Monument Yangmen

Chapter 521 The Jealous Kou Zhun

Chapter 521 Kou Zhun who is jealous

A good way is a good way, but there is an obstacle standing in front of Yang Qi.

That is to this day, Daizhou is still the territory of Song Dynasty.

Once Yang Qi transfers Daizhou to Shengzhou and Fengzhou, he will be suspected of rebellion.

Therefore, when the imperial court did not recognize the absolute rule of the Yang family over Daizhou.

Yang Qi really couldn't easily build a mansion in Daizhou.

"Let's put this matter aside for now. Whether we can build a mansion in Daizhou or not depends on the court's opinion. We can't make decisions without authorization. Let's talk about another thing..."

There is no rush to build a mansion in Daizhou, and it needs to be done slowly.

Kou Zhun is also a smart person. When Yang Qi said this, he understood what Yang Qi meant.

Kou Zhun started to talk about another matter, and he said with an ugly face: "I heard that you have reduced taxes again, and once the tax is reduced, it will be ten years?"

Yang Qi looked at Kou Zhun solemnly, and said: "In order to protect the people of Shengzhou and Fengzhou, some of them have no hands and some have no feet. Do you think it is too much for me to reduce their taxes for ten years?"

Kou Zhun nodded, and said: "Excessive is not excessive, but have you ever thought that Fengzhou and Shengzhou have been destroyed after repeated wars. To restore the people's livelihood in these two states, the money invested How many, do you know?
If you don't collect taxes, what do you use to feed so many people? "

Yang Qi pondered and said: "Before I was in Linzhou, Fengzhou, and Shengzhou, I seized a lot of money, which can be used to help the people. Take it from the people and use it for the people. It is impossible for me to spend all the money Put it all in your pocket."


Kou Zhun gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "Do you know that because of the wars in Fengzhou, Linzhou, and Shengzhou, the price of grain in the northwest has skyrocketed? Those profiteers know that we have money but no grain , so keep raising the price of food.

No matter how much money we have in our hands, it is not enough for them to search.

You were in a war before, and the lower officials didn't dare to distract you, so they took the initiative and killed many cattle and sheep to feed the people.

Now, the people in Fengzhou and Shengzhou have been eating meat for three consecutive months.

Moreover, the cattle and sheep in Fengzhou and Shengzhou were basically killed by us.

Grain is now in the northwest, and it is more precious than beef and mutton. "

After saying this, Kou Zhun gritted his teeth and said again: "The most annoying thing is that there are some profiteers who would rather turn the grain into strong wine than give the grain to the common people.

In order to resist such profiteers, the lower officials have already quit drinking, but now they drink vinegar instead. "

In order to prove that his words were credible, Kou Zhun deliberately opened the wine gourd on his waist, and took a deep breath.

Yang Qi could smell a strong smell of vinegar from a long distance away.

Seeing Kou Zhun looking at him with resentment, Yang Qi knew who the profiteer Kou Zhun was talking about was.

In the entire Northwest, Cao Lin is probably the only one who will continue to make wine when this kind of food is more expensive than beef and mutton.

Because compared to the price of beef and mutton, the spirits produced by the Yang family are more expensive.

Yang Qi couldn't laugh or cry and said: "You are a big man, so don't come here and compete with a woman. Later, I will get a letter from Cao Lin and ask her to temporarily suspend the wine making business and bring the grain to you."

Kou Zhun muttered, "That's not enough..."

Yang Qi waved his hands confidently and said: "You will go to appease the people as soon as possible, help them divide the land, and let them resume production as soon as possible. You don't have to worry about the food problem. I have my own way."

Brigadier General Kou asked suspiciously: "How long will it take..."

Yang Qi pondered and said: "Within one month, we guarantee to transport enough food for you in Fengzhou and Shengzhou to feed the people of Shengzhou for a year."

Kou Zhun stood up, stretched out his hand, and said, "That's what you said, don't blame the officials for not being able to produce food by then."

Yang Qi couldn't laugh or cry and high-fived Kou Zhun to make an oath.

It has to be said that when he was young, Kou Zhun was far less calm than described in the history books.

More like a cynical urchin.

If it weren't for his heart of caring about the people all the time, Yang Qi would really suspect that Kou Zhun in front of him is a counterfeit.

For the sake of the common people, he would not hesitate to be jealous, and would not hesitate to mess with his superiors.

It really lives up to its reputation through the ages.

Kou Zhun was sent away.

Yang Qi attracted Peng Pai.

He instructed Peng Pai: "You quickly write to Nanguo, asking them to transport a batch of grain to Song Dynasty, and then through their relationship with merchants, gather some grain and send it here.

As for the money to buy grain, I will send all the money to the Nanguo Money Bank in Daizhou. "

Peng Pai froze for a moment, then said in astonishment: "Young master, Nanguo is your foundation, you still need to pay for the food from Nanguo?"

Yang Qi grinned and said, "National affairs are different from family affairs. Although the southern country can produce food three times a year with its unique geographical advantages, I can't just take food from the people for no reason. It is even more impossible to consume it recklessly. The inventory of the treasury of the Southland.

One goes up and down, and the same goes up and down.Blindly asking for it is not a good thing.This kind of rule cannot be formed in the southern country.

Therefore, the money that should be given still has to be given.

Besides, we don't lack the money to buy food. "

Peng Pai lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then grinned and said, "The subordinates feel that these are only part of it. The real reason is that you don't want to see Su Yijian, the Prime Minister of the Southern Kingdom, acting like Kou Zhun in front of you, right?"

Yang Qi glared at Peng Pai angrily, and said, "You are the only one who is smart."

The problem of food was left to Nanguo to solve. I believe that given Nanguo's prestige among merchants and Nanguo's grain reserves, there shouldn't be any problems.

Yang Qi pondered for a moment, then said: "After finishing this matter, you can send someone to find a way to bring Kou Zhun's family over."

"My subordinate understands."

When Kou Zhun and Yang Qi were chatting just now, they talked about family members, although it was a bit joking.

But Yang Qi could tell that Kou Zhen was really homesick.

Otherwise, the family members would not be mentioned.

Yang Qi also understood Kou Zhun's thoughts. Although Kou Zhun is talented and capable, he is still just a young man under 22 years old.

It's been almost three years since I left home, and it's normal to be homesick.

As a representative of Yang Qi's subordinates, Yang Qi must find a way to solve Kou Zhun's worries.

Two things were ordered to Peng Pai.

With Peng Pai's handling ability, there should be no mistakes.

Let Peng Pai go to work.

Yang Qi sent someone to deliver a letter to Cao Lin, asking Cao Lin to take out all the grain she had stored in Daizhou Distillery and give it to Kou Zhun.

Cao Lin has always been a person who takes care of the overall situation.

The reason why Kou Zhun tripped him up this time.

It was also for Yang Qi to see.

Yang Qi stuffed a beautiful woman into the mansion calmly, but didn't inform her about this woman, she was unhappy.

Yang Qi could understand Cao Lin's mood and approach.

Although Cao Lin is a traditional woman educated under the Song Dynasty's rites.

But she is very possessive.

This may have something to do with the fact that she has been favored by Cao's family since she was a child.

Yang Qi can understand that his woman is playing a little temper in front of him.

It's an act of love.

If Cao Lin didn't do anything when he stuffed women into his house that day, that would be what he was most worried about.

After Cao Lin received Yang Qi's letter, she quickly closed down the wine workshop in Daizhou City, and sent all the grain she bought to Kou Zhun.

When Kou Zhun got the food, he was almost crazy with joy.

A letter of thanks was written on the spot.

When Yang Qi got the letter, he was a little dumbfounded.

Obviously he should thank Kou Zhun, but he didn't expect Kou Zhun to thank himself in turn.

This guy is mocking himself in disguise.

After putting down Kou Zhun's letter, Yang Qi picked up another letter.

This letter was sent by Cao Lin quietly.

After Yang Qi opened the letter and read the contents of the letter, he felt mixed feelings.

"Zhao Guangyi wanted to recruit Zhe Yang's family, and even sent his mentor Shen Lun to pass the decree. This is to eat and live with me..."

Yang Qi shook his head and smiled, and after collecting the letter, entrusted Yang Da with the matter of Fuxing Pass.

He went back to Daizhou with his own guards.

The mentor Shen Lun has arrived, but Yang Qi dare not trust him.

He must personally come to Daizhou to greet him.

After Yang Qi arrived in Daizhou, he was not in a hurry to go back to the mansion.

He really didn't know how to face Cao Lin and Chuxing's second daughter, so he planned to find an inn in Daizhou City to stay with a guilty conscience.

Unexpectedly, at the gate of Daizhou City, they ran into the frame of Chu Xing and Cao Lin who had returned from a trip.

Now that it's summer, staying in the mansion all day will seem depressing, so Chuxing and Cao Lin ordered someone to drive a car and go out and have fun together.

Cao Lin saw Yang Qi's cavalry from a long distance away.

She ordered someone to stop Yang Qi's cavalry at the gate of the city.

Then he ordered the coachman to drive the carriage and arrived in front of Yang Qi.

Through the curtain of the carriage, Cao Lin's delicate voice reached Yang Qi's ears.

"Lang Jun returned home today, but he didn't know about his concubine, so he could ask his concubine to welcome her here..."

Yang Qi twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a dry smile: "You are pregnant with Liujia, you should rest at the mansion, because you are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, you don't need any greetings..."

Cao Lin, who was in the carriage, said with a smile, "Your Majesty, come in and rest in the carriage. You will inevitably suffer from heat stroke after traveling in the dusty environment and being exposed to the scorching sun."

Yang Qi waved his hand and said, "No need..."

"If you use it, how can you not use it. What do you think? Sister Chuxing?"

When it came to waking up, Cao Lin obviously accentuated her tone.

When he first woke up and saw Yang Qi again, he was obviously a little confused.

She didn't know how to face Yang Qi.

Cao Lin suddenly called out her name, and she immediately said 'ah'.

Yang Qi couldn't hold back Cao Lin, so he could only climb into the carriage in the end.

As soon as he got into the carriage, two pairs of eyes fell on him.

The eyes that had just woken up lingered on Yang Qi for a while, and after confirming that Yang Qi was not injured, he stopped looking at him and lowered his head.

Cao Lin stared at Yang Qi with a half-smile, her eyes swept back and forth between Yang Qi and Chu Xing.

Yang Qi said with a dry smile: "Lin'er, when I first woke up, I met you as soon as I returned to Daizhou. It's really fate."

Cao Lin said with a smile: "It's not a fate, ever since I knew that Lang Jun's mentor was coming to Daizhou, I knew that Lang Jun must return to Daizhou.

So the concubine has been waiting at the gate of the city with her younger sister for the past few days. "

"Cough cough cough~"

Yang Qi pretended to cough to hide the embarrassment on his face.

I saw Cao Lin beckoning to Yang Qi, and said: "Mr. Lord, the blanket in this carriage is too hard. The carriage bumps all the way, and I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. Come here and let me lean on you."

Yang Qi smiled wryly and went to Cao Lin's side.

Even Cao Lin sacrificed her child as a threat, Yang Qi could only obediently obey.

As soon as Yang Qi sat down, Cao Lin's fingers quietly pinched the soft flesh around Yang Qi's waist, and then twisted it hard.

"You are really cruel. You left your concubine body and went to Fuxingguan to work hard without even saying a word. Do you know how much my concubine is worried about you?"

Yang Qi bared his teeth in pain, and kept saying good things.

Cao Lin didn't intend to give up at all, she complained about Yang Qi, and said: "The most annoying thing is that you are so daring that you took advantage of others' danger and kidnapped Chuxing sister to the house.

This is not what a gentleman would say... When did my husband, Cao Lin, become the same as those thieves who were stealing flowers? "

Yang Qi just endured the pain, smiled dryly, and didn't say a word.

Unexpectedly, Cao Lin made more serious moves. She said quietly: "You pervert, you don't have a single explanation. You really have been plotting to wake up your sister's beauty for a long time, right?"

Yang Qi still didn't speak.

On the other hand, when I first woke up, my head was so low that it almost got into the middle of my legs.

From the gate of the city to the Yang Mansion, Yang Qi was tortured by Cao Lin.

After arriving at Yang Mansion.

Cao Lin got out of the carriage first, and after getting off the carriage, she swept away the arrogant appearance on the carriage.

Instead, there is an aura of nobility and a raised head.

Cao Lin can be domineering and domineering in front of Yang Qi, and even have the attitude of a little girl.

But in front of outsiders, she has always maintained the majesty of a noble lady.

After entering the Yang Mansion.

Cao Lin asked the maid to take Chuxing down to rest first.

Accompanied by Yang Qi, she entered the main hall of Yang's mansion and greeted Lao Yang and She Saihua.

Cao Lin had already sent someone back to report the news of Yang Qi's return.

So after Yang Qi arrived at the main hall in the mansion.

People from the Yang family in Daizhou basically gathered together.

Yang Qi saluted everyone one after another.

"The child visits his father, visits his mother, and meets his elder sister-in-law, fourth sister-in-law, and fifth sister-in-law."

Lao Yang nodded with a blunt expression, glanced at Yang Qi with a complicated expression, and then left.

It was obvious that Yang Hong's mouth was open. He had already told Lao Yang everything he knew about Yang Qi.

The complexity in Lao Yang's heart now is comparable to a mess of threads.

He really didn't know how to face his son.

She Saihua understands the situation in Lao Yang's heart.

She also comforted Lao Yang, but Lao Yang still couldn't pass the test in his heart.

In front of many things, Lao Yang is stubborn, unless he has figured it out by himself, otherwise no one can persuade him.

Lao Yang left.

She Saihua shook her head and sighed, then smiled and said to Yang Qi: "After going out for a few months, I have lost weight, darkened, and grown taller. Come to Mother."

(End of this chapter)

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