quietly pointed it out.

Upstairs in the imperial city.

Everyone also saw the shield on Du He's back.

Not to mention the weird shape of the shield, but the key is those words: Captain Datang.

Many ministers were puzzled when they saw it, so they discussed it one after another.

At this time, Li Er came over and said angrily: "What's so strange about this, Du He always likes to do these weird things, if someone else did it, I might be surprised, but if it were Du He Hey, there's nothing surprising about that."

"Your Majesty is right!"

"Huyi county uncle has always been different from ordinary people, this time I am looking forward to his performance."

"Maybe, he can get the first place."

"A weak boy, can he still snatch the kid from the Qin family?"

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Li Chunfeng, who was wearing a Taoist robe, came over and said, "Your Majesty, the auspicious time has come."

Li Er nodded: "Let's go to Qinling Hunting Park."


Qinling Hunting Park is at the foot of Qinling Mountain.Although it is not far away from Chang'an City, it will take more than two hours.

By the time everyone arrived, it was already after noon.

The scorching sun made everyone feel extremely hot.

Especially Chang Sun Chong and others who were wearing heavy armor were so hot that they were drenched all over. They wanted to take off their helmets and take off their armor to cool off a little, but when they thought that there were people watching behind them, they gave up this idea. Can continue to suffer.

On the contrary, it was Du He, who wore a light bunt and carried a shield at first, then simply hung the shield around the horse's neck, took out a fan, and fanned it as he walked. What made others jealous was that Lu Bu actually took out a Opening the huge big black umbrella, the big umbrella can actually cover Lu Bu and Du He under it, and the distance between the two horses can be covered.

Therefore, when they arrived at the hunting park, everyone else was as tired as a dog, but Du He looked relaxed, without even a drop of sweat on his face.

After entering the gate of the hunting garden, everyone came to the scene and began to repair.

With Li Er's order, many young people didn't care about their appearance anymore, and took off their armors one after another and began to repair themselves.

At this moment, Du He stood up and asked, "Wouldn't it be nice if I could eat popsicles in such hot weather?"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Uncle Huyi County, these popsicles are sold by your furniture factory. Even if we want to eat them, we can't eat them."

"It would be nice to have a popsicle!"

When Du He mentioned the popsicle, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

Even Li Er and the others missed the popsicles at this time.

At this moment, I only heard Du He say: "I just want to eat popsicles, what's the problem?"

clap clap.

Du He clapped his hands.

Seeing the direction of the gate of the hunting park, a voice sounded: "Ice lollies delivered!"

Li Er looked at Du He suspiciously.

Du He hastily stepped forward, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I have already expected the hot weather today, so I had someone prepare a batch of popsicles in advance, and they have been delivered to the gate of the hunting garden. Your Majesty, please let me go."

As soon as the words fell, I saw Li Junxian hurried over and told Li Er about this matter.

After hearing this, Li Er said with satisfaction: "Okay, it's rare that Du He is interested, let them come in."

Immediately, four carriages were slowly approaching.There is a huge wooden barrel on each wagon.

Everyone rushed forward and expressed their desire to eat popsicles.

But Zhang Du, the leader, said: "My lords, wait a minute. It's not easy to transport these popsicles from Chang'an City, so the price will be a bit expensive."

Changsun Wuji waved his sleeve: "What money is not money, quickly bring me the popsicle."

Everyone present is not short of money, so they don't care about money or not.

Zhang Du quietly came to Du He's side, and said, "Young master, the popsicles are all distributed, how much should I charge?"

Du He thought for a while: "200 Wen a piece."


Zhang Du was taken aback.

Originally, he felt that the previous price of 50 cents was ridiculously high.

Unexpectedly, Du He suddenly changed his mind and it turned out to be 200 coins.

He smacked his lips and said, "Master, what if everyone repents, the price is too high, isn't it?"

"Whether it's tall or not, hmph, whoever dares to go back on his word, I will let him spit it out."

Zhang Du: "..."

In fact, as Du He said, no one thinks that these 200 Wen popsicles are expensive.

For hot dog-like guys, as long as there are popsicles to eat, they are not bad, so how dare they bargain.

In this short period of time, Zhang Du counted and found that he had already received more than 2 yuan in addition to those on credit.

Everyone ate popsicles to cool down, and ate the dry food they carried with them.

Only then did Li Er announce that the hunt for the Mid-Autumn Festival had officially begun.

The time is three hours.

Before dark, Mingjin is the number.

Whoever gets the most prey at the end wins.Of course, prey can also be divided into three types: large, medium and small. For example, three rabbits can be counted as one piece, while one sheep can be counted as one piece.

Following the order from Li's second-hand herald, everyone got on their horses and rushed towards the depths of the hunting garden.

The ministers followed Li Er and returned to the tents that had been prepared, waiting for the final result. From time to time, news came from the imperial army that someone's young master had captured another tiger, and another family's son had shot another tiger. Wild deer... The ministers naturally couldn't help but praise.



(End of this chapter)

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