Monument Yangmen

Chapter 452 Yang Qi's Atmosphere

Chapter 452 Yang Qi's Atmosphere

Yang Qi's suppression of Little Lolita Copper Tang is compulsory, no matter how she refute, evade, or play tricks, Yang Qi will not be moved at all.

The fat doctor and the pretty widow got Yang Qi's promise of a long vacation, as if hearing the sounds of nature.

After paying some money from the government treasury, I hurried out of the government office to catch up with old friends. They have been suppressed for too long and need to relax.

Dr. Xu seems to be obsessed with this kind of operation. He is quite old, and he actually pesters little Lolita Tongtang, asking questions.

Seeing this, Yang Qi resolutely gave Dr. Xu a task, asking him to take a small copper candy to play in Daizhou City.

Little Lolita Tongtang wanted to refuse, but was ruthlessly suppressed by Yang Qi.

As a result, an interesting scene can be seen on the streets of Daizhou City.

A short, pink and jade-carved little loli, with her hands behind her back, wandered on the street like a little adult, and carefully looked at everyone she met to see where it was appropriate to cut the knife.

An old man with a white beard followed behind little Lolita, like a dog's leg behind a rich family's daughter.

In the government office.

Apart from the yamen servants, there were only Yang Qi, Kou Zhun and Chen Jiangling, and four patients recuperating in the temporary ward.

The patient is settled.

Yang Qi, Kou Zhun and Chen Jiangling returned to the main hall of the government office.

After the three of them sat down, Kou Zhun cupped his hands at Yang Qi and said, "I was rude just now, please forgive me, my lord."

Yang Qiduan sat on the main seat, playing with the unique seal of Zhizhou, and said with a smile: "I just had an operation, and the result hasn't come out yet, brother Kou surrendered?"

Kou Zhun said ashamedly: "You can see the whole leopard at a glance. The officials observed from the faces of the four patients who underwent surgery. Their illnesses were obviously relieved after the surgery."

"do not!"

Yang Qi put down the seal in his hand, and said with a smile: "Don't be in a hurry to make a conclusion so early, I will definitely convince you to lose. After seven days, you can tell whether their illnesses have recovered or not. At that time, we will be in a round, the question of winning or losing."

Kou Zhunming knew that he had lost, but he was not hypocritical. After hearing Yang Qi's words, he stroked his sleeves and said calmly, "Then let's wait seven days before we can decide whether to win or lose."

We've talked about understanding the planing house, and it's time to talk formally.

Yang Qi also quickly got to the point, he asked: "Brother Kou has made a lot of achievements in governance during the more than a month when I was away. All I saw along the way was a thriving situation. From this It can be seen that Brother Kou is a good political talent.

Brother Kou has encountered any troubles when he was in charge of the government recently? "

Kou Zhun seemed to have been prepared for a long time, he brewed for a while, and said seriously: "There are three points. The first problem is the problem of the Datong Army. At present, the soldiers and their families of the Datong Army are the most numerous near Daizhou City. About them And their family members, whether to be controlled according to the imperial court's policy, or to make other arrangements, needs to be decided by adults.

Secondly, the commercial laws of Daizhou City, the commercial laws of Daizhou City, are determined by you, your lord, and many commercial laws are inconsistent with the commercial laws of the imperial court.There are also many merchants who have official jade cards bestowed by the imperial court and do not need to pay taxes, but we collect taxes from them in Daizhou City, which has caused dissatisfaction among many of them.Recently, people have frequently come to the yamen for questioning with the badges of various dignitaries in Bianjing.

The matter involved the imperial court, as well as many dignitaries in the imperial court.

It is difficult for the lower officials to make a decision on this matter, so we can only wait for the adults to come back to make a decision.

Finally, there is the issue of the officials in the yamen of Daizhou Zhizhou.At present, the affairs of Daizhou are relatively heavy, but the officials in the state government are extremely vacant.It needs to be replenished as soon as possible.Otherwise, there is no way for a single official to manage the entire Daizhou. "

When it came to the question of supplementing the officials in Daizhou's government office, Chen Jiangling obviously puffed up his chest.

Yang Qi also looked at him subconsciously.

Kou Zhun is a smart man, seeing Yang Qi looking at Chen Jiangling, he understood what Chen Jiangling meant.

Kou Zhun explained: "Your Excellency, Chen Jiangling, brother Chen, was a Jinshi during the late emperor's time. Because he offended the dignitaries in the court, his family was dispatched to Daizhou. When the official was working in Xia County, he had a period of time with Brother Chen. He has a good understanding of Brother Chen's knowledge and administrative ability.

That's why the lower officials had the courage to recruit Brother Chen into the government office and take the post of Changshi. "


Yang Qi laughed loudly when he heard this, and said: "Since Brother Kou strongly recommends Brother Chen to be an official in the government office, then Brother Chen must have something special. Since Brother Kou trusts you, he is willing to be your guarantor. Then, this official So I can trust you. From today on, you will be the Chief History Officer of Daizhou State Government Office.

I will report to the imperial court about your official order and the corresponding official uniform fuze.At that time, the imperial court will also distribute it to you. "

Daizhou is now Yang Qi's voice, and basically no one in the court will refuse the appointment that Yang Qi decides, and he is not qualified to refuse.

According to the usual practice, when they received the report from Yang Qi, they would happily approve Chen Jiangling's official status.

As long as Yang Qi doesn't appoint officials higher than him, the court has no right to control him.

Chen Jiangling stood up excitedly, and bowed to Yang Qi, "I am willing to do my best for my lord."

Yang Qi got up, stepped off the official chair, walked in front of Chen Jiangling, patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Work hard, don't disappoint Brother Kou's support for you, and don't let me down for you. trust. In our Daizhou, no one will suppress you. As long as you think what is right, and it is reasonable and legal, then you can do it freely."

Chen Jiangling bowed and clasped his fists respectfully, "Your Majesty obeys."

Yang Qi walked up to Kou Zhun again, and said solemnly: "I may not be able to take care of too many affairs of Daizhou in the future, so you still need to deal with many matters of Daizhou. Regarding your official position, I will write to the court , allow you to be an official of the fifth rank, to judge the affairs of the state."

Kou Zhun stood up, made a bow, and said, "I will definitely live up to my lord's high expectations."

Yang Qi nodded, and said again: "As for the three points you just said, I can answer you now. First of all, the soldiers of the Datong Army and their families are managed separately. The soldiers of the Datong Army, His family members, in Daizhou, are the same as ordinary civilians, except for a few widows of military martyrs, all family members are treated equally.

The jurisdiction of the soldiers of the Datong Army belongs to the Datong Army.The Daizhou government government is not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the Datong Army, nor has it the right to interfere with the affairs of the Datong Army.

Once something happens, the chief officials of both parties need to nod together before making a decision.

The military must not interfere with the yamen, and the yamen must not interfere with the military. "

Yang Qi happily separated the military and political powers in Daizhou without any involvement with each other.

And as the chief officer of Daizhou and the Datong Army, only he has the power to make a decision in case of trouble.

So much has greatly changed the situation in which both the military and the government intervene and influence each other.

Daizhou has also changed from the previous integration of the soldiers and the people to the fact that the soldiers are the soldiers, and the people are the people.

The reason why Yang Qi did this was to train a group of real professional soldiers.

Regarding Yang Qi's decision, neither Kou Zhun nor Chen Jiangling had any disagreement.

After all, for them, Daizhou belongs to the Yang family.

If the military and the government are integrated, it is easy for the military to interfere in the governance of the government.

Now that they are clearly divided, it is beneficial to them.

"Your Majesty understands."

"The officer understands."

After solving the problem of Datong soldiers and their families, Yang Qi said: "There is no need to change the commercial laws of Daizhou City and even the entire Daizhou. No matter who it is, even if it is our Yang family who are doing business, we still have to pay Corresponding taxes. The face of the imperial court and the faces of the rich and powerful are not easy to use in Daizhou.

If they are still chattering resistance, or all kinds of complaints.Then let them get out of Daizhou.

In Daizhou, you must abide by the rules of our Daizhou.I won't show any sympathy to anyone who doesn't follow the rules, no matter who they are. "

Kou Zhun and Chen Jiangling looked at each other, both of them saw the shock in the other's eyes.

Yang Qi's fair and impartial behavior is exactly what they want to do but dare not do.

Yang Qi's actions undoubtedly offended all the dignitaries in the court, and even the royal family.

But he is still strong, still fearless.

Working with such a person, Kou Zhun and Chen Jiangling were convinced.

The two clasped their fists together and said in unison: "Your Excellency is wise."

Yang Qi didn't care about the reactions of the two of them at all.

Even if he knew it, he would laugh it off.

He just made a big fuss in Bianjing City, and people from every family and prefecture avoided him.

And how could they rush up and smash him to death on his territory?

Unless the head is caught by the door.

Finally, regarding Kou Zhun’s last question, Yang Qi also gave his own suggestion. He said: “There are no manpower in the state government office, so you should go to pick and recruit, and you can even recruit people from the counties under the jurisdiction of Daizhou. Officials make arrangements.

In short, in Daizhou, officials are appointed regardless of their background or family status.As long as his net worth is clean and he can do the things within his powers well, he can be an official.

In the final analysis, whoever has the ability will win.Don't take up the seat if you don't have the ability, just sit there for a vegetarian meal. "

Yang Qi generously delegated power to Kou Zhun and Chen Jiangling, and almost left the issue of appointing officials in Daizhou to them.

The two also felt Yang Qi's trust and reliance on them.

Kou Zhun, the future sage of the ages, was fooled by Yang Qi, and followed Yang Qi with all his heart.

After all, whether it is in the court or in other state capitals, it is impossible for the chief officials to easily delegate power to them.

Because of doing so, there is a danger of being ostracized at any time.

However, Yang Qi was not worried about being ostracized at all.

As long as the military power in Daizhou is in the hands of the Yang family, and the Yang family is in Daizhou, they will have absolute power.

If they are really going to be emptied, at worst they will kill a group and appoint another group.

Anyway, Daizhou is just a state, and the top and bottom officials add up to only a few hundred people.

If this kind of question was thrown to Zhao Guangyi, Zhao Guangyi would never dare to do what Yang Qi did.

Because the officials of the whole Song Dynasty add up to almost 10,000+.

Zhao Guangyi couldn't kill them all.

And I didn't dare to kill, I really wanted to kill.

Da Song is over.

Yang Qi happily handed over the power of Daizhou to Kou Zhun, and before leaving, he also gave Kou Zhun a task.

"Our Daizhou is developing step by step, and the education issue must also keep up. People can't mention Daizhou and say that we only have warriors here. Therefore, I hope you two can pay attention to the education work in Daizhou .

As much as possible, let the children in Daizhou be able to read and write. "

When Chen Jiangling heard this, he praised him, "My lord is so courageous, I admire you very much."

Kou Zhun frowned and said, "My lord, it is not a small political move to make all the children in the whole state read and write. The amount of money that will be spent is not a small amount. And it will be spent every year."

Yang Qi waved his hands vigorously and said: "We Daizhou receive so much business tax every year. And we don't have to hand it over to the court, but send it all to my house? It will get moldy if left unattended. Instead of this, it's better to throw it all out for education. For the next generation of Daizhou, add bricks and tiles.

I hope that within three years, Daizhou can achieve that every village has a private school.Every county has a college.

And I will set up an institution of higher learning in Daizhou City. "

Kou Zhun stared, and said in astonishment: "Three generations later, Daizhou City will be full of scholars. This is a prosperous age that can only appear in the chapters of saints."

Yang Qi grinned and said, "Isn't that why you became an official?"

Kou Zhun gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "If my lord is really willing to give up money, I will definitely let every village in Daizhou have a private school within three years. Let the children in Daizhou be able to read and write."

Yang Qi nodded and said: "Although you can do it freely, you will never be in arrears for this kind of money. Just now I checked the taxes in the treasury for the past one and a half months, and there are roughly more than 60 yuan. [-]. From now on, the salaries of government officials and servants at all levels will be increased by [-]%.

After deducting your salaries and the common silver taels in the yamen, there are still 58 taels left.

Of the 58 taels, 20 taels were left for military reserves, and the remaining 38 taels.Take out 20 taels for the preparation of private schools in various places.

The remaining 18 taels will be used to build roads leading to various places in Daizhou.

In the future, I will make an account for the tax bank of the treasury every month.I will distribute these taels according to the rules. "

Kou Zhun shouted in shock: "Take out 20 taels to build private schools in various places?"

Kou Zhun did not expect Yang Qi to be so generous.

Just do what you say, and so much money will be approved at one time.

Shocked, he and Chen Jiangling bowed to each other and said respectfully: "On behalf of the people of Daizhou, I thank you for your kindness."

In the past, the big officials guarding the borders all over the country wanted to dig three feet and exploited all the money of the people under their rule.

People like Yang Qi who poured a lot of money into it are really rare.

 Thank you for the reward of five hundred book coins from 'Xiaofeng Tianxia, ​​Ye Hongyan, Chuchujiu'!Thanks to 'Wood' for rewarding two hundred book coins!Thanks for the reward of 'An Jingjing can't figure it out, **** Mang' for a hundred book coins!Sorry for yesterday!I'll try to make up for it today.mwah.

(End of this chapter)

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