Monument Yangmen

Chapter 168 Shi Shouxin's Abacus

Chapter 168 Shi Shouxin's Abacus
Yang Yansi pondered for a while, "Your words, I have written them down."

He bowed his hands and saluted, "If you have nothing else to do, the boy will leave first."

Shi Shouxin squeezed a smile on his face, and said: "As for the post of General Guard of the Left Leader, the Shi family will not participate in the competition. In addition, the Shi family's several iron mines in the northwest are given to you, and they will all be exchanged." Your share of the birthday cake shop."

Yang Yansi was stunned, he didn't expect Shi Shouxin to be so willing.

The Shi family's iron mine in the northwest is a big fat piece of meat.

All the generals who have a share of the garrison in the northwest want to bite off this piece of fat from the Shi family.

Knowing that it was a piece of fat, Yang Yansi didn't dare to take it easily.

He frowned, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Grandpa Shi, you don't even know what the kid is going to do, why dare you place such a heavy bet?"

Shi Shouxin stroked his beard and smiled cheerfully.

"I can trust your wisdom, and I can also trust Cao Bin's judgment."

Yang Yansi pondered for a long time, then he bowed and saluted, "Grandpa Shitou, let the kid go back and think about this matter."

The smile on Shi Shouxin's face froze, and he shook his head and sighed.

"You kid still can't trust the old man. Forget it, what you are going to do should be a big thing, and it's not a bad thing to be cautious."

Yang Yansi smiled brightly, "If the kid thinks it through clearly, he will give you a response, Grandpa Shitou."

Shi Shouxin was puzzled, "The old man has been stared at all day long. There are not many secret places like foot shops. How are you going to notify the old man then?"

Yang Yansi smiled.

"The boy will impeach you for robbing women."

"Looting people by force..." Shi Shouxin laughed loudly, pointed at Yang Yansi with his finger, "You kid, make fun of the old man's reputation..."

Yang Yansi smiled shyly.

After a few more polite words between the two, Yang Yansi bowed his hands and said goodbye.

As soon as Yang Yansi left, Shi Shouxin's expression changed, and he began to cough violently.

"Cough cough cough..."

From the side of the secret room, a door was opened, Shi Baoxing hurried out and waited by Shi Shouxin's side.

"Father, your body..."

Shi Shouxin waved his hand, "It's okay, it's just some old wounds, and it won't kill me anytime soon."

Shi Baoxing looked at Shi Shouxin, whose face was pale, with a worried look on his face.

Shi Shouxin smiled and said, "I don't dare to die until you are settled properly."

Shi Baoxing looked gloomy, and gritted his teeth, "Father, my son will take care of the family affairs. You should pay more attention to your health."

Shi Shouxin shook his head, "This old man is alive, and no one dares to touch this family. Once this old man dies, it will be hard to say. The fate of the Fu family today may not be the fate of the Shi family tomorrow."

Shi Shouxin took a deep breath, "While the old man is still alive, I will pave a way for the Shi family to keep safe."

Shi Baoxing frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Father, the seventh boy of the Yang family is young, and his current official position is no more than a seventh-rank official. Does he have the qualifications to be a back road for the Shi family?"

Shi Shouxin laughed and said: "You! You have no brains at all. Do you really think that the old man believes in a baby? From the beginning to the end, the old man does not believe in him. He is a baby, and it is not worth the old man to bet on him."

"Then you?"

Shi Shouxin narrowed his eyes and said, "This old man believes in Cao Bin."

Shi Shouxin sighed, "After the old man passed away, Cao Bin was the only one who could preserve the wealth of the Shi family in the Song Dynasty."

Shi Baoxing was unwilling, "Your Majesty, and Uncle Gao..."

Shi Shouxin stared straight at the words, and shouted: "Stupid, the most unreliable person in this world is the person sitting on the dragon chair. And Gao Huaide, that old man, is older than the old man, and his health is worse than the old man. Go to the front of the old man. What is the difference between you pinning your hopes on these two people and courting death?"

Shi Baoxing lowered his head sadly and remained silent.

Yang Yansi was also silent while sitting on the sedan chair.

With one hand resting on his chin, he raised his index finger and tapped on the tip of his nose, frowning in thought.

Shi Shouxin's words kept lingering in his ears.

The iron mines in the northwest are very attractive to Yang Yansi, and he really wants to accept the iron mines of the Shi family.

But he couldn't figure out Shi Shouxin's intentions.

Yang Yansi knew very well that Shi Shouxin did not know his overall plan.

That being the case, why did Shi Shouxin dare to bet heavily on him?
Yang Yansi didn't think he had a unique personality charm, which made the money-greedy Shi family spit out a piece of fat that everyone coveted.

The sedan chair went all the way, and when it reached the gate of Yang's mansion, Cao Lin's voice woke Yang Yansi up.

"Lang Jun, why did you come back?"

Seeing the pretty figure of Cao Lin standing at the gate of the Yang Mansion, Yang Yansi was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, I smiled.

He figured out why Shi Shouxin bet heavily on himself.

Daringly, Shi Shouxin's bet was not placed on him.Instead, he wanted to pass him and lay down on Cao Bin.

Yang Yansi probably guessed seven or eight points of Shi Shou's calculation in his heart.

However, he still maintained a skeptical attitude towards Shi Shouxin.

Without kinship, Yang Yansi will never trust others easily.

In the face of attractive interests and power, trust is fragile and vulnerable.


"Lang Jun, what are you thinking, you are laughing so silly."

Cao Lin did not know when she had already walked to Yang Yansi's side, waving her jade hand.

Yang Yansi shook his head and smiled, and gave her a sideways glance, "Don't be naughty, didn't you go to the farm outside the city? Why did you come back so early?"

Cao Lin sighed, "Your Majesty, there are some things that you copied from the ancient books that I can't understand, and neither can the craftsmen. So I came back and asked you for clarification."

Yang Yansi was taken aback, and followed Cao Lin back to the east courtyard.

Cao Lin took out what Yang Yansi had written and drawn before, and asked him about the things he didn't understand.

Greenhouses, this thing Yang Yansi is relatively good at.

In his previous life, in the countryside, many of his relatives were engaged in greenhouses to grow vegetables.

Therefore, regarding the issue of the greenhouse, Yang Yansi explained it to Cao Lin in detail.

He even took out his pen and ink, and re-detailed the blurred places he wrote before.

Yang Yansi doesn't know much about brewing, but he only knows some basic principles.

"Lin'er, I haven't brewed wine before, so I don't know much about it. So I suggest that you try a few more times with the wine maker and discuss it more. There should be some results."

In fact, if Yang Yansi personally participated in the brewing process, he would definitely be able to solve some of Cao Lin's troubles.

But the reason why Yang Yansi didn't do this was mainly to hide himself.

Many things that he has never been exposed to before, if he expresses himself too much, it will cause some unnecessary doubts.

Identity is his biggest secret, and he doesn't intend to share it with anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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