Chapter 270

All the soldiers of the Yongning Army in the city gave up and continued to destroy when they heard the sound of the arrows.

Carrying their captures one by one, they quickly assembled towards the position where the sound arrow rose.

In just a quarter of an hour, all the soldiers of the Yongning Army near the City Lord's Mansion gathered around Yang Yansi.

Facing the six thousand servants without a leader.

The soldiers of the Yongning Army are completely harvesting heads.

Half an hour later, the servant army was defeated, killing more than 4000 enemies, and the remaining more than 800 surrendered.

"Boss, the latest information, the west gate is urgent. General Yang has less than 500 men left. Zhao Huan is attacking with 5000 men."

Luo Ye ran to Yang Yansi and said anxiously.

Yang Yansi stared, and shouted: "All gather, within half an hour, we must rush to the west gate. Unexpectedly, the military law will do it."

The soldiers of the Yongning Army were stunned.

"Supervisor, brothers can't run so fast with the captured."

Someone smiled wryly.

Yang Yansi said coldly: "Your captures will be left where they are. If there is any loss, I will make up for you. Now, immediately, immediately, let me march towards the west gate."

As soon as the words fell, Yang Yansi stepped on his horse, led the cavalry ahead, and rushed straight to the west gate.

The fast horse galloped for a quarter of an hour, and met Cao Wei and his subordinates who had just entered from the north city gate on the avenue.

"Hahaha... Seventh brother, Li Chong wanted to hold back brother, close the door and beat the dog, but he underestimated me. Brother, I just used a little trick, and wiped out all the defenders at the north gate."

As soon as he saw Yang Yansi, Cao Wei began to show his merits.

With a gloomy face, Yang Yansi glared and said, "I don't have time to be poor with you. Take your men and horses and quickly gather at the west gate. Brother Six is ​​in danger."

"Brother Six is ​​in danger?"

Hearing this sentence, Cao Wei didn't ask a word, turned around and gave orders to his subordinates to march quickly.

Then he took his cavalry and followed Yang Yansi's footsteps towards the west city gate.

When the two men rushed to the west gate with their troops.

Looking at the scene at the gate of the west city, he stopped breathing.

On the head of the west city gate, there were only twenty or so figures fighting bloody battles.

The flames shot up into the sky, illuminating their faces.

However, they still couldn't tell who they were.

Because they were all infected with blood gourds, and their bodies were already covered with blood.

Zhao Huan and his troops have already killed the west city gate building.


Zhao Huan exhausted Yang Yanzhao's physical strength with his servants, and once again confronted Yang Yanzhao, he had the upper hand.

Yang Yanzhao and his party were directly forced out of the city gate.

Yang Yanzhao was also stabbed by Zhao Huan, bleeding profusely.

"court death!"

Yang Yansi let out a loud shout, and with a tiger-headed black gold spear in his hand, he galloped wildly on his horse.

As the horse continued to accelerate, Yang Yansi raised the tiger-headed black gold spear in his hand, and threw it with all his strength.

The tiger-headed black golden gun flew up to the top of the city.

Poked into the pillars of the city gate and the pillars, supporting the huge stones of the pillars.


The boulder burst in an instant, the pillar lost its support, and after a squeak, it also fell down.

The entire city gate collapsed within a few breaths.

Zhao Huan and others who had just rushed into the city gate building were directly covered under it.

"What a terrifying force."

Cao Wei stared dumbfounded at the collapse of the city gate, and then looked at Yang Yansi as if he was looking at a monster.

However, he was only briefly absent-minded.

He turned his head and reprimanded the Yongning Army cavalry who was also absent-minded, "Why are you standing there, kill them."

Cao Wei and Yang Yansi arrived in time with their troops and rescued Yang Yanzhao.

Under the strangling of Cao Wei and Yang Yansi, the remaining servants were slaughtered.

When Yang Yansi climbed to the top of the city, Yang Yanzhao was still subconsciously waving the Suying Chiseled Golden Spear in his hand.

His eyes were covered with blood, and he was exhausted.

Only the remaining instinct is supporting him to continue brandishing the big gun.

Yang Yansi stepped forward, grabbed the Suying chiseled golden gun, and shouted loudly, "Sixth brother, it's me, I am Yansi."

Hearing Yang Yansi's call, Yang Yanzhao was taken aback, and wanted to open his eyes, but before he opened his eyes, the whole person had already collapsed.

"Military doctor! Military doctor!"

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yang Yansi embraced Yang Yanzhao and called for the military doctor loudly.

The military doctor threw himself on Yang Yanzhao's side, and after carefully examining Yang Yanzhao's body, he said, "Please rest assured, the supervisor, all the wounds on General Yang's body are not fatal."

"Then why did he pass out, did he lose too much blood?"

The military doctor shook his head, "He just lost his strength, that's why he passed out."

Hearing what the military doctor said, Yang Yansi let go of the boulder hanging in his heart.

On the side, Cao Wei's nervous expression disappeared.

He stared at the densely packed corpses above and below the city, and sighed: "Brother Seven, you and Brother Six, you two are really monsters!"

"Sixth brother led 2000 people to defend the city and killed more than 9000 enemy soldiers. You are even more ferocious, with such a heavy tiger-headed black gold spear, you can throw hundreds of meters and two hundred catties of boulders, just like that It exploded. The entire city gate collapsed."

Yang Yansi ordered the military doctor to take good care of Yang Yanzhao, and gave Cao Wei a look, "What kind of monster is not a monster, you blame our brother for stealing your limelight."

Cao Wei pouted, "That's right, I thought I had wiped out more than 7000 enemy troops guarding the north city gate, and I should be the person with the highest military exploits in this battle. Now, I can only rank third."

Yang Yansi rolled his eyes, "Don't be poor, hurry up and send people to clean up the corpses of the enemy soldiers inside and outside the city. Then leave 1000 people to guard the city, and the rest of the people will rush to the south gate to help Brother Li. "

"I'll do it right now."

A moment later, Yang Yansi and Cao Wei gathered their men and horses, and charged towards the south gate in a mighty manner.

Li Chong led the troops out of the city, but there were not many defenders on the south gate.

Yang Yansi successfully took over Nanchengmen Louzi.

Cao Wei led the troops out of the city gate and stabbed Li Chong from behind.

Li Zifeng was fighting Li Chong, and after seeing Cao Wei, he knew that Mancheng was already in their pocket.

Cao Wei and Li Zifeng attacked Li Chong from both sides.

From the four aspects of military strength, combat effectiveness, equipment and battle situation, Li Chong was at a disadvantage.

The battle lasted for half an hour, Li Zifeng beheaded Li Chong under his horse.

The Battle of Mancheng is officially over.

At the request of Yang Yansi, the whole army disposed of all the corpses in the city overnight.

Li Zifeng, Yang Yansi, and Cao Wei ordered their soldiers to carry Yang Yanzhao into Mancheng City Lord's Mansion.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the soldiers joining the Yongning army, welcoming them in front of the three of them with happy faces.

"General Li, Supervisor Yang, and General Cao, we're getting rich."

Yang Yansi was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "How do you get rich?"

(End of this chapter)

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