Chapter 264
The ordinary bows and crossbows equipped by the imperial army have an effective range of within 300 meters; the heavy bows and crossbows have an effective range of 800 meters (not bragging, the range of bows and crossbows in the Song Dynasty is so awesome).Moreover, compared with bows and arrows, the accuracy of bows and arrows far exceeds that of bows and arrows.

The most important thing is that the crossbow uses a three-diamond arrow (not bragging, the three-diamond arrow appeared in the Qin Dynasty), and the bow and arrow use an ordinary diamond arrow.The lethality in the middle is dozens of times worse.

However, the armor of the Imperial Army and the leather armor of the Xiang Army are completely incomparable in defense.

The generals of the Imperial Army passed on leather boots, while the generals of the Xiang Army passed on cloth shoes, and they were often not replenished.

Most of the soldiers in the Xiang Army had their cloth shoes torn, and one or two toes were exposed, which was a common occurrence.

The difference in equipment and food directly leads to the difference in combat effectiveness.

At least, Yang Yansi felt that it would not be a problem for the 2-man army of the fourth battalion outside Miza City, which he had already equipped, to deal with the Yongning Army head-on.

The Yongning Army marched in Jiaozhi for three days and passed through four cities, but basically encountered no effective resistance.

These cities had been devastated by Hou Renbao's army before, and they had basically been looted.

Occasionally, one or two impromptu teams will come across, and when they see a large army, they will disperse in a hurry.

"Boss, there is an urgent matter."

When the Yongning army continued to advance from Jiaozhi, Zhao Di beside Yang Yansi was replaced by fallen leaves.

Luo Ye handed a letter sealed with red lacquer to Yang Yansi.

Yang Yansi opened it, and there were two letters inside, one was about Hou Renbao's movements, and the other was about Miza City.

There was nothing to watch about Hou Renbao's movements. He led the imperial army, boarded the newly built large ship, and was heading west along the seashore. He was currently floating on the sea.

The letters from Mizar City are very interesting.

First of all, the man responsible for escorting the rogue Cao Mang has returned.

In the past six months, Yang Yanping seems to have wiped out many bandits, and there are more than 4 reckless bandits gathered.

This is five times more than the number of people escorted for the first time.

Yang Yansi didn't understand why Yang Yanping sent so many people all at once, but it was indeed a good thing for him.

What he lacks the most right now is manpower.

The second thing is that Yang Yanding and Geng Jinhua, who visited Miza City, did not know what they talked about with Hailina.

In short, after the three of them talked in secret.

Yang Yanding and Geng Jinhua have already decided to stay in Mi Zha.

At the same time, they also helped to persuade Yang Yanguang and his wife who had just arrived in Mi Zha.

All four of them decided to stay in Mi Zha.

Right now, Yang Yanding, Yang Yanguang, and Geng Jinhua, each with a battalion of troops, are following behind them to pick up the city.

Three of the four cities that Yang Yansi passed through before have been owned by Yang Yansi.

I don't know who came up with the bad idea of ​​picking up the city.

In his free time, Yang Yansi wrote back to Mi Zha, explaining three things.

The first thing is to continue the conscription training.

The second thing is to speed up the persuasion of the slang and Liao people in the mountains and forests, and persuade them to move to Jiaozhi.

The third thing is to gather the cochin men in the occupied city and teach it to a man named Ye Hong.

After explaining these three things, Yang Yansi rode his horse and galloped in a happy mood.

It is undoubtedly a great joy for him that Miza City is growing rapidly and silently.

Every point in the growth of Miza City means that he has more power to conquer the entire Cochin.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Yansi never expected to rely on Hou Renbao's imperial army to take down the entire Jiaozhi.

In Yang Yansi's eyes, this battle was destined to be defeated from the moment Zhao Guangyi commanded it remotely.

This is also recorded in historical materials.

In this world, if there is one person who can change the outcome of this battle, it is only him.

Unfortunately, he didn't intend to help.

The reason why he followed Li Zifeng into Jiaozhi was because of his responsibilities, and he couldn't avoid it; second, he wanted to get to know his future opponent, Li Huan, and the [-] troops in Li Huan's hands.

When Yongning's army marched to Mancheng, they finally ran into Li Huan's army.

Because he had waited for ten days at the border between Jiaozhi and Yongzhou, he gave Li Huan a chance to reoccupy the city.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Huan not only occupied Licheng, but also took advantage of the opportunity to occupy Mancheng.

Although Mancheng is not as important as Licheng, it is still a big city, and it is also a city that the Yongning Army must pass through on the Jiaozhi Road.

Standing on the top of the hill outside Mancheng, looking at Mancheng's wall, Li Huan's king's flag fluttering.

Li Zifeng summoned scouts, "How many soldiers and horses are there in the city, have you ever found out?"

The vanguard scout was an old soldier. He trotted up to Li Zifeng and knelt down on one knee.

"General Qi, as far as my subordinates have found out, there are 2 elite soldiers and more than [-] servants in the city. The four gates of the city, the east and west gates are blocked by huge stones. If our army wants to attack, we can only attack from the north and south gates. "

Li Zifeng frowned, "There are more than 3 people, so many strong people in the whole city?"

Yang Yansice immediately stepped forward, pointing to the deserted rice fields all around the city, and said: "There is not a single person in these fields, they should be guards all over the city. Servants defend the city."

Yang Yanzhao was on the side, and added: "The east and west gates are the main roads that our army must pass through, and they have been blocked now. The Jiaozhi people are putting on a posture of defending themselves, and they are going to fight us desperately! This battle is not good. Good fight."

Li Zifeng waved his hand and ordered the whole army.

"Camp in place!"

After an incense stick of time, the handsome tent has been tied up.

Li Zifeng invited Yang Yansi and the other three to enter the command tent, and said straight to the point: "The city is full of [-] elite soldiers and [-] servants, and it occupies the top of the city. I'm afraid we will suffer a lot if we attack by force. How can the three of you defeat the enemy?" Good strategy?"

Cao Wei pondered for a while, then asked: "Who is the defender of the city, and can we use methods on him?"

Li Zifeng frowned, shook his head and said: "It's difficult! The name of the guard in the whole city is Li Chong, this man is Li Huan's nephew. The strategy of war is not as good as Li Huan's, but his temperament is more stable. If you want to use tricks on him, I'm afraid It's hard to be effective."

Yang Yanzhao hesitated for a moment, and said: "The way to outwit is nothing more than water and fire. It's just that the city is full of water and there is no water available. If we set fire, we can't achieve the effect we want. We can only try to feint. Let's see." Can you find some flaws in the defense of the city?"

Li Zifeng and Cao Wei looked at each other and pondered for a while.

"That's the only way to do it for now."

Li Zifeng shouted loudly: "Come here."

"Subordinates see the general."

"Go and order 5000 troops and prepare to attack the city."


(End of this chapter)

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