Monument Yangmen

Chapter 218 Scarecrow prototype

Chapter 218 The prototype of the scarecrow
Before trying mental punishment, many people think that the physical pain caused by whipping is the most severe punishment.Until, after trying mental punishment, everyone's thinking will change.

Physical punishment can only make people feel pain, but mental punishment can drive people crazy.

Since the order to only allow two hours of sleep a day has been implemented.

The rogues and reckless people realized the horror of mental punishment.

When Yang Yansi and others were about to fall asleep, they were studying culture.

What I learned was the pinyin and simplified characters written by Yang Yansi himself.

After Li Yunlong had seen pinyin and simplified characters, he had a strong interest in them.

He took the initiative to take over the work of teaching the rogues and reckless people to learn culture from Yang Yansi.

During the day, Li Yunlong would ask Yang Yansi for advice, and at night, he would be responsible for teaching the bandits and reckless people.

After finishing the culture class and washing up under Zhao Di's supervision, he fell asleep for two hours.

Two hours later, Peng Pai will take the soldiers and wake them up to start receiving ideological education.

Peng Pai is a qualified ideological propagandist and educator.

In just two days, he comprehended the ideological education materials given to him by Yang Yansi, and taught them to the rogues and the reckless.

When Yang Yansi and others woke up, the rogues and reckless people began to practice formation under the supervision of Liu Xin.

As a chess idiot, I almost have paranoid requirements for the rows and rows of things.

The army formation of later generations is not complicated. For Liu Xin, it only takes one day to master it.

At the request of the paranoid Liu Xin.

The results of the team training of the rogues and the reckless have improved significantly.

After the queue finished training, they ate hastily.

When Yang Yansi and others set off, the field raid training of the rogues and reckless people also started.

In order to increase the enthusiasm of the rogues and reckless people.

There is a clear standard to their meals.

The training and cultural classes are good, and they have meat for every meal.

If the cultural class is good, but the training is not good, they will have white flour steamed buns and a bowl of broth for every meal.

Those who have trained well but failed in cultural lessons will have two white flour steamed buns and some pickles for each meal.

Those who did not meet the standards in training and cultural classes received only two steamed buns and a bowl of water for each meal.

One month of culture class, one month of field raid training.

Most of the ruffian habits of the rogues and reckless people were washed away.

Although they were not wearing armor or holding steel knives.

But even if they stand there and don't understand, people can still feel the strict discipline and sturdy aura from them.

"I know a thousand words!!!"

When Cao Mang, who was the first to know a thousand characters, was born.

He was personally rewarded by Yang Yansi, and he left the team of reckless and rogue bandits, and joined the same management team as Zhao Di and Peng Pai.

At the same time, after Peng Pai, he became the second person qualified to call Yang Yansi the young master.

Also in a real sense, the third scarecrow.

When Yang Yansi asked what he wanted, he said something excitedly.

"I implore the young master to allow me to sleep until I wake up naturally."

The rogues and reckless people all understand the sadness in this sentence.

Then, Yang Yansi fulfilled his request.

He ordered sixteen black armor soldiers to make a comfortable stretcher to carry the third scarecrow so that he could sleep peacefully even on the way.

He was carried by tall and mighty black-armored soldiers, and he could wake up whenever he wanted to sleep.

This guy slept for two days and two nights.After he woke up, he yelled a word loudly.

"Grandpa finally got a good night's sleep!"

The other rogues and reckless people became jealous after seeing this scene.

Then, a great enthusiasm for learning broke out in the ranks of the rogues and the reckless.

Some people began to learn culture while running in the wild running training.

This method was immediately imitated by all the rogues and reckless people.

Next, the fourth, fifth, sixth...tenth...No.20 five...

Qualified scarecrows were born one by one.

Yang Yansi chose to treat all qualified scarecrows equally.

Give them the status of scarecrow, and meet their requirements.

Except for those who have a desire for power, everyone else wants to get a good night's sleep.

From Bianjing City to Annan, it took nearly two months.

120 The five rogues and Cao Mang were completely reborn.

There are 75 people who have passed the cultural and physical training standards, and have obtained the official status of scarecrows.

The remaining 50 people have reached the standard in physical training, but they were a little dull in the cultural class and did not meet the standard.

But surprisingly, 120 five people were tossed by Yang Yansi for nearly two months. At the very beginning, some people wanted to escape.

Up to now, no one has escaped for years.

Everyone scolded that Yang Yansi was more like an evil ghost than Zhao Di, but they just convinced Yang Yansi, the evil ghost, and obeyed the evil ghost's orders, and had no years of running away or rebelling.

This made Liu Xin, Li Yunlong and the soldiers of the Heijia Army very curious.

They couldn't figure out what kind of magic Yang Yansi used to scare these people's hearts.

Perhaps, among so many people, only Peng Pai and Zhao Di could more or less guess a little bit.

After the training of 75 qualified scarecrows came out.

Yang Yansi rearranged the military system for them.

The 75 people were divided into two teams and eight classes. Each class had a squad leader and a squad deputy. A team of 50 people had a team leader and a deputy team leader.

Currently, the first team is full, the team is Huo Hongye, the deputy team is vacant, team name: Wanjun.

Huo Hongye was the first person to learn a thousand characters.

The figure is very thin, but full of muscles, and a pair of eyes are always moving around.

This guy reported to Yang Yansi that he was a bandit, but someone had already secretly exposed his identity.

This guy used to be a scout, but because of some personal issues, he fell into the grass and became a gangster.

The second team currently has only 24 members. The team leader is Xiao Feng, the deputy team leader is Yuan Sanlang, and the team name is Thunder.

Xiao Feng and Yuan Sanlang, two burly and strong men, these two guys have unusual identities.

I heard that the ancestor was also a general, but later the family fell into ruins.

These two guys are good at martial arts. Xiao Feng is good at archery and has the ability to pierce Yang with a hundred steps.

Yuan Sanlang is good at wielding a Mo Dao, and his sword skills are extremely sharp.

In addition, Yang Yansi also took advantage of the situation and organized eight teams.

Due to the current vacancies, these eight teams only have numbers and team names for the time being, and the remaining personnel will be filled later.

In short, according to Yang Yansi's arrangement, the scarecrow belongs to 500 people, two guards, each guard leads five teams, and each team leads five teams.

 Scarecrow Ten Teams, the current team names and team names of the two teams have been confirmed, and everyone can mention the rest!Remember to add the book friend group to mention ha!Sometimes I can't read the comments!Thank you for the six yuan reward from '食风天下'!
(End of this chapter)

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