Chapter 444
The more people spread rumors, the faster the spread of rumors becomes.

In just three days, the rumors of Song Xianggong stealing his niece were known all over the city, and there were many romantic rumors.

An old woman who used to be a nanny in the Song Mansion also jumped out at this time.

She vividly told the story of how Song Xianggong secretly drank her milk when she was a nanny in the Song Mansion.

After all kinds of rumors reached Song Xianggong's ears, Song Xianggong was so angry that he vomited blood three times on the spot.

And ordered people to send the niece who was staying at the mansion out of the mansion quickly.

He did this to avoid suspicion.

But in the eyes of those who care about it, it becomes a cover-up.

All of a sudden, Song Xianggong's reputation became even worse.

As a last resort, he could only complain of illness, and closed his residence.

As for the instigator, Yang Qi, as if he didn't know about it, he hid in the Three Mountains Temple to heal his injuries.

The old man's medical skills can be called a national player, but it is only a means of healing, which is a bit appalling.

It is difficult for people in the world to accept the old man as a poisonous doctor, but Yang Qi regards the old man as a treasure.

He really wanted to get the old man to Daizhou.

Yang Qi knew that the old man had a hobby of playing chess in his spare time, so he did what he liked and asked the old man to play chess.

A corner of the main hall of Sanshan Temple.

Yang Qi and the old man sat facing each other, with a chessboard in front of them.

The black and white pieces on the chessboard are distinct, like stars.

The old man likes to play chess, but he is not good at chess.

Seeing the black pieces on the chessboard and the big dragon about to slaughter the white pieces, the old man said cursingly: "No, no, no, I didn't make the right move, I have to start again..."

While repenting the game, the old man quietly removed a few sunspots on the board.

Yang Qi glanced at the chessboard and twitched the corner of his mouth.

The old man not only regretted the chess, but also stole the chess, and he has no chess quality at all.

If Liu Xin, a chess player, finds out about this, he must be punished.

Yang Qi picked up the tea on the table, took a sip, and pretended not to see the old man stealing the chess.

After playing for three days in a row, Yang Qi has a clear understanding of the old man's chess skills.

Originally a chess game that looked like a massacre, but the old man stole it with remorse, and it ended in a draw.

After playing chess, the old man slanted his body facelessly, slumped on the futon, and said disdainfully: "The people in Bianjing City all praise you as a master chess player. From my point of view, that's all."

Yang Qi stuck his hands into his cuffs, squinted his eyes and said, "Try another round?"

Hearing this, the old man quickly waved his hands, "I won't come, I won't come, I will dispense medicine for you later. The poisonous insects in the nearby mountains have been caught by the old man. If I want to dispense medicine for you, I have to go to a distant place." Catch poisonous insects in the mountains."

Yang Qi folded his arms around his chest and said with a smile, "With your medical skills, why did you come to this?"

The old man sat up and stared at Yang Qi with a smile on his face, "The old man knows that you are not so kind, you brat, these few days, you have played chess with the old man, talked with the old man to relieve boredom, and even asked people to bring some toys and eat and bribe you." Disciple of the old man, don't you know that you are an old man?"

Yang Qi said calmly: "With the medical skills of the seniors, staying in such a small Taoist temple is a bit inferior. The boy is not talented. I would like to invite the seniors to visit Daizhou."


The old man laughed loudly, pointed at Yang Qi and said: "I knew you didn't have any good farts in your stomach, so I fell in love with the old man's medical skills. The old man uses poison as medicine. When others see the old man, they will be in awe. Points. Are you not afraid, kid?"

Yang Qi spread his hands, and said calmly: "Other people have shallow knowledge, but it doesn't mean that I also have shallow knowledge. The kid still knows the four words "fighting poison with poison."

The old man was obviously taken aback when he heard Yang Qi's words.

He nodded, stroked his beard, and said with emotion: "I have practiced medicine half my life, and I have met many people. However, they don't understand my medical skills. They call me an old poison, and even abandon me from the medical profession. Many The so-called Senior Xinglin did not allow this old man to practice medicine. Even some patients he healed were unwilling to recognize his medical skills.

You are the only one who recognizes the old man's medical skills.The old man was very happy and relieved.

It's just that the old man can't go to Daizhou with you.

The old man still has important responsibilities, and needs to stay in Bianjing. "

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows, and pondered: "Boy, I would like to ask, what is the responsibility of the senior?"

The old man glanced sideways at Yang Qi, and then sighed quietly: "On behalf of my Taoist sect, save a predestined person..."

A predestined person in Bianjing?

For a moment, Yang Qi thought of Cao Jingxiu, the unborn grandson of the Cao family.

After careful calculation, if that kid was really born, he would have to be called uncle.

However, according to the calculation of time.

And a little unreasonable.

Cao Jingxiu entered Taoism in his later years, at the old man's current age, I'm afraid he won't be able to wait until that time.

So, who is the predestined person that the old man talks about?
In other words, the old man doesn't really care who the predestined person is, he just wants to save someone with status to enter the Tao, so as to strengthen the status of the Taoist sect in the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Guangyi is a person who is extremely obsessed with Buddhism.

During his reign, thousands of Buddhist temples were built.

This also promoted the trend of Buddhism becoming stronger in China.

Maybe the Daoist sect saw this, so they wanted to increase the influence of the Daoist sect in the Song Dynasty through some ways to save the nobles to enter the Taoism.

And the old man is very likely to be a pawn of the Taoist sect.

Regarding the issue of belief, Yang Qi doesn't like to get mixed up.

But the old man is such a national player with superb medical skills, when Yang Qi met him, he didn't want him to slip away from him easily.

Yang Qi was a little unsure of what he was thinking, so he could only insinuate words from the old man's mouth.

"Senior, do you think there is a fate between the boy and the Daoist?"

The old man was obviously stunned for a moment, hesitantly said: "You... have a little relationship..."

Yang Qi narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile: "Is it because of a shallow relationship, or a shallow status?"

The old man was stunned, his eyes widened and he stared at Yang Qi in disbelief.

"You kid is really a monster, no wonder people in Bianjing City respect you..."

Yang Qi made a gesture of invitation, and when the old man sat upright, he made tea for the old man himself.

"It's actually not difficult to guess. From the time His Majesty ascended the throne to this year, a total of more than 300 Buddhist temples have been approved to be built. However, His Majesty has allowed the construction of Taoist temples, but less than one hundred.

Senior, if you insist on saving a predestined person, then the purpose of senior is naturally ready to come out. "

The old man was guessed by Yang Qi about his purpose, so he stopped hiding his secrets. He said frankly: "I won't hide it from you, you guessed it right, my Taoist sect urgently needs a predestined person to revive the prestige of the Taoist sect."

Yang Qi smiled and remained silent while sipping tea.

The old man stared at Yang Qi, and pondered: "The old man knows that you are considered a figure in Bianjing City. But your identity is not enough."


Yang Qi grinned, and asked incoherently: "If my status is enough, why do you let me enter your Taoism? Just relying on your illusory way of longevity?"

The old man growled resolutely: "The longevity method of my Taoist sect is by no means something illusory. I send ancestors, there are those who ascend, and those who rejuvenate."

Yang Qi sneered and said: "In the days when there were land mines in the Han Dynasty, if you chose to ride the crane to the west, it was called Feisheng. When you were about to die, tell a child everything about yourself, let him remember it, and do it, is it called rejuvenation? "

"Nonsense. You have insulted our patriarch so much, you will be sent by heaven."

The old man stood up abruptly and roared at Yang Qi angrily.

Yang Qi had a calm expression on his face, the old man's anger, in his eyes, had no effect at all.

"I'm just talking about the facts, and I don't mean to belittle you."

Yang Qi continued to ask the old man to sit down, but the old man was unmoved, still staring at him resentfully.

Yang Qi sighed, and said helplessly: "Senior doesn't want to go to Daizhou with me, and I can't bear to give up the great power of senior. How about we make a deal?"

The old man stared at Yang Qi coldly, and said in a deep voice, "What deal?"

Yang Qi smiled and said: "I will send a prince into your Taoist sect, and I will also send you a blessed land. From now on, you will be my people, follow me, and you must do what I tell you to do."

It is a good deal for the old man who devotes his whole life to the Taoist sect to exchange his own body for the glory of the Taoist sect.

The old man frowned, stared at Yang Qi, and said, "Why should I believe you?"

Yang Qi smiled and said: "Just because I am the lord of a state, the real lord of a state. If I can't do it, then I will personally join your Taoist sect and run for you. Although my status is not as good as that of the royal family, But I still have some influence in Shilin.

Today's imperial examinations are in power, and in the future this world will be the world of literati.

As long as the hearts of scholars in the world are on the side of Taoism.Then the hearts of the whole world will also be attached to Taoism.

It's a good deal, isn't it? "

The old man was silent for a long time, and left the main hall without looking back.

Yang Qi looked at the back of the old man leaving, and didn't need to say much.

He just smiled and shook the bell in his hand.

The servants of the Yang family who were waiting outside the door entered the hall and carried Yang Qi to the east wing.

As soon as he entered the east wing, Yang Qi could smell a faint smell of blood.

Luo Ye knelt in a corner of the wing room, beside his knees, there were three boxes.

Yang Qi had someone carry him over, covered his nose with the folding fan in his hand, and opened three boxes to have a look.

"You did a good job. From today on, you can take your people to Dengzhou."

Luo Ye kowtowed heavily to Yang Qi on the ground, her forehead was broken.

After he got up, he took the head and hurriedly left the Sanshan Temple.

Yang Qi just looked at the back of the fallen leaves and sighed heavily.

Then, Yang Qi drove out the servants around him, nestled in the east wing, and sat alone all night.

The departure of fallen leaves made Yang Qi feel a little sad.

From the moment he came into this world, everyone around him didn't seem to stay long.

Always leave him for various reasons.

Yang Qi always looks very lonely.

He didn't know whether it was the world that was out of tune with him, or the people here were out of tune with him.

People all over the world want to climb up and strive to seek wealth and wealth.

Yang Qi is like an outlier.

He does not seek money, nor does he seek wealth.

All he wanted was for his family to be safe.

The next day.

early morning.

The old man poured a bowl of bloody medicine into Yang Qi, and then drove Yang Qi out of Sanshan Temple.

After Yang Qi left the Sanshan Temple, the Sanshan Temple completely closed the gate.

The old man and the little Taoist boy under his knees are nowhere to be found.

Yang Qi was carried by the servants of Yang Mansion and returned to Tianbo Yang Mansion.

After Lao Yang and She Saihua left, Tianbo Yang's mansion seemed a little depressed.

There are only a few old servants and porters left in the mansion.

The loyal old porter, the one-armed old pawn, had died in the previous battle.

Lao Yang felt sorry for his only son who had no one to rely on, so he let him go to Yang's mansion to take over his father's class.

The son of a one-armed old soldier, he is a simple and honest young man, not very old.

Around the age of 17, he has been taking care of crops in the field all year round, resulting in calluses on his hands and dark skin.

He obviously didn't go out to meet people in the village very much before, so he was very reserved in front of Yang Qi.

It can be seen that the one-armed old soldier is a pure person.

He obviously holds such a high position as the concierge of the Yang family, but he doesn't want his son to rely on his own back and go outside to make a fortune.

These people are the backbone of the Yang family standing proudly in the world.

Yang Qi deserves to be treated kindly and respected.

When Yang Qi approached the young concierge, he seemed a little at a loss, his simple and honest face was covered with sweat.

"how old are you?"

Yang Qi tried her best to make her voice gentle and peaceful.

The young concierge said timidly: "If you go back to Master Qi, the villain will be seventeen after February this year."

Yang Qi said with a bright smile: "Don't be nervous, I don't eat people. Are you married?"

A smile appeared on the honest and honest face of the young concierge, mixed with a little shyness.

"The empress has introduced a few to the villain. They think the villain's family is poor, so they don't want to be with the villain."

The voice of the young concierge became smaller and smaller.

The empress in his mouth is not the empress in the palace, but the local dialect.

In some places, the aunts of the father's generation in the same clan are called empresses.

Yang Qi stretched out his hand and made the young concierge bow his waist. He patted the young concierge's shoulder and said with a smile: "After entering the Yang family's door, you will be a member of the Yang family from now on. There are two things you need to remember. Our Yang family , the poor have only two things left.

One is the unyielding backbone of our Yang family, and the other is money.

If you fall in love with that girl, tell your mother-in-law when you get back, how much dowry your in-laws want, just tell me.

Master Ben helped you out. "

The young concierge was a little confused, and Yang Qitiao's words made him feel conflicted.

After a while, he retorted stubbornly, saying: "A villain can't take Qi Ye's money. Dad said that a man should not bend his waist for money. A villain should rely on his own ability to make money and marry a wife."


Yang Qilang laughed loudly, and praised: "I have ambition."

The young concierge, having received the compliment, proudly puffed out his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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