Monument Yangmen

Chapter 241 Huang Quan

Chapter 241 Huang Quan
Monta's authority in Mengjiazhai is supreme, so when he recalled the elite of Mengjiazhai, no one protested.

The elite of the Meng family stockade left, and more than half of the Liao people in charge of looting were lost.

The rest of the bureaucrats did not follow, but stayed behind.

They elected a man named Huang Quan as the new leader.

Huang Quan is not tall, a little thin, with long arms.

It is said that it is because of practicing archery all the year round.

Huang Quan's ancestor was a famous sharpshooter among the Liao people, and Huang Quan also inherited his ancestor's talent and skills in archery.

Yang Yansi asked someone to find a four-stone strong bow, and handed it to Huang Quan to try his skills.

The armament of Song Dynasty is considered the top in the world at this time.

Huang Quan has long been envious of the strong bow in the army, but unfortunately he is a Liaoren, and has never been qualified to contact.

Get the four-stone strong bow, Huang Quan is like a treasure.

Nock the arrow and draw the bow.


An arrow shot out and soared into the sky.

Compared with Li Jilong's family-handed Lianzhu archery, Huang Quan's archery is less tricky and more domineering.

The arrow pierced through the birds flying in the sky, and the momentum remained undiminished, still piercing upwards.

The arrow used by Huang Quan is a special self-made arrow with a whistle on the tail of the arrow when the arrow is in the air.

The whistle burst out with a crisp and pleasant sound.

When the whistle of the arrow tail stopped, the strength of the arrow's ascent weakened, and it began to fall.

Someone with good intentions chased the direction where the arrow fell, and picked up the arrow that fell on the ground.

"Good archery!"

Yang Yansi glanced at the bird pierced by the arrow, and couldn't help but praise it.

There is a distance of hundreds of meters between the place where Huangquan shoots the arrow and the place where the bird shoots the arrow.

Huang Quan's ability to accurately hit the bird's eye is enough to prove his superb archery skills.

Huang Quan is not good at words, facing Yang Yansi's praise, he forced a smile.

"My lord, can you give us this strong bow?"

Yang Yansi laughed three times, "The sword is a gift for a hero. Since you like this strong bow so much, I will give it to you. However, you will not be able to call yourself us in front of me in the future."

" do we call ourselves?"

With a stern face, Peng Pai patted Huang Quan's shoulder and said, "The young master approves you, then you will be under the command of the young master from now on, and you should call yourself a subordinate in the future."

Huang Quan nodded half understanding.

He imitated Peng Pai's salute to Yang Yansi, clasped his fists and said, "This subordinate wants to try the bow again..."

Yang Yansi waved his hand, "Go!"

Huang Quan went down with other envious Liaoren, Yang Yansi turned his head and ordered Peng Pai.

"Peng Yue, the scarecrow's manpower is still far behind. I think there are many good people among the slang and Liao people. You send someone to pay attention. If you have a fancy manpower, you can recruit the scarecrow."

Peng Pai clasped his fists and said, "This subordinate understands."

According to Yang Yansi's instructions, Peng Pai began to pay attention to those who were clever and capable among the sluts and bureaucrats, and indeed he found many good players.

Originally, Peng Pai planned to slowly tame these people with gentle means, and then absorb them into the scarecrow.

However, when he saw a group of people dressed in black appearing to guard Yang Yansi and replace them as scarecrows, he felt a sense of crisis inexplicably.

So, he did the same thing, and applied the method Yang Yansi used to train them on the way to Yongzhou to the slang and bureaucrats he had selected.

Luo Ye stood beside Yang Yansi, staring at Peng Pai training the slang and bureaucrats at the foot of the mountain, frowning frequently.

The training method of the scarecrow is obviously different from that of the soldiers.

Luo Ye also felt a strong sense of crisis in them.

"Boss, do you want them to replace us when you train them?"

Luo Ye stayed with Yang Yansi for a long time, and he understood Yang Yansi's character.He knew that Yang Yansi didn't like to beat around the bush, so he directly asked out the doubts in his heart.

Yang Yansi looked sideways, a little surprised, "Why do you think so?"

With a cold face, Luo Ye said in a deep voice, "You are teaching them how to read, but most of the people in our volcano camp are illiterate..."

Hearing Luo Ye's answer, Yang Yansi shook his head and smiled.

In this era when scholars are obviously superior to others, literacy and illiteracy are indeed two concepts.

Fallen leaves can have this idea, and it looks wrong.

"The purpose of my training them is not to replace the Volcano Camp. Rather, I discovered the shortcomings of the Volcano Camp and wanted to make up for it."

The subordinate has his own petty emotions, so Yang Yansi naturally has to try to persuade him.

Otherwise, the hearts of the people will be scattered, and the team will be difficult to lead.

Fallen Leaf frowned, "What does the leader mean, that they should assist the Volcanic Camp instead of replacing it?"

Yang Yansi had to tell Luo Ye his definition of spies and spies again.

After Luo Ye heard the words, she was thoughtful.

"You just need to remember the position I gave you. As long as you do your job well, no one can replace the position of the volcano camp."

Luo Ye bowed and saluted, and said in a deep voice, "This subordinate understands."

Yang Yansi nodded, "Just understand."

"Now, tell me about the bandit captives."

Luo Ye said: "The subordinates were ordered to escort the prisoners this time. When they took over from the barracks where they were guarded, there were more than 5000 people. Along the way, the subordinates encountered many refugees and gathered them in. So this time they brought There are more than 7000 siblings."

Yang Yansi raised his eyebrows, "Why are there so few?"

Luo Ye was stunned, and immediately understood Yang Yansi's meaning. He explained: "Yang Yanping, General Yang said, since he is a mine owner who steals, rapes and plays tricks, has malicious intentions, or has a life in hand, he cannot be sent here. The more than 5000 people were carefully selected by General Yang."

Yang Yansi looked sideways and said with a light smile, "Brother really... cares for me so much!"

After sighing, Yang Yansi ordered: "Go back and pick out all the craftsmen among these people and send them to Mangshan base area. Bring all the rest of the people here, and make other arrangements."

Luo Ye nodded and asked, "Then, will this subordinate continue to escort the bandits with manpower?"

Yang Yansi shook his head, "The 1000 people in the Huoshan camp are all going to escort the bandits. It is inevitable that they are overqualified. You leave 100 people to lead people to escort the bandits, and I will use the rest of the staff."

After Luoye clasped his fists to salute, he brought a hundred people from the Huoshan Battalion, and Yang Yansi assigned another three hundred people to him to escort the bandits from the Yongning Army's garrison.

The remaining 900 people in the volcano camp were all handed over to Wang Mingcheng.

Ten scarecrows led by Wang Mingcheng are responsible for teaching them simplified Chinese characters and pinyin.

After Peng Pai learned about this, he also joined in with the slang and Liaoren he trained.

 Thanks to '159****0352' for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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