Monument Yangmen

Chapter 515 Yang Qi wants to die?

Chapter 515 Yang Qi wants to die?

The soldiers on the top of the city cried together all at once, and the wailing could be heard several miles away.

They are using their cries to vent their depression, powerlessness, fear and sadness.

Outside the Fuxing Pass.

In the big tent of the Liao army, Brother Yeluxiu also heard the cry from Fuxing Pass.

But his heart was as hard as iron stone.

"Kill your heart...Yang Yansi, if you kill this king, this king will kill your heart."

Brother Yeluxiu sneered, and ordered Xiao Tianyou, who was already half healed from his injuries, to take orders in the tent, "Go prepare another 10 people, and put them in when the people in front of Fuxing Pass are almost dead."

Brother Yeluxiu is also ruthless, he is a man of his word.

He has successively transferred nearly 100 million Han people from the Liao region from the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun.

His crazy behavior can be said to be unprecedented.

After Xiao Tianyou received Brother Yeluxiu's order, he immediately went to prepare for the Han people in Liaodi.

To be honest, he actually didn't agree with Brother Yeluxiu's doing this.

Nowadays, in the southwestern coast of Liao, there are merchant ships from the Southern Kingdom, which specialize in collecting this kind of Han people from Liao.

This deal has been around for over a year.

The price of Han people in the Liao region is also gradually rising.

Xiao Tianyou felt that selling these Han people in the Liao region to the merchants in the southern country would definitely make them a lot of money.

However, he was just thinking about it.

Brother Yeluxiu is the great king of Nanyuan of the Liao Kingdom, and also the royal family of the Liao Kingdom.

His orders are sometimes more effective than the emperor's orders in the territory of Liao.


Fuxing closed.

Ten days have passed.

Of the 1 Liao Han people, there are still more than [-] people alive.

How these people survived, the soldiers on the top of the city knew very well.

Yang Qi stood on the top of the wall, staring at the pair of green eyes under the top of the wall, and said in a deep voice: "The archer is ready, kill me."

Killing these people, the soldiers on the top of the city will not have any psychological burden.

Because in their eyes, these people under the city are no longer human beings.

Under the cover of the majestic arrow rain.

Those people in the city were killed one by one.

It only took two sticks of incense to kill those people in the city.

The Liao people didn't seem to see it.

After they saw that these people were dead, they left the battlefield quietly.

After three hours.

Another hundred thousand people were driven to Fuxing Pass.

After seeing the tragic situation in Fuxing Pass, this group of people tried to escape in panic.

But he was driven back by the Liao army.

The people looked flustered.

They were afraid of the Liao army behind them, and they were also afraid of the soldiers on the top of the city.

However, they are obviously different from the previous group of people.

The leader was an old man. He led the clansmen behind him, and walked to the side of the people who were massacred by the soldiers on the top of the city with a livid face.

The old man carefully inspected the dead people, and then said loudly to the other clansmen: "Everyone, don't be afraid, the Han army is on the top of the city, and they will never kill innocent people indiscriminately.

These dead people are all people who deserve to die. "

Someone asked in horror: "Clan elder, how can you be sure that they deserve to die?"

The old man's face darkened, and he said in a low voice, "Because they eat people."

The old man left this sentence, and didn't care about other people's reactions. He took a step, walked to the bottom of the city wall, and clapped his hands and shouted: "Which general is guarding the city, do you dare to come out and see?"

Yang Qi has been paying attention to this group of Liao Han people from the beginning to the end.

He could feel the difference in this branch of Liao Han people.

After hearing the old man's shout, Yang Qi took a step forward and said loudly: "I am Yang Yansi, the guard of Fuxing Pass."

The old man was obviously stunned when he heard Yang Qi's name, then he cupped his hands and said, "But Tanhualang in the fifth year of Taiping Xingguo, Yang Yansi?"

Yang Qi nodded and said, "Exactly."

The old man clasped his hands again, and said: "The little old man has seen Tanhualang, and the little old man has a doubt, can Tanhualang help the little old man?"


The old man asked in a deep voice, "How did these people outside the city die?"

Yang Qi said in a slightly low voice: "The Liao thieves drove them away and wanted to break through the Fuxing Pass, but the general refused to open it. Eighty percent of the people in this city died of starvation, and one percent were eaten. The rest [-]%...was ordered to be killed by this general."

The old man solemnly said: "The general killed those man-eating demons?"

Yang Qi nodded and said, "Not bad."

The old man cupped his hands, laughed bitterly, and said, "Young old man understands. The Liao bandits wanted to break through, so they came up with such a poisonous plan. They forced the general to switch the switch. The general cared about the people behind him and refused to switch it on.

Come to think of it, the previous batch of people is the first batch, our group is the second batch, and there may be a third or fourth batch in the future...

As for the general's duty, the little old man dare not judge rashly.

The little old man just wants to ask the general, in the eyes of the general, who are we people? "

Yang Qi said solemnly: "They are all men from my Han family."

"Okay! What a Han man."

The old man laughed loudly, "In my lifetime, if I can be called a man of the Han family, the little old man will die with peace in his eyes."

The old man bowed to Yang Qi and said, "After the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun are recovered in the future, the general will also ask the general to carve the words "Man of the Han family" on the tombstone of the little old man."

Yang Qi returned the salute and said, "I will definitely not disgrace what the old man entrusted me with."

The old man said loudly: "The name of the little old man is Liu Hong, he is the descendant of Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty. In the past, he lived under the knees of the Liao bandits, but now he is in death, so naturally he cannot disgrace the name of the man of the Han family.

The little old man has a son named Liu Kaipin, who returned to the Central Plains with the Song Dynasty caravan.

If the general is destined to see him in the future, please let him know.

My son from the Liu family was born a Han soul and died a Han ghost. "

The old man Liu Hong cupped his hands again, turned around, and shouted to his clansman, "Do it!"

almost at the same time.

The old man Liu Hong's people suddenly became violent and captured the Liao soldiers who were hiding among their people.

Between life and death.

Old man Liu Hong's people killed or injured more than a dozen people before they wiped out the six Liao soldiers hiding among them.

In an instant, the old man Liu Hong's tribe gathered together.

Those Liao soldiers who were lurking among other common people were kept out of the encirclement by them.

Surrounded by people, the old man Liu Hong shouted loudly: "My sons and daughters, we are now in a state of death, and we are all dead anyway. We cannot be cowards, nor can we be that man-eating beast.

Fighting against the Liao bandits, even if you die, you will be worthy of your ancestors when you go underground. "

The Han people in the Liao region were obviously moved.

Yang Qi immediately ordered someone to prepare a large bundle of swords and threw them down on the wall.

The old man Liu Hong and his clan members had the ambition to die, so he could see it.

The only thing Yang Qi can do is to give them swords and let them pull one or two backs before they die, and they will not die unjustly.

The soldiers on the top of the city have long been weeping.

The old man Yang Hong picked out a horizontal knife, swung it around, grinned at the soldiers on the top of the wall and said with a smile: "Baby, don't cry. We Han men don't cry. Guard the city well, When he set foot on the capital in the future, remember to use the Liao emperor's hat to hold wine to pay homage to the little old man.

At that time, even if the little old man was lying on the ground, he would wake up laughing. "

After the old man Yang Hong finished speaking, he picked up the horizontal knife, led his tribe, and those Liao Han people who were willing to follow him, and rushed towards the Liao army bravely.

They add up to only a few thousand people.

More people are watching like walking dead.

Thousands of people, facing the tyrannical Liao army, are basically hitting a stone with an egg.

Hitting a stone with an egg always looks cruel and tragic.

The old man Yang Hong led these thousands of people to charge against nearly [-] elite soldiers of the Liao army.

There is no way to survive.

The [-] Liao army only mobilized part of it, and together they strangled thousands of people led by the old man Yang Hong.

The whole fight lasted for a stick of incense, and after a stick of incense, corpses were left all over the place.

It seems that the people led by the old man Yang Hong angered the Liao army.

The army of the Liao army pushed forward for a mile, only four miles away from Fuxing Pass.

The remaining 9 Liao Han people were compressed to survive within four miles.

The [-] Liao Han people outside the city are just like the previous batch of Liao Han people.

Ten days later, nearly [-] people survived.

There is no other reason, there are enough corpses for them to eat.

The soldiers of Fuxing Pass once again walked around the Infernal Hell.

When Yang Qi gave the order to shoot and kill, the soldiers carried out the order like walking corpses.

Watching the Liaodi Han people outside the city fall down like cutting wheat, Yang Qi's heart was cut like a knife.

Yang Hong walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said tremblingly, "Brother Yeluxiu is trying to make people kill people. I want you to kill these Han people in the Liao region and kill your own heart."

Yang Qi's eyes were red, and he roared: "He is provoking me, he is releasing a demon god. He has no idea how terrifying this demon god will be when released."

Yang Hong said in horror: "Child, control your anger, this is a sign that you are about to go crazy."

Yang Qi said ferociously: "That's why he forced me."

Yang Qi turned his head and roared at Wang Xing beside him, "Tell Peng Pai to come see me."

Wang Xing could feel the man-eating coldness in Yang Qi's tone, he shivered and quickly went to Peng Pai.

Peng Pai will be raised for 20 days, and the injuries on his body have recovered well.

After he reached the city wall, he knelt down in front of Yang Qi on one knee, and said, "Subordinate Peng Pai, see the young master."

Yang Qi said coldly: "Take my handwriting and go to Zhejia and ask Zhejia to mobilize [-] Zhejia troops. After going to Zhejia, go to Dangxiang, find wild beggars and ask him to send [-] troops to me. After all, I will help him deal with Li Jiqian. Then send people to Daizhou and mobilize [-] Datong troops to help.

Then send people to Bianjing and tell Cao Bin to let the Cao family's army in the northwest gather here.If he doesn't want to, then if something happens to the Cao family in the future, they don't have to look for me. "

Yang Qiyue said that his eyes became colder, and he said in a deep voice: "Go to the Southern Kingdom, pass on my edict, you can take Yang Yanding, Yang Yanguang, Yang Yanzhao, Huyan Chijin, Dong Yue'e, and lead 20 troops from the Southern Kingdom, and go north to Dengzhou."


Yang Qi smashed through the table in front of him with one fist, and growled decisively: "I'm going to swallow Brother Yeluxiu alive at Fuxing Pass."

Peng Pai raised his head, stared at Yang Qi in shock, and shouted, "Master?"

He was a little suspicious that he had misheard Yang Qi's order.

Because according to Yang Qi's original plan, Nanguo sent 20 troops north to Dengzhou, which was four and a half years later.

Once the troops from the Southern Kingdom appear in Dengzhou, it means that Yang Qi's identity will be exposed at any time.

Then it will inevitably be severely cracked down by Da Song.

At that time, the southern country will definitely be caught in the flames of war.

Although Nanguo is developing rapidly under Yang Qi's vigorous reforms, Nanguo has a small population and a weak family after all.

Going to war with the Liao Kingdom all of a sudden, and angering the Song Dynasty all of a sudden, it was easy to be wiped out.

Yang Hong was completely shocked and speechless.

Yang Qi's short few words have exposed too many things.

The alliance between Yang Qi and the Zhe family is well known, so Yang Hong is not surprised.

To Yang Hong's surprise, Yang Qi seemed to have formed an alliance not only with the Zhe family, but also with the Yeqi tribe, the second largest tribe in the party.

What shocked Yang Hong was the newly rising Southern Kingdom.

It seems that it has been deeply imprinted with the Yang family.

He clearly heard that what Yang Qi gave Nan Guo was not an order, but an edict.

Who can issue edicts to a country?

There is only one king.

At the same time, almost all the generals whose names were mentioned by Yang Qi in the Southern Kingdom were from the Yang family.

This is enough to say it all.

Yang Qi, whose anger had already spouted from Tianling Gai, didn't care how shocked Yang Hong was.

Seeing Peng Pai looking at him in shock, he cursed, "Hurry up, don't tell me you didn't listen to my order?"

Peng Pai gritted his teeth, got up and was about to carry out Yang Qi's order.

At this moment, Yang Hong finally woke up.

Yang Hong stopped in front of Peng Pai and shouted: "Don't move."

Stopping Peng Pai, Yang Hong yelled at Yang Qi: "Qilang, you can't be impulsive, and you can't fight Yeluxiu to death. If you really want to do that, you will fall into Yeluxiu's tricks."

Yang Hong is also a well-informed person.

Although he was shocked by Yang Qi's words, he knew better about the complex relationship of the situation before Fuxing Pass.

Once Yang Qi chooses to fight the Liao Kingdom, it is very likely that the Yang family will perish.

And the Liao Kingdom will also be hurt.

However, in comparison, the Yang family paid a higher price.

Yang Qi was blocked by Yang Hong, and he shouted angrily: "Are you going to let Brother Yeluxiu go on like this? He wants to kill 100 million people in front of Fuxing Pass. The 100 million people are all the people of my Han family.

Do you want me to watch people eat people for a hundred days? "

Yang Hong exhorted bitterly: "Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, Shang Qingzi has already led people to sneak attack on the important city of Liao Kingdom. As long as Shang Qingzi can succeed, Brother Yeluxiu will have no way to kill him. At that time, he will Definitely retreat, we can't fight him to the death!"

Pointing at his chest, Yang Qi shouted: "But the anger in my heart is really hard to get rid of. If I continue watching, I will go crazy."

While comforting Yang Qi, Yang Hong waved his hand to let Peng Pai back out.

Peng Pai tactfully exited the city gate building.

Yang Hong stopped Yang Qi and sat on the chair.

 Thanks to 'Wen Fengyue' for the reward of [-] book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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