Monument Yangmen

Chapter 479 Saving the Revival Army

Chapter 479 Saving the Revival Army

Down the mountain.

The footsteps were getting closer.

The figure hidden in the darkness gradually appeared in the eyes of Aunt Xiang and the bad guys around her.


Aunt Xiang gasped subconsciously, her pupils suddenly dilated.

Looking around, there was darkness all around, all of them were people.

The figure and the night became one, as if there was no end in sight, giving people a heavy sense of depression.

At this moment, Aunt Xiang seemed to be in the only crumbling light in the endless night.

It seems that there is a possibility of being swallowed by the night at any time.


Aunt Xiang didn't know when, she had already started to feel fear, she subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The last time she felt fear was when Zhao Guangyi led the Great Song Imperial Army to break through Jinling City.

Around Aunt Xiang, bad people formed a circle subconsciously, guarding Aunt Xiang in the middle.

Aunt Xiang suppressed the fear in her heart, and reprimanded loudly: "What are you all doing, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, what do you want to do together?"

The soldiers of the Revival Army all stared at her coldly, and none of them answered her question.

Aunt Xiang's heart dropped to freezing point, she shouted hoarsely: "Shang Qingzi, even you want to kill me?"

She tried to use this aggressive method to force Shang Qingzi to come out to see her, hoping that Shang Qingzi would protect her.

However, Shang Qingzi's figure did not appear in the crowd.

The soldiers of the Revival Army approached step by step.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense.

Aunt Xiang's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"You guys, are you really going to rebel?"

Aunt Xiang stared at the soldiers of the revival army in horror and roared.


A sharp long sword suddenly pierced Aunt Xiang's body.

Aunt Xiang was shocked, turned around suddenly, and looked at the person behind her who stabbed her with a sword.

When she saw the man's face, Aunt Xiang couldn't believe it.

"It's you?! Why?"

Aunt Xiang trembled all over.


Under the horrified eyes of everyone around her, the villain Dianshuai drew out his long sword and said calmly, "Because I don't want to die with you."

After saying this, she leaned forward, leaned into Aunt Xiang's ear, and whispered: "Nantang is dead, and you are still dreaming of restoring the country. You are already crazy, and I don't want to be controlled by a lunatic again. "

Aunt Xiang tremblingly pointed at the villain, Commander-in-Chief, and ordered sternly, "Kill her."

Some bad people began to hesitate.

But those who were loyal to Aunt Xiang killed the bad guy Dian Shuai without saying a word.

The villain Dianshuai yelled, "Xiang Laogui is dead, no one can control us anymore. Kill them and we will live, otherwise we will all have to go to the funeral with them."

Those wavering people immediately and firmly followed the villain Dianshuai to deal with the villain who was loyal to Aunt Xiang.

What was the result of the fight between the two sides.

Aunt Xiang couldn't see it anymore, her life was passing by quickly.

When her life came to the last moment, she looked up to the sky and screamed.

"Yang Yansi, take good care of the princess, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost..."


The next day.

early morning.

The weather was a little cold, and it began to drizzle.

Yang Qi was woken up from the bed by Ma Mian.

After putting on his clothes and being served by the horse face, Yang Qi went out of the tent after a brief wash.

Outside Yang Qi's tent, a large number of people gathered.

Basically, they are officers at all levels of the revival army.

At the same time, there was another woman, holding a human head, kneeling in front of Yang Qi's tent.

"The villain is handsome?"

Yang Qi was a little surprised to see this woman, he didn't seem to see Aunt Xiang's head in the woman's hand, but paid more attention to the woman herself.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Bad Man kowtowed and said, "According to your order, Aunt Xiang's head is here. All the bad people are dead except me."

Yang Qi squatted down, took Aunt Xiang's head from the hand of the villain Dianshuai, looked at it carefully, and then threw it to Ma Mian.

"Take it down and bury it. I am not in the habit of spoiling corpses."

After dealing with Aunt Xiang's head, Yang Qi looked at the villain again, and asked, "Are you awake?"

The villain Dianshuai solemnly said: "You must promise not to kill me first, then I can tell you the location of Princess Awakened."

Yang Qi narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "You don't have the right to bargain with me. The left and right are just hidden in hidden places nearby. As long as you look hard, you will definitely find it."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Bad Man hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "It's in a cave five miles southwest of here. The property seized by Aunt Xiang is also stored there."

Yang Qi immediately recruited people from the Zhejia Army from the army, and dispatched 1000 people to find Chuxing, and at the same time to escort the money that Aunt Xiang had robbed.

However, he didn't let people take Chuxing to wake up, but let the Zhejia army escort the belongings, take Chuxing, and go straight to Daizhou.

Right now, both Linzhou and Fengzhou are fighting, and Daizhou is the safest place.

After arranging people from the Zhejia Army to send Chuxing off, Yang Qi immediately called all the generals and schools in the army to discuss major issues together.

More than 200 military officers at all levels came to Yang Qi's tent to listen to orders.

Shang Qingzi arrived late.

His face was gloomy and he was silent.

Yang Qi knew that he hadn't recovered from what happened last night, so he didn't bother him.

After gathering all the officers.

Yang Qi clasped his fists, cupped his hands at them, and said, "From today onwards, I am the supreme commander of the revival army. All your actions must be under my command."

The guy from DANG Xiang was straightforward, and immediately shouted: "As long as you can keep our brothers alive, we will obey you."

The rest of the people nodded in agreement.

Yang Qi nodded and said: "That's good. Let's analyze the situation first. Now the [-] wild beggars are chasing after us. It's like a tail that can't be shaken off.

I see what they mean, that is, we must be killed.

Recklessly, we can't beat them.

But escape, where can escape to?
Going west all the way, you will enter Linzhou, and you will bump into the Zhejia Army.

The Zhejia army is so powerful that I don't need much, everyone knows it.

Certainly not westward.

To the south, to the south is Daizhou.

Daizhou is a territory of Song Dynasty. Once we enter Daizhou, it will definitely attract the attention of the Song Dynasty court.

Song Dynasty stationed hundreds of thousands of troops in the northwest. Once we enter Daizhou, we will definitely be strangled by the Song Dynasty army.

So going south is also not advisable.

Going north, fleeing into the party, is not enough.

Ever since you raided Dangxiang's ancestral land, Li Jiqian wanted to tear you apart.

Once we enter Dangxiang territory, Li Jiqian will definitely lead an army to encircle and suppress us. "

There was a small lieutenant of the revival army, his face was ashen and he whispered: "Could it be that we only have a dead end?"

Everyone subconsciously looked at Yang Qi.

You promised to help everyone survive.

Yang Qi crossed his arms and said with a smile: "That's not necessarily the case. Our way of life is still here in Fengzhou. Since we can't defeat the cavalry of the wild beggar tribe head-on, then we will find a way to reduce the number of wild beggar tribe's cavalry. Get to the same level as us. Then crush them in one fell swoop."

The men of the party, even if they become generals, they only have one nerve in their minds.

There are very few people who understand the art of war.

After hearing Yang Qi's suggestion, they scratched their heads and asked, "How?"

Yang Qi had no choice but to patiently explain to them: "First of all, that is to abandon the horse..."

"That can't be done, how can we live without war horses?"

"War horses are our life. Without war horses, how could we outrun the wild beggars?"


Before Yang Qi finished speaking, it was as if a powder keg had been ignited.

The soldiers of the Revival Army were chattering everywhere.

Only the generals of the Zhejia Army did not speak from the beginning to the end.

In fact, the soldiers of the revival army objected, and Yang Qi could understand it.

The soldiers of the revival army are basically party members.

Party members are born to rely on war horses.

War horses are equivalent to a second life for them.

Under normal circumstances, they are unwilling to give up their war horses.

"Calm down, listen to me."

Yang Qi loudly stopped the noise of the soldiers of the revival army.

"Don't quarrel, listen to me and finish my plan, and then you can decide whether to give up the war horse."

The soldiers of the Revival Army stopped their quarrel, and all of them were waiting for Yang Qi's explanation.

Yang Qi said solemnly: "First of all, we must first analyze our opponent. Our opponent is the cavalry of the wild beggar tribe. You are also party members, so you should understand the characteristics of the cavalry.

Cavalry has an absolute advantage when fighting on the plains.

However, cavalry has a weakness, that is, it is difficult to give full play to their advantages in mountains and jungles.

So, I thought of a way to reduce the advantage of the enemy's cavalry.

I am going to move the battlefield from the original plains to mountains and jungles.

I asked you to give up your war horses just to get rid of this burden and make it easier for you to walk in the mountains and forests.

At the same time, the way we fight will also change.

It will change from the original frontal combat to surprise and surprise attacks.

As much as possible, while preserving ourselves, we will surprise the enemy and cause damage to the enemy.

thereby dragging down the enemy. "

Yang Qi's reasoning was very thorough, and most of the soldiers of the revival army understood it.

They stopped arguing, but quietly waited for the next step.

Yang Qi nodded in satisfaction, and said: "After abandoning the horses, the 300 revival army will be dispersed. Every [-] people will cover the border between Fengzhou and Daizhou, as well as Fengzhou and Dangxiang. The border quickly moved towards Fengzhou City.

In this process, everyone fights on their own without interfering with each other.I allow you to use any means such as raids, harassment, and annihilation to cause harm and destruction to the enemy.

We want to wear down the enemy through this kind of continuous sneak attack and harassment, and eliminate the enemy in batches.

Finally, drag the enemy to stand on a horizontal line with us.

Then, we crush the enemy in one fell swoop. "

"This...can it work? So many of us can't defeat the cavalry of the wild beggar tribe. After we separate, aren't we going to die?"

Yang Qi's tactic and strategy was a strange tactic that had never been heard of by the generals of the revival army.

After Yang Qi revealed his strategy and tactics, everyone in the Renaissance Army expressed deep doubts.

"I understand what the general means."

A general of the Zhejia army reacted quickly and had roots of wisdom.

After he deduced Yang Qi's tactics in his mind, he was overjoyed and said: "The general's tactics are very powerful. The general's meaning is to let us use the jungle and mountains as the battlefield after we abandon the horses.

The soldiers of the wild beggar tribe are all cavalry.As long as we hide in the mountains after raiding or harassing them, they won't be able to target us.

They want to find us in the mountains and forests, which is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. "

Yang Qi nodded in admiration, and said: "As long as you fight based on the mountains and jungles, you will basically be invincible. They have many people and big targets. It is easy to find them. But your target is small. , there are few people, and they hide in the mountains and forests, but it is very difficult for them to find you.

Not to mention anything else, they want to rest quietly at night, and they still need to look at your faces.

You can sneak attack them at twelve hours a day.

But they can only chase you for six hours every day.

You attack them day and night, and it is impossible for them to rest.

And if you want to rest, you don't have to be afraid of being disturbed by them.

If things go on like this, it will be clear at a glance who is stronger and who is weaker. "

Win with more than less, and firmly grasp the initiative in war.

This is the generals of the revival army, after racking their brains, they understood Yang Qi's strategic intentions.

As for the tactic Yang Qi described to attack the cavalry of the wild beggar tribe twelve hours a day, but the cavalry of the wild beggar tribe had nothing to do with them.

The generals of the revival army got a great sense of recognition in their hearts.

Your uncle has been chasing me like a wild dog for several days, and it's time for me to torment you.

Almost all the soldiers of the revival army agreed with Yang Qi's proposal.

Yang Qi immediately began to assign those people to each team.

In fact, there are not many complicated things.

The main reason is that the heads of the party men are relatively straight, and if they are all mixed together, they are easy to kill themselves.

Therefore, Yang Qi needs to rationally deploy the soldiers of the Zhejia Army and the soldiers of the Revival Army.

With the ratio of 300 family troops and [-] renaissance troops, a hundred teams of [-] people were quickly formed.

The leadership configuration in the team is basically a big captain and a supervising army.

The captain is a senior general of the revival army, and the supervising army is a general of the Zhejia army.

On the surface, the generals of the revival army are highly praised. In fact, secretly, the generals of the Zhejia army are basically taking care of things.

After the number of people was allocated, Yang Qi gave each of them a ten-day ration.

Then, after all the personnel and materials are allocated.

When Yang Qi was seeing him off, he secretly gave a word to the captains and supervisors of each team.

3 million people.

With Yang Qi's words, in Fengzhou territory, it was broken into pieces and completely dispersed.

When the 3 horses left.

There were only [-] horses and [-] revival soldiers left in the camp.

 Thanks to 'Sea Starry Night, Blue Zhou Ying and Zhou Ying' for the reward of [-] book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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