Chapter 178
Yang Yansi was a little dazed, when did he become the smartest person in the Yang family?
He never dared to underestimate the wisdom of the ancients.

He didn't think he was necessarily smarter than the ancients.

He believes that the reason why he is considered smart is not because of wisdom, but because of knowledge.

"Seventh brother, I'm going back to practice martial arts first. On the third day of the twelfth lunar month, I'll wait for you in the martial arts competition ring outside the Palace of the Eight Sages."

After being comforted, Yang Yanzhao regained his confidence, stood up, cupped his fists, and strode away from the wing.

Yang Yanping also stood up, "Seventh brother, it's time for me to go back. Before leaving Beijing, I'll go and teach sixth brother martial arts."

"Brother, wait a moment, I have something to talk to you about."

Yang Yansi woke up from his stupor, and raised his hand to stop Yang Yanping.

Yang Yanping raised his eyebrows, wondering, "What's the matter?"

Yang Yansi asked Yang Yanping to sit down again.

"Brother, if it is not necessary to go out to Beijing to suppress the bandits this time, can you do less crimes and try to capture them alive?"

Yang Yanping was taken aback, staring at his eyes, and scolded, "Rebellious ministers and thieves, everyone can punish them. You actually pleaded for those rebellious officials and thieves?"

Yang Yansi shook his head and smiled.

"Brother, among the bandits, not everyone is a heinous person. Many people used to be ordinary people. They were either forced by life or squeezed by corrupt officials. They had no choice but to seek a way out. Those who choose fallen grass as bandits."

Yang Yansi confided in his heart: "Take Yizhou as an example. There was a severe drought in Yizhou for three years, and the people had no harvest. The relief money distributed by the imperial court was all divided up by corrupt officials. The people were starving and cold, and they had to exchange sons for food. Some people Forced to become bandits.

These people are not considered to be big treacherous and evil people.They just seek a way out for themselves.

In the face of these people, do you really have the heart to kill them? "

Yang Yanping was silent.

After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "If you can't bear it, you have to kill, the military order is like a mountain."

When Yang Yanping said these words, his heart was extremely restless.

In fact, in his heart, those corrupt officials should be killed the most.

It's a pity that he is only a general, and he can't control civil officials, and he can't do anything about those corrupt officials.

All he can do is execute military orders.

Yang Yansi stared at Yang Yanping for a long time, then smiled lightly.

"In my impression, elder brother is not such a cold-blooded person."

Yang Yanping shook his head, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

"The imperial court sent me out to suppress the bandits, so I was the one to go out and kill people. If I softened my heart and let them go, the ashes will be revived in the future, and the imperial court will blame me..."

Yang Yansi stirred the charcoal in the brazier to make the charcoal burn more vigorously.

After hesitating for a while, Yang Yansi frowned and asked, "Brother is afraid that the court will blame you, and your status will not be guaranteed?"

Yang Yanping shook his head, and sighed: "The left and right are just a fifth-rank military officer, who has been deprived of his authority. With the title on his body, your brother and I can live a more nourishing life."

Yang Yansi pondered for a while, and said, "Are you worried that your family will be implicated?"

"With all due respect, brother, you may be thinking too much."

Yang Yanping frowned, stunned, "How do you say that?"

Yang Yansi chuckled and said: "The war against bandits is different from the war against border guards. If corrupt officials are not eradicated, the resurgence of bandits is inevitable. All the officials in the court understand this in their hearts, and they will definitely not embarrass you. Even if they want to Embarrassing, with a younger brother in the court, he can still say something for the elder brother.

Furthermore, the younger brother has already thought of a way to get the best of both worlds for the elder brother. "

"Oh?" Yang Yanping was puzzled, "What way?"

Yang Yansi smiled, "Brother captures the bandits alive, and you can hand them over to your younger brother. My younger brother can assure you that these people will never become bandits."

Hearing this, Yang Yanping frowned tightly.

"Seventh brother wants to sell slaves?!"

There was a hint of anger in Yang Yanping's voice.

Yang Yansi's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly waved his hands, "Brother, I'm thinking about it, younger brother, I will never do such a detrimental thing."

Yang Yanping didn't seem to believe Yang Yansi's words, and asked with a gloomy face.

"Then why do you need so many people?"

Yang Yansi smiled brightly, and lied: "Your siblings have become addicted to doing business recently. They have hired several mines and need a lot of people to mine."

Yang Yanping squinted at Yang Yansi, "So that's your purpose. Just now you begged for the gangsters, I thought you were showing kindness, but it turned out to be driven by profit.

Seventh brother, since when did you get the stench of merchants' money? "

"I've been with Lin'er for a long time, so I've got some infection."

Yang Yansi silently apologized to Cao Lin in his heart, and happily took Cao Lin to the tank again.

Yang Yanping learned of Yang Yansi's "selfishness", put away his gloomy expression, and looked like an old god.

"Seventh brother! As a brother, I'm afraid I need to ask my father for instructions..."

Yang Yansi jumped up in fright, and hurriedly stopped him, "Don't do it. It's not that you don't understand Dad's temper. With Dad's temperament of distinguishing between public and private, after knowing this matter, [-] out of [-] will not agree."

Yang Yanping nodded, "I have fought with my father for many years, and I naturally understand his temperament... But, if I don't tell my father about this, I always feel uncomfortable."

Yang Yansi rolled his eyes, "Brother, do you want your brother to give you hush money?"

Yang Yanping shook his head indifferently, and said with a light smile: "Hush money? The whole family still uses it like this? Seventh brother, brother is not a pedantic person, he knows the benefits of money. If you do business to make money, no matter how much you earn, you will eventually make a profit." They are all from our Yang family.

Moreover, your method of collecting money is also aboveboard, and you have not taken bribes, nor have you done anything outrageous.

Therefore, for your matter of making money, I support you with both hands. "

Yang Yansi was puzzled, "Brother's meaning..."

Yang Yanping put away the smile on his face, and told Yang Yansi categorically, "The reason why my brother used my father to pinch you is to tell you that if you collect money, my brother can help you, but you will never allow slaves. If Brother Wei finds out that you are a slave trader, then don’t blame Brother Wei for not being sympathetic.”

Yang Yansi was stunned.

"Why does elder brother hate the slave trade so much?"


Yang Yanping sighed, "Seventh Brother, you have never been to Yanmen Pass, nor have you been to Liao Kingdom. So, you don't know what kind of life we ​​Song people live in Liao Kingdom outside Yanmen Pass."

Recalling the scene of the Song people outside Yanmen Pass, Yang Yanping clenched his hands into fists and made a loud bang.

"Life is like grass, and life is not as good as that of cattle and sheep..."

Yang Yanping's eyes were gradually turning red.

"Brother Wei once followed father in a surprise attack on Zhejin Mansion of the Liao Kingdom, and the Song people inside were kept in captivity in groups. Among these people, there were Song people from Yanyun's hometown, and there were also Song people who were trafficked by black-hearted people. "

Yang Yanping gritted his teeth and said, "That's a living person, not an animal. How can they be raised in captivity! How dare they be raised in captivity!"

 Thanks to 'hshdxhs' for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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