Chapter 474 Prestige and Prestige Overwhelm Lao Tzu (Add more for Dameng Zhao Di!)
Aunt Xiang didn't realize the danger at all. In Fengzhou, the robbery plan was still being carried out.

The food of the revival army is gradually improving, but Yang Qi's food is still unpalatable.

So in his spare time, Yang Qi could only use his horse face to beat a bird or two for tooth sacrifice.

Good luck today.

Ma Mian caught several sparrows with a self-made small mechanism.

Yang Qi quickly removed the bird's head, feathers and internal organs, set up a flame, and started to grill.

As soon as the meat was roasted, Shang Qingzi entered the courtyard with a jar of wine.

The only person who can casually enter Yang Qi's courtyard is Shang Qingzi.

Aunt Xiang knew that her people couldn't stop Shang Qingzi, and also knew that Shang Qingzi would not help Yang Qi escape, so she let him go.

"The nose is very good. I just baked it, and you came here."

When seeing Shang Qingzi, Yang Qi had a warm smile on his face.

There was no other reason. When Rishang Qingzi met Yang Qi the day before yesterday, he secretly told Yang Qi that he had secretly selected two hundred cavalrymen with excellent riding and martial arts skills.

This is good news for Yang Qi.

This proved that Shang Qingzi's heart had already begun to lean towards him.

Shang Qingzi came to Yang Qi's side, grabbed a small wooden bench on the ground and sat down.

He was tall and tall, and he looked ridiculous when he sat on the small wooden stool the size of two palms.

After Shang Qingzi finished, he slapped the mud seal off the wine jar and took a sip of wine.

It can be seen that he is not in a good mood today.

Yang Qi casually handed two roasted sparrows to Shang Qingzi.

Shang Qingzi was also polite, picked up the sparrow, and stroked it with his mouth.

He swallowed two sparrows into his mouth.

The bones of the sparrow were chewed by him.

The corner of Yang Qi's mouth twitched, he handed the sparrow in his hand to Ma Mian, let Ma Mian grill, and he naturally lay down on the homemade soft chair.

Yang Qi snatched the wine jar from Shang Qingzi's hand, and took a sip carefully.

To Yang Qi's surprise, this jug of wine was actually spirits produced in Yang's winery.

Yang Qi returned the wine jar to Shang Qingzi, and asked, "I'm not in a good mood today, what's bothering me? Could it be that old lady who took away your right to lead the army, leaving you completely helpless?"

Shang Qingzi glared at Yang Qi, didn't say a word, and continued to drink with his head down.

Yang Qi could tell that Shang Qingzi was not very good at expressing his feelings.

It is impossible to force him to vent.

He can only say it when he wants to say it.

Shang Qingzi was silent for a long time.

The horse noodle meat was roasted, and I handed it to Yang Qisi, and I kept one for myself, and happily ate it.

Yang Qi gave one to Ma Mian, but was strongly rejected by Ma Mian.

Yang Qi handed one to Shang Qingzi, and Shang Qingzi didn't refuse, just picked it up and ate it.

It's still the way it was swallowed in one gulp.

"Today, one of my subordinates was injured, a serious injury. I'm afraid I won't be able to survive tonight..."

After Shang Qingzi chewed up the bird in his mouth, he said in a low voice.

Yang Qi was stunned when he heard this.

"He has a deep relationship with you?"

Shang Qingzi nodded, then shook his head again, "I don't know either. He was the first group of people with me. Later, with his own ability, he was promoted to my side and became a personal guard. Today he helped me block One knife."

Yang Qi frowned and said, "The battle is intense?"

Shang Qingzi said in a low voice: "The resistance I encountered recently was very tenacious. I guess it should be the garrison in Fengzhou City."

Yang Qi pondered and said: "The garrison in Fengzhou City has all been sent out... Are they confident, or are they out of their wits..."

Yang Qi lowered his head in thought, and asked casually, "What did the doctor accompanying the army say?"

"There is no doctor in the army..."

Yang Qi stood up suddenly, and said in amazement: "Impossible, didn't I help you catch a lot?"

Shang Qingzi lowered his head and sighed: "Aunt Xiang only cares about the money that was plundered, and doesn't care about the treatment of the wounded soldiers at all. That's why many doctors escaped when they were less defensive."

"What about the rest?"

"Killed by Aunt Xiang."


"Because some of them escaped and were implicated."

Yang Qi's eyes widened in disbelief.

What does a group of doctors mean to an army of 10 people?
Yang Qi didn't think that Aunt Xiang didn't know the reason for this.

The reason why she did this meant that she didn't want to be dragged down by the wounded.

She is always ready to run.

It seems that the lesson of Linzhou City is deeply engraved in Aunt Xiang's mind.

That's why she killed the doctor and let the wounded die to reduce drag.

"Very poisonous woman..."

Yang Qi sighed in a low voice.

After Yang Qi sighed, he said to Shang Qingzi, "Bring that soldier of yours over to me for a look. Remember to prepare a knife, spirits, medicine for sores, and clean gauze."

Shang Qingzi suddenly raised his head, stared at him, and hurriedly grabbed Yang Qi's arm with both hands, "Can you save him?"

Shang Qingzi's expression had already betrayed him, it was obvious that he had deep feelings for that soldier.

Yang Qi said solemnly: "A dead horse is a living horse doctor. I know some medical skills, so I can try it. Now, there is no other choice. You can't let him die, can you?"

Shang Qingzi nodded heavily.

He rushed out of Yang Qi's yard like a gust of wind.

While Shang Qingzi was carrying someone, Yang Qi was not idle either.

He asked Ma Mian to clear two tables, and then moved to an empty room in the courtyard.

The empty room has been cleaned by Yang Qi, and in order to prevent the dust from rising, Yang Qi also sprinkled water in the empty room.

after awhile.

Shang Qingzi led someone and called in from outside the door.

Obviously, the guards of bad people are unwilling to let people in.

Shang Qingzi led someone to call in.

When Yang Qi saw the wounded, Shang Qingzi was fighting bad people.

Yang Qi said, "Don't worry."

Then he ordered the people of the revival army to carry the wounded into the room.

The condition of the wounded was a bit complicated. His stomach was cut open with a knife, and after removing the random bandages on his wound, he could see the wriggling intestines in his stomach.

Yang Qi washed his hands with the strong wine brought by Shang Qingzi's men, and then, under their astonished eyes, began to clean the injured person's intestines.

The intestines of the injured were obviously covered with dust, which needed to be dealt with in time.

Ma Mian stood aside to help Yang Qi.

Yang Qi washed the intestines, cut the carrion that had started to ooze pus from the wound, and re-sutured the wound.

It took a full hour to complete one set.

After Shang Qingzi released the thirty bad people who were guarding outside Yang Qi's courtyard, he just entered the courtyard when he saw Yang Qi coming out of the door.

A few party members who had watched the operation approached Shang Qingzi and chatted a lot.

Shang Qingzi's heart was turned upside down, Yang Qi's method of healing people was indeed somewhat terrifying.

However, those who knew they were bound to die were handed over to Yang Qi for treatment.

Shang Qingzi couldn't question what method Yang Qi used.

Shang Qingzi approached Yang Qi and asked, "How is the situation, can you live?"

Yang Qi washed his hands in the basin outside the door. After washing, he straightened up and said, "If you survive tonight, you will live. If you cannot survive, you will have to wait for death."

Shang Qingzi nodded, he sent his subordinates back first, and stayed in Yang Qi's small courtyard, waiting for news.

Shang Qingzi guarded the outside and didn't use it to go in.

Yang Qi went in several times to check the condition of the injured.

in the early morning.

The wounded man had a fever, Yang Qi stood by his side immediately, trying to help him cool down.

The next day, early morning.

When the first ray of sunlight shines into the room.

Yang Qi quickly breathed out the wounded man.

The injured were found sleeping.

Yang Qi smiled at Shang Qingzi, "Alive."

Hearing this, Shang Qingzi had a bright smile on his face.

He stood up, staggering a little.

After watching all night last night, his legs and feet did not move, and he seemed a little inflexible.

"I put him here first. I will bring some delicious food and drink to see him later."

Yang Qi nodded dumbfounded.

By the way, he asked Shang Qingzi to help him find some herbs to help the injured recover.

Shang Qingzi also readily agreed.

From that day on, Shang Qingzi began to send the wounded to Yang Qi's side.

three days.

The wounded around Yang Qi increased to 20 people.

In fact, Shang Qingzi sent more.

It's just that Yang Qi's medical skills are limited, and only 20 people were rescued.

In order to make it easier for Yang Qi to move with these people, Shang Qingzi disregarded Aunt Xiang's objection and assigned more than 50 prisoners to Yang Qi.

At the same time, Shang Qingzi will also send a large amount of food of various colors every day.

Yang Qi's food has also improved.

In this way, Yang Qi became the only doctor in the revival army.

The wounded team under his command is also growing rapidly.

It's just that as the wounded continued to increase, Yang Qi's frown became deeper.


Just when Yang Qi's wounded team expanded to 40 people.

Li Jiqian's soldiers and horses rushed to the border of Linzhou, and at the same time, [-] cavalry from wild beggars also entered Fengzhou.

The border of Linzhou.

Li Jiqian's soldiers and horses rushed to the front of the first city at the junction of Linzhou and Dangxiang.

Zhe Yuxun led the Zhe family army and stood ready.

Li Jiqian's soldiers approached the city, his youngest son Li Deming said in a deep voice: "Father, the soldiers and horses on the top of the city are so tightly guarded and organized, they don't look like that bitch's rebel army..."

Li Jiqian's old face was full of hatred, he gritted his teeth and growled, "Of course it's not that bitch's rebel..."

"Father Marshal recognized which soldier and horse it was?"

Li Jiqian said harshly: "I have dealt with them for half my life, how can I not recognize this family army?"

Li Deming turned pale with shock, "Why is the Zhejia army in Linzhou?"

Li Jiqian scolded angrily: "Damn Zhe Yuxun, I fell into your trap. The front foot sent people to take over the five counties of Yinzhou, and the back foot occupied Linzhou."

Li Deming asked: "What shall we do?"

"How to do?"

Li Jiqian roared: "Of course I asked clearly. Although the Zhejia army can fight, I am not a vegetarian as the leader of the party. I have been in the northwest for many years, and I have never suffered from this kind of dumbness."

Li Jiqian ordered the army to camp outside the city.

He took his own soldiers carrying his eagle flag to a place a thousand meters outside the city.

Seeing that there was no soldier with a flag indicating his identity on the top of the city, Li Jiqian shouted loudly: "Zhe Yuxun, come out and see. Don't hide your head and show your tail to let the old man look down on you."

On the top of the city, Zhe Yuxun laughed cheerfully and said, "Li Jiqian, you are worthy of being the leader of the party, and you dare to go to the city alone to question me."

Beside Zhe Yuxun, Zhe Weichang whispered: "Father, he came here alone, isn't he afraid that we will shoot him?"

Zhe Yuxun glanced at his son, and said coldly: "He is a thousand meters away, and he can only be shot with the siege crossbow in the army. Moreover, there are only two of them, and the target is so small, even if the attack on the top of the city is shot Even if all the city crossbows are aimed at him, it may not be able to hurt him at all.

Since you can't do one-hit kills, why bother to do such thankless things? "

Hearing Zhe Yuxun's slightly reprimanding voice, Zhe Weichang lowered his head in shame.

Under the city, Li Jiqian stared at the figure of Zhe Yuxun on the top of the city, and questioned: "Zhe Yuxun, let me ask you, you took over the five counties of Yinzhou on the front foot, and occupied Linzhou on the back foot. Such a blatant violation of the covenant, you Zhe Yuxun What face do we have to establish ourselves in the Northwest in the future?"

"Hahaha... You are wrong to blame Zhemou."

Zhe Yuxun laughed loudly, and said: "It is useless for Zhe to occupy Linzhou. The reason why Zhe is in Linzhou is because someone spent a lot of money. Please protect Linzhou for two years."


Li Jiqian burst out drinking.

Zhe Yuxun shook his head and smiled: "Zhemou is useless to talk nonsense. With Linzhou's ability to guard Li Yuantao, it is not easy for Zhemou to invade Linzhou. And Zhemou's embarrassing situation in Song Dynasty, How could it be possible to invade Linzhou?
The group of people who captured Linzhou before spent a lot of money and got a big favor, please give a certain protection to Linzhou.

Zhemou only has a small prefecture, unlike you, Li Dagong, who own eighteen prefectures.

Zhemou has a large number of people who want to support them, and because of their sincerity, he agreed to this matter. "

Li Jiqian laughed angrily: "Hehe, is that so? How much that bitch paid you, the old man paid double. Please get out of Linzhou."

Zhe Yuxun raised a finger and said with a light smile: "Not much, not much, just ten million taels. If you are willing to pay twenty million taels, then Zhe will definitely offer Linzhou with both hands."


Immediately, Li Jiqian almost choked back his blood.

Twenty million taels?

What a joke, even if Li Jiqian and his territory were packaged and sold together, it would not be worth so much money.

Li Jiqian was furious immediately, and shouted: "Your surname is Zhe, you are deceiving people too much. If I don't teach you a lesson, my surname will not be Li."

Zhe Yuxun smiled lightly and said: "Your surname is not Li, your father's surname is Tuoba. You and I should not use our tongues, this Linzhou, my Zhe family was invited by someone, and I will guarantee it. If you are willing to let it go Leave, we live in peace. If you are unwilling, you are the only one to fight."

From the beginning to the end, Zhe Yuxun never thought that he could win Linzhou without any effort.

Li Jiqian is not a weak person who is bullied.How could he let people take advantage of him for no reason?

Only one battle can establish the dominance of Zhejia in Linzhou.

There is no way to avoid this.

 The computer suddenly went black, so it's late, sorry ha!
(End of this chapter)

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