Monument Yangmen

Chapter 148 Talking with Data

Chapter 148 Using Data to Speak

Yang Yansi stood leaning over, and under the eyes of everyone, he said: "The impeachment of the minister will enrich Du Shaojie's private pockets, embezzle and accept bribes, seize other people's ancestral skills, and deceive the king."

As soon as these words came out, all the officials in the hall fell silent.

Immediately, led by Pan Renmei, together with several important ministers, the hall roared with laughter.

The young supervisor, Du Shaojie, sneered and cast a disdainful glance at Yang Yansi.

Zhao Guangyi was also laughing, but not out loud.

"After all, it's a young man's temper. He can't hide things in his heart. When he encounters a little setback, he will revenge." Pan Renmei sarcastically.

Song Qi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, held the wat board and shook her head, "It's an embarrassment, an embarrassment..."

Song Qi always believed that Yang Yansi was too young to be an official, and that he was too embarrassing to be an official.

He also obstructed Yang Yansi's admission to Jinshi in the palace examination.

This person is sixty-one this year, and he is the next candidate to be added to the list of prime ministers.

Therefore, his speech in the hall is very important.

Zhao Pu, Shen Lun, and Xue Juzheng watched their noses with their eyes, their mouths with their noses, and their hearts with their mouths, without saying a word.

Cao Bin gave Yang Yansi a complicated look, but didn't say a word.

Facing the ridicule of the two bigwigs, the officials laughed.

Yang Yansi was calm and composed, and said in a loud voice: "In the eighth year since the treasure was opened, Du Shaojie took office as the order of the Zuo School Office. At that time, there were craftsmen from Chenzhou who presented celadon skills. I have it myself, and with this skill, I was favored by the late emperor, and was promoted to be the supervisor and judge.

From the ninth year of Kaibao to the second year of Taiping Xingguo, Du Shaojie was in charge of judging matters, arbitrarily withholding the rewards that master craftsmen received for their meritorious service, blatantly extorting bribes from his subordinate craftsmen, and using his power to seek personal gain.

In the third year of Taiping Xingguo, His Majesty wanted to cast a dragon crown. In order to cater to his flattery, Du Shaojie murdered Xu Yang's family, a master craftsman, and seized the silk filigree skills. With this, he forged a dragon crown, won His Majesty's favor, and was promoted to be a young supervisor.

During the four to five years of Taiping Xingguo, Du Shaojie served as a general and junior prisoner for two years. He took advantage of his power to remove 11 master craftsmen, all of whom were replaced by his own relatives.

Now, there are as many as 31 relatives of Du Shaojie in the prison office.

In addition, Du Shaojie has accumulated hundreds of thousands of dollars in his 12 years of tenure. In his hometown in Binzhou, he owns ten thousand hectares of fertile land and a herd of mules and horses.

The total family property, converted into copper coins, is worth millions of guan.

All of the above are documented. "

Yang Yansi's eloquent speech shocked everyone in the court hall.

Different from other methods of impeachment in which Zuobu Que hears the wind and plays things, there are no gorgeous and beautiful articles, but some cold numbers.

However, everyone present had to admit it.

These cold numbers and words are far more intuitive and direct than the gorgeous impeachment articles they have heard and read before.

This can no longer be described as an impeachment statement. Perhaps it is more appropriate to use the word "complaint".


Du Shaojie, the young superintendent who will be in charge, has long since lost the sneer and disdain on his face at this moment, his forehead is covered with thin hair, his face is pale, and he sits on the ground slumped on his buttocks.

The family knows their own business.

Every piece of data that Yang Yansi said hit his heart hard.

He knew that what Yang Yansi said was true.

And he couldn't stand the investigation.

Du Shaojie's reaction as he slumped on the ground had already told everyone in the court that what Yang Yansi said was true.

On the dragon chair, Zhao Guangyi left with a gloomy expression.

It doesn't matter if the courtiers are greedy for money, Zhao Guangyi knows better than anyone else the truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish.

However, as an emperor who has used petty tricks to perfection, he hates his courtiers playing petty tricks in front of him the most.

"Young Minister of Dali Temple and Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, you two are responsible for investigating this matter."

"Du Shaojie temporarily resigned from all official positions and was detained in a sky prison. After the matter is investigated, he will be convicted according to the law."

The Shaoqing of Dali Temple and the minister of the Ministry of punishment came out to receive the order.

Outside the Gongchui hall, two golden armored warriors entered the hall, took off Du Shaojie's black hat, and drove him out.

Du Shaojie didn't complain from the beginning to the end, because he knew that he was finished, and it would be useless to shout more.

After dealing with Du Shaojie, Zhao Guangyi looked at Yang Yansi and nodded with satisfaction, and praised him.

"Little Yang Aiqing, you are very nice."

Yang Yansi bowed and saluted, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment."

"Retire!" Zhao Guangyi waved his hand.

Yang Yansi stopped, "Hold on, Your Majesty, I still have to play..."

Zhao Guangyi, who had just stood up and wanted to leave, sat down on the dragon chair again and asked curiously, "Who are you going to impeach?"

Yang Yansi was not in a hurry to speak, but raised his eyes to look in Cao Bin's direction.

When Cao Bin saw this, his eyes were as wide as copper bells.

Little brat, do you really want to impeach the old man?

Believe it or not, after the court, the old man rushed to the Yang Mansion, caught you out, beat your butt into [-] petals...

Under Cao Bin's slightly angry eyes, Yang Yansi spoke slowly, "The minister impeached, prosecuted the grand master, the head of the state, and the acting country's Duke Pan Renmei for corruption and bribery, deceiving the emperor, committing slavery and committing crimes, and forcibly occupying other people's property."

In an instant, the angry expression on Cao Bin's face disappeared, and changed into an expression of nothing to do with himself.

When Pan Renmei heard Yang Yansi's words, she exploded.

His dry yellow beard trembled, and he opened his mouth to growl.

"The bastard spoke lies and slandered the old man, are you guilty?"

Shen Lun closed his eyes and opened his eyes, knocked on his knee with the wat board, and snorted coldly, "Pan Renmei, what an authority!"

Xue Juzheng stroked his snow-white beard, and coughed twice, "It's Zuo Buque's responsibility to hear the wind. If Zhang Guozhang is dissatisfied...cough cough..."

Xue Juzheng coughed a few more times, and faintly spit out two words.

"Hold on!"

The civil servants have always spared no effort to suppress the military general Xungui, and they are very united.

Pan Renmei had the title of Grand Master in name, but all the civil servants never regarded him as a civil servant.

Pan Renmei's liver was hurt by the two prime ministers.

Apart from grief and indignation, he could only complain to his son-in-law.

"Your Majesty, you must decide for the old minister!"

Zhao Guangyi shook his head dumbfounded, and asked Yang Yansi, "Little Yang Aiqing, do you have anything else to say?"

Yang Yansi blinked his big eyes and looked cute.

The expression on his face was completely different from the resolute appearance of his righteous words in the hall just now.


"Pfft~" Zhao Guangyi was amused.

Angry and funny, he pointed at Yang Yansi, "I take back what I praised you just now..."

Turning her head to comfort Pan Renmei, "Pan Aiqing, young people are uncertain, so it's inevitable that their personality will jump a bit. Why do you need to meet a junior?"

"Go back!"

Before anyone else could react, Zhao Guangyi waved his sleeves and left the Gongchui Hall.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word about punishment or investigation of Pan Renmei.

Obviously, Zhao Guangyi took it as a joke when Yang Yansi did not list a series of data proofs.

 Thank you for the reward of 'Industry Beauty, Love Huanhuan'!
(End of this chapter)

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