Monument Yangmen

Chapter 465 Grandma?

Chapter 465 Grandma?

Yang Qi's face was calm, but his heart was full of turmoil.

In the romance of "The General of the Yang Family", it is basically useless to discuss the relationship between the Yang family.

But in the official history, there are records about She Saihua, the old lady She, who once emphasized that She Saihua's real surname is Zhe, and she is the daughter of the Zhe family.

There is a big discrepancy between the romance and the official history.

Previously, Yang Qi had always thought that in the world of Romance, Zhe Yang's family should have little relationship.

Now, from the earnest eyes of Grandma Zhe, he saw something different.

Those are the eyes of grandma looking at her grandson, full of kindness and pampering.

Yang Qi firmly believed that he would not be wrong.

When he was a child at his grandmother's house, that's how his grandmother looked at him.

Almost at the same time, a trace of doubt rose in Yang Qi's heart.

If She Saihua is really the daughter of the kind old lady in front of her, how could the Zheyang family not want to move around in recent years?

With the status of the Zhe family, and helping the Yang family, those generals in Bianjing city would not dare to bully the Yang family blatantly?

There are other reasons for this, and there are other inside stories, Yang Qi can't guess for a moment.

Yang Qi felt that it was necessary to go back to Daizhou and ask She Saihua carefully about this matter.

Once Zheyang and Zheyang are really related, the alliance between Zheyang and Zheyang will be unbreakable.

This is very important for the Yang family to gain a foothold in the northwest.


Just when Yang Qi was eating sullenly and thinking to himself.

Grandma Zhe didn't know when she had put down the bowl and chopsticks, she was kneading Yang Qi's arm, as if she was checking whether Yang Qi's muscles were strong or not.

Grandma Zhe used to be a disciple of an expert, and her martial arts skills are not weak.

Therefore, as long as she puts her hands together, she can find out whether a person's muscles are strong or not.

Due to Yang Qi's young age, his figure is slightly thin, and he often dresses like a literati.Therefore, it is easy to confuse people in a weak way.

It's good that Grandma Zhe didn't do it, but when she did it, she touched Yang Qi's wound from the whip.

Yang Qi frowned subconsciously and took a deep breath.

Seeing this, Grandma Zhe frowned, pulled Yang Qi's arm, and opened the sleeve.

A series of purple welts appeared in front of her eyes.

Grandma Zhe's face turned black immediately, and blazing anger burst out from her eyes.

"Who hit it?"

Although Grandma Zhe is old, she is very dignified when she gets angry.

Yang Qisan and the others present did not dare to eat anymore, they raised their heads and looked at her.

"It's okay, a little injury, it's okay. Apply some herbal medicine later, it will be fine soon."

Grandma Zhe stared, and said angrily: "That's not okay, what a wonderful child, who is so cruel, and actually murdered you."

Grandma Zhe groped Yang Qi's wound with pity, the more she looked at it, the more angry she became.

"Tell me, who called. Grandma will decide for you."

Grandma Zhe shouted domineeringly.

Yang Qi raised his head and glanced at Zhe Yuqing, and saw that Zhe Yuqing kept winking at him.

Yang Qi laughed secretly, the second child who is so majestic and majestic, also sometimes suffers.

Yang Qi is not a narrow-minded person either, he likes to fall and get up from there.

He also thought that after his martial arts improved greatly in the future, he would seek revenge from the brothers of the Zhe family.

Now relying on the elders to get ahead, and it is confirmed that there is a relationship in the future, it is really not easy to take revenge by yourself.

Thinking of this, Yang Qi smiled and comforted Grandma Zhe, "Grandma, I'm really fine..."

Yang Qi wanted to calm things down, but Grandma Zhe quit.

Grandma Zhe didn't ask Yang Qi, she turned her head, stared at her eldest son, and said angrily: "Manba, someone is here in Fuzhou, bullying the person who protects the mother, what do you think?"

Even the majestic Zhe Yuxun's nickname was called out, which shows that the old lady is really angry.

Seeing his mother get angry, Zhe Yuxun decisively betrayed Zhe Yuqing, "Mother, it's my second brother who beat him up, so it has nothing to do with me. If you have anything to do, you can find your second brother."

Grandma Zhe stared at Zhe Yuqing with evil eyes.

Zhe Yuqing's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly explained: "Mother, my son doesn't want to beat him, but you..."

"So? You want to call me an old woman and let you bully a child?"

Grandma Zhe roughly interrupted Zhe Yuqing's words.

In one sentence, the truth was sealed in Zhe Yuqing's mouth.

Zhe Yuqing was full of grievances and couldn't speak.

Obviously it was according to your old man's order that I took the initiative to teach this kid...

Zhe Yuqing drooped her head aggrievedly, listening to Grandma Zhe's reprimand.

Grandma Zhe yelled and cursed out of righteous indignation: "Tell me about you, you are promising, and you bully even a child. Such a well-behaved child, how can you bear to do it?

Did you throw all the great principles that Wei Niang told you on weekdays to the dog?

Bullying the small with the big, you are really promising.


Zhe Yuqing looked aggrieved, and looked at her elder brother for help.

Zhe Yuxun decisively buried his head in the eaten dishes on the stone table. In this way, he expressed that he was powerless.

It is a natural principle passed down from ancient times that a mother should educate her son.

No one has the right to interfere.

Zhe Yuxun didn't want to include himself in it.

Facing Zhe Yuqing's eyes asking for help, Yang Qi shrugged his shoulders, expressing that he was helpless.


It's too late to see a joke at this time.

Not everyone can see the joke of the second master of the Zhe family.

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to read enough, you may not have a chance in the future.

Grandma Zhe confessed her mistakes repeatedly scolded by Zhe Yuqing in one breath, and then stopped panting.

Yang Qi was very doggy and helped Grandma get along.

It attracted a lot of praise from Grandma Zhe.

After Grandma Zhe was relieved, she glanced at Zhe Yuqing who was still standing there in a daze, "What are you doing there, why don't you hurry up and get the good wound medicine. The old lady wants to help Seventh Boy with the medicine."

"Hey hey~"

Zhe Yuqing hurriedly ran out of the small courtyard as if she had received an amnesty.

Zhe Yuxun also stood up at this time, bowed and said: "Mother, my son will leave first."

Grandma Zhe waved her hand and said, "Go."

Zhe Yuxun nodded, and said to Yang Qi: "I will wait for you at the gate of the mansion tomorrow morning."

Yang Qi froze for a moment, then nodded.

After Zhe Yuxun left, Grandma Zhe asked the maids to clean up the leftovers on the stone table in the small courtyard.

Yang Qi chatted with Grandma Zhe about the household chores.

After Zhe Yuqing brought the wound medicine, Grandma Zhe dismissed the maids and gave Yang Qi the wound medicine herself.

Yang Qi was a little flattered.

He felt like being held on top of his heart.

After taking the medicine.

Yang Qi continued to talk with Grandma Zhe.

The owner, the Li family, talked briefly for a long time.

Grandma Zhe likes to listen to Yang Qi's trivial matters, especially when Yang Qi mentions some trivial matters of the Yang family, Grandma Zhe listens very carefully.

The old and the young chatted until late at night.

Grandma Zhe hummed a little tune, which made Yang Qi fall into a deep sleep.

After Yang Qi fell asleep.

Grandma Zhe stayed by Yang Qi's side, she couldn't get enough of it.

When it's over, it seems to remember something.

Grandma Zhe was in her bedroom, searching through boxes and cabinets.

Finally, in a hidden place, a wooden box was found.

Under the light of the candle, Grandma Zhe opened the box.

There were seven palm-sized jade plaques quietly lying in the box, each of which was exquisitely crafted, engraved with intricate patterns, and looked very beautiful.

There is a word engraved on each jade tablet.

The craftsman who carved the jade should be an expert. He used the technique of Tibetan flowers to transform the characters into blossoming patterns and carve them on it.

Therefore, at a glance, you can see seven different patterns.

If you think about it carefully, you will find out what these seven characters are.

Ping, steadiness, light, brilliance, virtue, Zhao, heir...

If Yang Qi could see it, he must understand the meaning of these seven characters.

Grandma Zhe fumbled for the jade token, with a look of reminiscence.

For a long time.

Her eyes were red and she murmured: "I thought that I would never have the chance to send it out in this life..."

Grandma Zhe took out the jade tablet with the word 'Si' and fumbled in her hand.

It can be seen that the jade cards prepared by Grandma Zhe are getting older.

Each jade tablet is smooth and translucent, it should be often taken out to play with, and it has been covered with paste.

In one corner of the box, there were seven chains.

Grandma Zhe used a chain to string up the jade plaque, and put it on Yang Qi's neck lightly.

He saw the jade plaque on Yang Qi's neck.

Grandma Zhe had a happy smile on her face.


The next day.

early morning.

Yang Qi got up very early.

After getting up, I found that Grandma Zhe was lying on the low table on the kang, and fell asleep in a daze.

As soon as he got up, he found the jade plaque on his neck.

After carefully observing the jade plaque, Yang Qi was stunned.

The jade tablet on his neck is very similar to the pattern on the jade pendant that She Saihua gave him.

However, the jade pendant that She Saihua gave him was only half of the jade token.

To be precise, She Saihua's jade pendant is only half, not complete.

The jade plaque hanging on Yang Qi's chest is a complete jade plaque.

At this moment, Yang Qi is almost certain.

The old lady who was lying on the low table and fell asleep was her grandmother.

Yang Qi's expression was complicated.

Suddenly there is one more, or even a group of relatives.

This made him a little unbelievable for a while.

Moreover, She Saihua and Lao Yang never mentioned this matter from the beginning to the end.

This shows that there must be other stories in it.

Before he could figure out the story behind it, Yang Qi felt that it was better not to pretend to be a relative.

As for the jade plaque on the neck, it should be the old man's wish.

Yang Qi accepted it with peace of mind.

Yang Qi got up on tiptoe, covered the old man with a quilt,
Then he dressed neatly and prepared to get off the kang.


When he opened the door, he bumped into Grandma Zhe's big maid who had been waiting outside the door.

A girl about the same age as Yang Qi.

It's long and quite juicy.

The eyes are very agile.

Seems like a shrewd guy.

The big servant girl was obviously shocked when she saw Yang Qi going out, she was about to shout, but Yang Qi stopped her.

Although the big maid hadn't been with Grandma Zhe for a long time, she also learned some secrets through Grandma Zhe's daily dictation.

Grandma Zhe loves Yang Qi far more than she loves her great-grandchildren.

This made her realize that Yang Qi's identity was unusual.

The big servant girl shouted tactfully, she leaned over to salute Yang Qi.

Yang Qi took out a gold cake weighing twelve taels from his bosom, threw it to the maidservant, and said, "I'll take care of you. If Grandma asks, just tell me what I said, and I'll come again, often."

There was no need for the eldest servant girl to ask any more questions, she nodded and said, "Your servant understands."

Yang Qi strode away from the courtyard.

Not long after Yang Qi left, Grandma Zhe woke up slowly.

Looking up, she saw that Yang Qi was no longer on the kang, she was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted loudly: "Yue'e."

The big maid who was serving Grandma Zhe hurried into the room.

"I have seen my ancestors."

Grandma Zhe asked angrily: "Where is he? Didn't I tell you that after he wakes up, I want you to wake him up?"

The big servant girl hurriedly said: "I want to tell my ancestors that this servant wants to wake you up, but the young master won't let you. The young master also asked the servant to tell you that he will come often in the future."

The anger on Grandma Zhe's face disappeared immediately, and she said with a look of astonishment: "Did he really say that?"

The eldest servant girl nodded solemnly, "Young master indeed said so. He also rewarded the servant girl with a piece of gold."

Saying that, the big maid took out the gold cake in the sleeve and raised her hands above her head.

Grandma Zhe sighed and said: "What a smart little guy, if that damn girl is one-tenth as smart as the little guy, I wouldn't have to wait so many years, old lady."

After sighing,

Grandma Zhe glanced at the eldest maid, "Remember to call him Young Master from now on, the same young master as Weixin and Weizhong."

The big servant girl said solemnly: "Your maidservant has written it down."

Grandma Zhe nodded, and said: "The little guy is generous enough, once he makes a move, he will get ten taels of gold. Since he gave it to you, you can take it. If he gives you anything in the future, you don't need to tell the old man.

What he gave was rewarded by the family, no one would make irresponsible remarks. "

In the Zhe Mansion, there are often spies from the court who try to bribe the maids and servants in the mansion.

For this reason, many people have been dealt with.

Therefore, the maids and servants in the mansion are very cautious about this matter.

Zhe's family is in Fuzhou, covering the sky with one hand.

They are not willing to lose their lives for a little money.

The big maid filled her cuffs with joy.


Zhefu gate.

After a brief wash and breakfast, Yang Qi hurried to the door.

Zhe Yuxun and Zhe Yuqing are already ready to go.

Yang Qi jumped on his own horse and rode to their side.

Zhe Yuxun immediately said: "According to the news from the spies, the Dangxiang refugees on Crouching Tiger Hill last night had already broken out of Crouching Tiger Hill and fled eastward overnight.

We set off immediately, and when they arrive in Linzhou, we can catch up with them. "

Yang Qi frowned, shook his head and smiled.

A mass of mud that cannot support the wall.

Eight hours have passed since Ma Mian went up the mountain yesterday to report the news to Crouching Tiger Hill.

They actually waited until midnight before they dared to break through.

Two hours were wasted in vain.

Zhe Yuxun seemed to see what Yang Qi was thinking, he said loudly: "Refugees are always refugees, don't expect too much from them."

 Thanks to 'Yun' for rewarding 580 Bashu coins!Thank you for the reward of [-] book coins from 'Shao Sa You Yi Yi'! (I can’t type out the old-fashioned characters.) If there is a surprise, is there a surprise?Can I read books for free?Recommend a book "The Faint Lord of the Tang Dynasty"... Brothers who like Datang, you can go to harvest a bunch...

(End of this chapter)

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