God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 325 Your territory is up to you

Chapter 325 Your territory is up to you

Du He turned out to be the first?

Everyone didn't expect it.

When Du He came back, many people saw it, empty-handed, no prey at all.

How did it become the first?

Especially Chang Sun Chong, who had worked so hard to get the first place, couldn't figure it out at all.

Changsun Wuji hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I made a mistake, Du He got zero prey, it should be... the last one."

Others also said: "That's right, Your Majesty, I made a mistake. Although Huyi county uncle has made a lot of contributions, he has no prey in this hunt. According to the regulations, it is impossible to get the first place."

Even Du He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Li Er's gourd.

I saw Li Er raised his hand, pressed it down, signaled everyone to be calm, and said slowly: "My dear friends, I did not make a mistake, have you forgotten, what is the first requirement for hunting? "

Chang Sun Chong hastily added: "Your Majesty has an order. In this round of hunting, the one with the most prey will be the first."

"Yes, not right!" Li Er said with a smile, "I said at the time that the one with the most prey is the first, but there is another condition, that is, the one with the best prey is the first."

Everyone looked at Li Er in surprise.

Did His Majesty say this yesterday?
Seeing everyone's confused faces, Li Er asked, "Hou Junji, did I say that?"

Hou Junji hurriedly said: "Your Majesty said it himself, I still remember it in my ears."

Li Er looked at Wei Zheng again.

Wei Zheng coughed, and then said: "I... I remember, His Majesty seems to have said that, as I get older, I really can't remember clearly."

Li Er glared at Wei Zheng, then turned his eyes to Li Junxian.

Li Junxian hurriedly said: "Your Majesty's golden words must be right."

Seeing this, everyone said that Li Er had indeed said this.

Li Erlong said happily: "As expected, you did not disappoint me. Now, Du He has found an auspicious elk for me. This elk is naturally Du He's prey. What do you think of this prey?"

What else can people say.

In the whole world, what prey can compare to auspiciousness?

Seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Li Er said: "Since that's the case, I will reward the top three winners of this hunt."

"Hunting No.3, Qin Huaiyu, rewarded with a set of gold armor, silver coins, cloth and silk."

Qin Huaiyu hurried forward to thank him.

He was very satisfied with his reward, he had coveted the golden armor in Li Er's arsenal for a long time.

I also heard Li Er say: "Siege Hunting No. 2, Changsun Chong, I will reward you with a thousand books, money, cloth and silk. I will give you a thousand books. You will have to read them day and night in the future. You can't be famous for fame. You don't have knowledge or skill."

Chang Sun Chong was taken aback.

A collection of thousands of books?

What is this... I don't like reading at all.

He stumbled forward and shouted: "Your Majesty, can you replace this collection of thousands of books with something else? I don't like reading at all."


Before he finished speaking, the kid was kicked to the ground by Changsun Wuji.

Changsun Wuji scolded: "It's a shame for a worthless thing."

Chang Sun Chong said aggrievedly: "Father, it's not like you don't know that my second was bought for me with money. Now that I have to study at home every day, you might as well kill me."

When the people around heard it, they burst into laughter.

It turned out that the eldest grandson Wuji spent money to buy his son a number one... Oh no, number two, this matter is destined to become a joke after dinner.

Changsun Wuji was so ashamed that he wished he could find a hole in the ground to get in, hated and angry in his heart, he grabbed Changsun Chong and beat him hard.

After the farce passed, Li Er announced Du He's reward.

The No.1 award is what everyone pays most attention to.

I just heard Li Er say: "The hunting is the first, and the rewards are gold, silver and silk. In addition, I have decided long ago to select a young talent from this hunting to enter the court as an official. Therefore, another part of this No. 1 A reward is an errand. Du He has always had the ability to invent and create, with ingenuity and intelligence, so I decided to let Du He take up the post of Foreign Minister of the Ministry of Industry."

Everyone was stunned.

At such a young age, Du He is still a minor, yet he actually serves as a member of the Ministry of Industry, Wailang?
The Ministry of Industry is one of the six ministries in the three provinces, holding the power of farmland water conservancy and manufacturing.Under it, there are four divisions of the Ministry of Industry, Tuntian, Yu, and Water. The Ministry of Industry has the greatest power and is in charge of the construction of the city pool.

Today, the post of Foreign Lang, a member of the Ministry of Industry, is actually assigned to Du He, which is beyond everyone's expectation.

Everyone looked at Du Ruhui.

But seeing Du Ruhui's calm face, he suddenly said: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty."

Lao Du, who has always been upright and selfless, actually stood by Du He this time.

But Du He was very uncomfortable.

He has no interest in being an official at all. The most important thing is that once he becomes a court official, he loses his freedom.

Du He reacted and hurriedly bowed to oppose Li Er's proposal.

But I heard Li Er say: "Du He, I know what you want to say. To you, this member of the Ministry of Industry, Wailang, is a nominal name. You don't have to be in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of Industry. You only need to find time to give guidance to the Ministry of Industry." Yes, you can receive a salary every year, and you don’t have to go to court or work in the Ministry of Industry.”

That's it!

Du He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you for your kindness."

Seeing this, the others also accepted it.

Everyone thought that Du He was the most suitable for Wailang, a member of the Ministry of Industry. Looking at the world, Du He is a well-deserved great inventor. If this person can work for the Ministry of Industry, it will definitely be a good thing.

Many people came up to congratulate Du He.

"Uncle Huyi, congratulations!"

"Congratulations, Uncle Huyi!"

"Ministry Du, you are young and promising!"

Du Gongbu?
Hearing this title, Du He couldn't laugh or cry.

He thought to himself, Old Du, I'm sorry, I took your name first.

Another Ministry of Industry and Technology was not born until half a century later.


Afterwards, Li Er announced that everyone can rest in the hunting garden and return to Chang'an when the weather cools down in the afternoon.

Then Du He was left behind.

Wait for everyone to leave.

Li Er waved his hand and drove out all the surrounding palace ladies and eunuchs.

Li Er turned around, looked at Du He, and asked, "Du He, you are a smart person, do you know what I do and what is it called?"

Du He thought about it seriously, and replied: "Your Majesty, you are the master of your territory!"


Li Er burst out laughing suddenly: "What a place I am in. I am the master. You talk a lot, Du He. I have worked so hard to cover it up for you. Don't let me down."

Du He said with a smile: "So, Your Majesty will let me be the foreign minister of the Ministry of Industry?"

He has long understood that Li Er is not a reward at all, but a different way to squeeze his own intelligence.

Li Er suddenly said coldly: "Why, do you want to disobey my order?"


(Third watch,)

(End of this chapter)

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